Don't know if it was talked about when it came out but has anyone around here checked out "A Silent Voice"?
Really liked it. Hit home pretty hard and I got a little chocked up.
Don't know if it was talked about when it came out but has anyone around here checked out "A Silent Voice"?
Really liked it. Hit home pretty hard and I got a little chocked up.
When will the raw coming out on the internet? I want to watch it in theater too but I'm not in the UK.
BDs next month.
Just came out in Australia for only a week. There were about 5 people in the cinema. Real good time. We hung out afterwards.
I love the manga, can't wait for movie to get to shelves. That story plus Kyoani simply can't be bad.
Btw, I assume you've seen it, how's her voice handled?
Only 5 people? Jesus.
I thought it was pretty good. I didn't know what to expect what a deaf Japanese girl would sound like but it was pretty convincing. The moments where she cried were gut wrenching. They made great use of the few moments she actually speaks. The impact was huge.
It's a shame but I imagine capital cities would get a much bigger turn out. We were a minor metro area.
Just got home from seeing it. It was fucking beautiful! Gonna try and see it again before it goes.
My cinema was somewhat full. Everyone was clapping at the end. It was such a feel good night.
(From Australia)
It's sad that Your Name got camrips like 5 days after it first aired but this didn't I'm actually more interested in this.
Sup fellow aussie. I came home drained. I'm still thinking about it now.
I have no idea where to watch it but I've been meaning to do it for months now
I saw it back in November and loved it. Preferred it to Your Name myself.
I was laughing and crying when he mistook her saying she loves him for she loves the moon.
I was gripping my seat on that balcony scene after the fireworks.
don't get me started on that, mate! I was about to scream!
There's already like 200 tickets sold for both evening sessions in Sydney this weekend
Day time and late night are pretty empty in comparison though
Just saw it in Melbourne tonight. Great film, lots of emotional moments that had my eyes glued on the screen. Definitely worth watching on the big screen
Sydney here. Just watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Definitely worth wacthing in a cinema or if you have a home theatre with good bass and quality surround sound when the blue rays come out cause they really put their all in the audio. You could really feel the music. Literally.
The visuals were nice and bright adding that juxtaposition to the deep and dark themes that were scattered throughout the movie.
What I'm trying to say is, I thoroughly enjoyed the shit out of this and will rewatch it.
nuke australia
Is this just not getting released in the US? Did it already come out in North America and I just missed it because nothing good is allowed to exist in Wisconsin? Did they have to rotate the movie 180 degrees for Aussie theaters? I have so many questions.
Melbourne here too.
I had read the one-shot a while ago and really thought that the characters were insufferable.
Well despite that I really enjoyed the movie and they weren't as bad as I remembered.
The soundtrack and voice acting really adds to it I guess. I wish the trailers didn't spoil so many key scenes.
I'm looking forward to Violet Evergarden even more now. Kyoani never disappoints me.
You guys seem to be getting everything late for some reason. When got a long run of Your Name last year and you seem to just be getting that now.
I hope VEG is Koe no Katachi-tier since they've been holding out on it just like they did with KnK.
I'm fairly certain that by reading the manga before watching the film can really affect the overall experience.
The pacing comparitive to the manga is much faster due to the time constraints of a movie but they did the things only an animation could do really well to make it a seperate yet similar worthwhile experience
I'm gonna be seeing it Monday evening after work. Haven't gotten around to reading the manga yet though.
Thanks for making me check, Your Name is actually at a theater only 30 minutes away from me tonight.
It's cute. In a retarded way.
Honestly, would not understand if there were not subtitles and I'm pretty confident in my Japanese. "moon"
Thoughts on this compared to Your Name?
Personally I found it to be better in regards to story, symbolism and meaning.
dude we have had tons of threads about this film and its manga, also we refer usually to it as koe no katachi, its japanese name
hope this is not a bait because I will feel stupid
Surprised it is airing in Newcastle. I won't go and see it though because the manga is trash.
Definitely enjoyed it a lot more than Kimi no Na wa.
I had greater expectations for that, though in the end I don't find it as emotionally impacting as Koe no Katachi.
Eat shit americucks.
I don't know why they won't show before the bd release.
So would you recommend reading the manga before watching this?
>Everyone was clapping at the end
Are you sure you're in Australia?