Anyone want to start a traps thread
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>This is Oda Nobunaga's brother
are you that new?
Why are girls so much cuter when they have cute effeminate dicks instead of ugly charred axe wounds and chest tumors?
I want to dominate trap
then i'd advise you to lurk more because there a legit 10 thread per day about that
ok thnx
What sort of reply method is this?
Tanya's a Girl!
reminder that traps are gay
user sorry to tell you but there's a 99% chance that you might be gay
Sorry dude, but you are gay.
Different user here but I'm just gonna interject that futa is gayer then traps tbqh.
>one pair of boobs, one vagina and one penis is gayer than no boobs, no vagina and one penis
nice delusion
Trap: feminizing something masculine
Futa: putting a masculine trait on something feminine
The emphasis on each is what indicates my belief.
both are equally gay because the biggest point is that both have a dick
a trap without a dick is just a regular girl and a futa without a dick is also just a regular girl
The attraction to a futa is because she HAS a penis/balls. The attraction to a trap is usually because you are already ASSUMING they are a female.
>predicted Twin Angel would be the AOTS
>this happens
I love being right.
Man I should learn to read moon runes
Astolfo's feet!
Patrician fetish my Abyssinian friend
you forgot that both have feminine dick so it is not gay
if iam gay for liking futa then so be it still would not take it in the butt though i just like them banging shota and other girl
those aren't traps those are futas
If you can't recognize the artist, then you clearly don't understand those are newhalfs/shemales. Which by definition makes them traps.
It's shemale, retard.
I have read multiple academic papers that concluded that novelty seeking behavior has a very strong correlation with intelligence.
Now, I would argue the juxtaposition of of masculine and feminine traits, and how they both complement and contradict one another, featured in "trap" imagery represent one of the highest forms of novelty achievable in society.
Keeping these things In mind we can conclude and traps truely are the thinking man's fetish.
Like I'd trust academics with shit like that.
Whoo look who knows so much, it just so happens that Traps are mostly gay. There's a biig difference between mostly gay and all gay
Now mostly gay is slightly straight.
Keep telling yourself that, denial-kun.
Traps are 150% gay, but is it gay if she has the soul of a man?
Gender bent is gay.
that makes it even gayer
Traps are gay but being gay is great. You get to fuck really cute boy butts.
But that's a sin.
Just search for "shemale" in sadpanda,man
Trap and shemale is like loli and milf
Except with cocks?
That's gay.
Not if they look like girls.
Exactly. God has been hiding this pleasure from it, deny God and take that boy butt for your own.
We have a yaoi board you faggots
Just because you don't like a particular anime archetype doesn't make it unrelated.
>anime archetype
This is a fucking fetish. This, along with all other psuedo /y/ /e/ threads should fuck off
>Wow that's a lewd-
Wait what
yeah, something tells me that's not a trap
>doesn't like dicks
>he's gay
Its not too late to repent your sins for sodomy and return to the path of heterosexuality.
Traps with smol dick>>>>>>>>>traps with big dick
user,you can like both things at the same time.
No need to choose a side if there are none.
>dat xray
catend confirmed.
But scars and pecs are cute!
I like you
S-Stop getting me hard at work Sup Forums
Don't they always tell you to work hard?
Stop being gay.
Resistance is futile.
>harem where cute trap wins
Never ever
A-Artist pls