Why do skinheads dress as degenerates? How do we get them to grow their hair back and put on a suit and tie for once?
Why do skinheads dress as degenerates?
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Skinheads are based on the british working class. The british working class never wore suit and ties. They were told to shave their hair, so it wouldn't get caught in the machinery or look unkept.
Only the upperclass and italian people wear suits and ties.
>taking pride in being working class
what a pleb
Because they rose up from counter culture like kind of punk.
You don't. Skinheads are the niggers of white people. Just be glad there aren't more of them.
>Why do skinheads dress as degenerates?
Because they are. Just unemployed hooligans filled with teenage angst.I'm not judging though, I was young once too.
A major redpill is hiding your power level. You can effect more positive change if you remove the speed bumps that will have you blacklisted for your beliefs like being a skinhead does.
I'm not saying to cower to niggers, just that you can take on issues using logic and reason.
stop thinking of hollywood skin heads
>Why didn't I get the job? Why'd y'all hire that porch monkey instead?
>"Sir, you have you swastika shaved into your head..."
>You damn Jews are tryin' to keep me down!
Skinhead logic.
I hate the Jews too, but for fuck's sake, those people need to learn to have a little tact.
They look like trash they're trash.
Its not kinda like punk, they are literally a sub genre of Punk, specifically Oi and Hardcore.
>How do we get them to grow their hair back and put on a suit and tie for once?
>t over socialized urban soyboy
i miss the skinhead gangs of my youth. they were rightly feared. now all the young white men dress like niggers or poofters
>Why do skinheads dress as degenerates?
It is based on the original working class attire. Retard.
This, they listened to hardcore punk and attended the shows, began to dress like their peers. It's not really much of a culture anymore, atleast where I live, which used to be the biggest hardcore punk city in america if you ask me
They dress like factory workers you idiot.
like this?
Nazi Punk thread?
>being proud in actually creating something and being part of why world is still going
Except they PRE-DATE punk
Nazi punk oi thread it is
This song w/ the video makes me kek
good song
This is my new favorite thread, I'm about to crack one open
You guys ever play in any bands?
Suits and ties are for faggots that service people for a living. I agree about growing out your hair. If you have hair, flaunt it.
Be proud of your white hair you skinhead faggots.
Had to go download that album. Thanks.
Knew some in the 90's but was never in any.
I need subtitles.
I like the sound though.
They are white niggers#
I like the sound though
Like this.
Damn I love blindly swallowing Hollywood narratives about past generations of counter-Semitic white identitarians now
niggers are the breeding class.
>midtown bootboys
this isn't true tho. just look at american history X and how well spoken Derek was.
i dont speak german
Being a neo-Nazi in the 21st century has absolutely nothing to do with National Socialism. Skinheads are just controlled opposition and do whatever their kike masters tell then to do
If the SS saw these degenerates walking around Berlin they would be lined up against a wall and shot
Controlled opposition. They're easily influenced youth manipulated by psyops to discredit far right movements.
Jesus Christ your memes are old. At least remove the years.
i liked the bald headed thingy at first but tbqh it just looks stupid, they all look the same
I like Nordfronts style, compare them with american "skinheads" lmao
Only niggers shave their hair, because it's nappy and greasy and dirty. Any white person who shaves his head, other than because he is balding, is a nigger.
How about you remove yourself from Sup Forums and take your soyboy ass over to Reddit
Thread needs less pontificating and more rock.
Most people who would self identify as nazis are cringey unless theyre German, even on this board unless theyre clownfagging. Part of whats good about some of the stupid shit we believe on this board that likely isnt true, like Danzig Massacres, might not have really happened, but because we believe this we can wear it like a uniform to help identify eachother. So in this sense calling ourselves nazis could be a good thing, but if you actually want to romantacize Nazis that much its kinda weird. The rock against communism scene was fun, yeah we drank all the time, but you had the same sense of us against the world you get from that this board will sometimes give you. They werent controlled Op, the jew wont even allow theyre music on any platforms. No label would put it out, you had to trade tapes.
Your posts are annoying as fuck, youre probably a faggot. Thats coming from someone with hair
Because everyone needs to feel cool and this makes them feel edgy. It's the exact same thing the left does when they dress up like gutter punks.
Mutts cannot be skinheads.
You go back to 2004 you boomer faggot and have Doc send me a letter from the 1800's to let me know everything went OK.
You're not fooling anyone Shlomo
What the fuck do I care nigger?
Stop hiding your flag mutty.
What is this the 80s? Where are you from?
Also, Nazis are government-dependent niggers.
Try again Mr.Reddit
only in marxist america
All of the white nationalists and neo nazi today seem t be into white nationalist rap and other bullshit that is a contradiction. Oi, punk was white music and white anger.
The skinhead nazis of the 80's and 90's paved the way for all of you racist, jew hatering fuckers on here and you do not give then credit. If it was not for them you woud know exist today.
Also the skinhead look is very clean cut and sharp. SKinheads look a lot more clean cut and masculine than a lot of punks. Less dirty.
Also, isn't being a racist supposdly against the grain? it only makes sense skinheads did what they did.
Also, the whole neo nazi crap did come from punk when Sid Vicious wore swastika shirts just to troll people. Some punks and skins took it seriously and we have whatw e have today. I am sorry but country music and KKK fags did not really have a good effect as neo nazi skinheads and white power movement.
Also you are all stormfags and retards for being racist nazis anyway. But at least the music was better than "white nationalist hip hop" fags. An white nationalist hipster shoegazing fag music you like. Also, alt right faggot fash cuts look gay. Skinheads had a better look.
It's OK brother, sometimes you just have to put your ego aside and concede to the power of Kek.
I don't disagree, but was it purely marketing? Why not be proud of your hair? Skinheads kiked the White man by circumcising the head. You probably don't even know it.
of course i did. I'm Keking in realtime mofo.
>You don't. Skinheads are the niggers of white people. Just be glad there aren't more of them.
Nope, its just working class, like nazis, commies, social-democratic, socialits, anarchists ect.
Remove anarchists from your list. The rest of them are government-worshiping faggots.
Dont post 2 things, post 1 and combine them faggot, you can reply to more than one thing. And type more than one sentence. You posted the same thing twice, just because it doesnt show up right away doesnt mean it didnt post, that just shows youre new.
Also youre an annoying faggot, and you download pepes from here not elsewhere, or make them yourself, it's an unspoken rule. Youre very obviously new here and likely a child aswell, please lurk for a while before you post. And anarchists are faggots, its a nonsense ideology. Go back to watching Ecelebs talk about politics, Sargon tell you about this place?
also "mofo" is one of the most degenerate thing ive ever heard
Just because you say nigger boomer and faggot doesnt make you blend in
Yeah have them put on a suit for their job in a factory and long hair that can be burned or caught in machinery
I work in a shop and I wear jeans, suspenders, and shaved my head just for the utility of it.
Litterally kill yourself
is that the le kekistan flag?
And listened to reggae
Reddit pls go
Daddy issues for men.
>shaving blonde hair
>inking their white skin
>behaving like niggers
if it looks like a nigger, hollers like a nigger, and commits crimes like a nigger then it's as much a nigger as any damn coon I've ever seen.
Fuck (((skinheads))), White supremacists should be dignified and classy.
They are
WN 1.0 shouldn't be disrespected
They were awake before us and had more of the world against them