virgin family vs chad model
Virgin family vs chad model
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>this is a model in UK
This desu. Also ukip, fn, vlaams belang and trump are just another brand of cuckservative niggers.
this is your brain on individualism
do they get to bang her too?
lol how the fuck is that a model
I mean, even by britbong standards
god damn britbongs are ugly
ok. what did his wife look like?
More bad choices from Albion
>tfw no big titty borg babe to cum inside daily
why live?
>Sleazy politician makes sleazy life choice
holy shit how could this happen
This is now a bong model thread
>Schoolboy bullied for his big ears has last laugh: Glamorous transsexual Tiffany-Rose is now a model
>Niall Davies started living as Tiffany-Rose at age 17
>Has dated many straight men who mistake her for female
>She is now 22 and taking hormones to grow breasts
>Glamour model Josie Cunningham’s ex-lover DENIES being the father of her fourth child in astonishing courtroom outburst as he is sentenced for smashing lights in her garden
>Sakewell Nicholson admitted causing criminal damage to Cunningham's home
>Nicholson visited to see her baby but got angry after he was refused entry
>He described ex-Cunningham as 'scum' and the 'biggest mistake of my life'
>Nicholson, 26, claimed glamour model would not take part in a paternity test
holy shit, so glad my ancestors got paid to leave
you realize that guy is a kike, and the british royals are kikes, and the upper british crest is flooded with crypto kikes, right?
or, no. youre dumb shit dogs who cant think for yourselves, and only get led where youre told.
like how you cant see the german afd party is run by kikes..
or how 1776 was a freemason british deception, and the british actually won.
poor fucking normie scum.
meat has turned your brains to shit.
>glamour model
pic not related I guess
>everyones a kike
Get off Sup Forums for a hot minute you turboautist. Jesus christ, youre probably accusing your own shadow of being jewish
She is fucking hideous. Ugly nose, ugly, shitty, small AND obviously fake tits...nasty
I've got bad news for you. They didn't get paid to leave.
>penal colony
Tfw girls like her don't match me on Tinder, but date guys like him instead. Explain this, lookism phaggots.
Tinder is for sex, not relationships
>girls like her don't match me on Tinder, but date guys like him instead
It's simple really. He leads a Conservative political party in the U.K whereas you're a living joke with a meme flag on a anime based website.
The british government gave grants to people to move to australia
I'll have you know I have a better face than him tho.
How's your bank account?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I thought that was his wife desu.
Either way you look at this it's lose-lose.
>send criminals away
>pay inbreds to leave
damn the british """"women"""" in this threat are hideous. ill attempt to balance that a little bit