4Cuck has become so horrible as of late, let's get a Nigger hate thread going.
Other urls found in this thread:
It doesn't matter if you're racist or not
Blacks will always be able to present you as one and their toxic effect on society will drag you down to the shit-level they are at.
> Never Wrestle A Pig
> You bot get dirty and the pig likes it
at all costs
Engaging with a class of people who have no self-respect, honor, dignity, pride, intelligence or history of accomplishment only burdens you with their filth.
Two separate incidents this week, both played out the same.
> DinDu does what he does best (criminal activity)
> gets checked by a power-level white man
> gets beat and cries on social media
> painted as a martyr of St. Trayvon
> media picks up on it and goes after the arbiter of justice, the white man
> Outrage against "racisms" ensues
> black people engage in racisms
I'm not going to suggest blacks are animals or a different species, but I will contend that 98% of blacks world-wide exhibit pathological dysfunctional thinking errors.
> Its true no matter where you go
So long as you know this about them, you can predict EXACTLY how they will interpret a situation and how they will respond. It isn't anything like that which people that contribute and participate in a CIVILIZATION.
Let's do it. Join my other thread also:
>How to be nice with black women
the cliff notes - bet me and lose.
This is how ALL black people think
Criminologists spend decades profiling what leads people towards a life of crime. Takes into account multitudes of offender data. Distills all criminal behavior linked towards a pathology of processing the world around them.
> 10 "Criminal" Thinking Errors
> VICTIMSTANCE - always views self as victim, blames others
> POWER THRUST - compulsively needs to be in control of every situation, uses maniuplation and deceit. Refuses to be dependent unless he can take advantage of the situation
> LACK OF EFFORT - unwilling to do anything they find boring or disagreeable
> LACK OF OWNERSHIP - no concept of ownership/rights of others. Perceives all things as something to possess. Views sex as just power / control (muh dick)
> DISTORTED SELF IMAGE - focuses only on their positive attributes / refuses to acknowledge own destructive behavior. Builds themselves up at the expense of others
> UNIQUENESS - Views themselves as different and better than others. Expects of others that which he fails to meet. Quits at the first sign of failure.
> IRRATIONAL FEAR - profound fear of put down. When held accountable for experiences feels worthless. Fear based solely on emotions.
> CLOSED MINDEDNESS - not receptive / will not be self-critical / will not participate in any disclosure
> CPT - does not use past as learning tool. Expects others to act immediately on their demands. Decisions based on assumptions, not fact.
> ZERO SHAME - Responsible living is seen as boring and unsatisfying. Has no sense of obligation to others. Will respond only if it nets an immediate payoff
Gee, do these overwhelmingly represent a certain "cultyah" among us?
Letting a nigger babysit for you counts as late-term abortion.
they are incapable of disassociating figurative and literal definitions.
ALL white adult men ARE white supremacist racists
The New England Patriots played in the Super Bowl against a chocolate city team, Atlanta, last year. Because New England is predominantly white and the leader of the team is a pretty white man, they OBVIOUSLY must be a manifestation of white supremacy advocating the rise of the Aryan nation
I was say it's legal murder desu
Jigga, jigga, jigga can't you seeee.
Your jungle ways just mystify meee.
Stay tuned for more Stormfronter raps, yooo!
Bump for nig hate
Holy shit that fucking guy one hit both of them. Fucking left hook from space and then followed up with a right hook on his buddy. That's fucking unreal. How do you throw a punch like that?
Remember, Niggers and Leftists don't like facts, so just drop red-pills when they come shilling.
Say N̶O̶ YES to Racism
Don't. Noone is cringing at the rap music, its totally you thats the problem
This is let go in metro Detroit.
>tfw tried a nigger hate thread and the only result were shareblue and tumblr tards defending the assault of a white person and defending the nigger
>when some of these points apply to you
fuck,thanks for the graph,having all of it covered there is a small redpill
The time has come to quit talking, and start taking action.
NIGGER hurts a white, time to hurt 10 niggers.
Nigger kills a white, time to kill 20 niggers.
>inb4 hahaha nazbol defending a trap love XD I ain't a shill
It's still a white person getting attacked by a nigger
Imagine the smell afterwards
In other words, nigs gonna nig
Who fucking cares. Faggots like that need their head kicked in.
Well, when we left Sup Forums we went to create actual groups to fight White Genocide, and save our Nations... but frankly the red-pills were lost with us, but I have a lot of them here.
Lefties fear the truth, it's literally all you need to win Sup Forums back.
I used to work as a paramedic and an electrocuted body smells like piss and shit
Found the tumblr tard
Also burned meat
burn the coal, pay the toll
also, checked
I don't fucking care if a faggot trap gets a boot party on the street. If anything maybe it will redpill them or something. Pick your battles.
>file name
She is obviously an space engineer
>defending a nigger attacking a white person
>1,000 shekels were deposited to your account
49,000 fucking views? Fucking JewTube, every goddamn time.
that doesnt make any sense. that girl was like 100lbs.
I dont fucking care about faggots or niggers retard gas yourself
Fried chicken
smells like pork or cow?
Request the wedding reception crazy African butt blaster jiggaboo dance webm. I can't seem to find for some reason and BIL may be proposing to a boonette. Urgent.
There used to be a video on Sheketube where a 6yo White kid was calling this Nigger and Nigger, it was hilarious, almost had 1 million views, but was taken down.
Yeah, yeah, dats rite wite boi... we let you dominate us because we be dominated YOU!
>can't in to nigger logic
They need to be subjugated. I should have a fucking negro slave serving me tea precisely 15 minutes after I've woken up and am walking out of the shower.
T. jamal from shareblue
A mix of cow and chicken for the one that I saw mind you most of his skin was burned off
It was a tranny you fucking retard. Not a white person.
>Race-mixing is healthy and creates beautiful chil-
bloody stealing niggers
fucking hilarious holy shit
absolutely subhuman.
not going to lie i keked though
>what is race
>we should defend faggots rather than whites who actually matter
Lefties deserve to be bullied out of leftism and into the gym/library.
johnny rebel tunes always go good with a nigger hate thread.
what's the story behind this?
come on Sup Forums you don't hate all black people right?
South Africa is a fucking hellhole, and so will the entire planet Earth if we allow niggers to migrate everywhere.
Shouldn't this include Source, retard user?