What does this mean Sup Forums?
What does this mean Sup Forums?
It means you're from tumblr.
"do you like feet user?"
"ill allow you to lick them if you beg"
I'd prefer such words coming out of Ram's mouth in all honesty.
A bad fetish
She either wants you to kiss her feet or rub you dick with it.
Yeah Ram seems to be the more likely of the two who'd want you to kneel down and lick her feet.
>OP creates a shit-tier fetish thread from Tumblr
It means you're a faggot.
Bethy > all other characters
Clean them feet properly soldier.
That this thread will get deleted but all the other butt/boobs threads will be allowed to live because mods are fags.
They can't do this!
>mods have based fetishes such as feet
Truly a great time to be alive
Pantyhose feet are nice, but just feet is a shit tier fetish.
What are those? Feet for ants?
I agree
Didn't know the max size of images you could post so I went with a smaller one.
Would any of you buy this?
I would unironically
Foot fetish is truly god-tier.
Yes, but these days you can only find it on YAJ every now and then for ridiculously expensive prices, not to mention previously bathed in some japanese guy's semen.
I only like feet stuff if the girl is naked as well
It means you have the worst fetish second only to scat and blood.
I have a massive foot fetish, but that's a bit cringey.
Why don't they make more pads in this style for other characters of other shows? It would make a good alternative for DFC chars.
>blood fetish
Is that a thing?
Don't you mean guro?
I've seen some fucked up shit, but I don't remember anyone getting turned on by blood. The act of killing/hurting yes, but not specifically blood.
>second toe overlapping first and third toes
It means her shoes are too narrow.
>finger toes
delet this
Nah, armpit is an even worse fetish than feet.
But user, lots of people have hemophilia.
>tfw there will never be a harem about a guy who gets foot-bullied by a bunch of girls
Why does anime never just go full fetish?
I kinda like both
Rem's feet must be so soft
That's an interesting way of spelling ass.
>that harem show
>I kinda like both
You are awesome, friend.
>Hmm, what was that, user? You want to eat off of what now?
it means she is disgusted the fact that you like this shit, but she'll do it anyways
Feet is a patrician fetish, I'm not into sm femdom or sniffing like many people atttracted to this usually are though
Beako feet.
where is this from please
The main character of Nourin has a foot fetish which ensues in a few scenes.
Infinite Loop: Kojjou ga Miseta Yume
An obscure PSP VN game by NIS that is JP only.
so it's not hentai?
It's a retail release on a commercial console, what the fuck do you think?
sad commercial consoles don't release giant futa cock fucking toddler VN
WHy is there such an anti-porn view anyway? I mean consoles sell games where you kill civilians all the time and gun-down hundreds of men every campaign and nobody cares but once you start having cameltoes or nipples you'll get censored or banned at once.
I wish I knew.
it's a one world government conspiracy
Those are legs you dip
Remilia wants you to smell her foot. What do you do?
Send her back to /jp/
Ask for Patchouli's instead.
Just a reminder that feet fetish is shit tier fetish.
The more you spam this autism, the more amusing this thread gets.
it means you have shit taste
on girls, the fetish is fine
Lick it instead.
Not enough foot fetish for my taste but it was nice to see the MC portrayed as pretty normal and not creepy (or at least just as creepy as any MC that loves boobs).
Also the I thought it was cool that the MC's love interest was totally ok with his foot fetish, albeit clueless on how to go about it by making shoe tea
Crushing grapes for wine, user.
Anime feet and others fetishes discord
I've wanted to buy it for years but you simply cannot.
Why does Subaru have such shit taste? Clearly a Oni harem is the only real choice.
New discord link
>feet are clipped off
absolute trash
no steppy pls
further proof beako is better.
Are brown feet okay?
>this actually got made into a fig
Absolute god tier fetish
Dead link senpai
Artist: Oouso
Go look him up, my favorite artist for feet that's between cute and sexy
Only does stockings and has severe case of sameface, though.
Bata and Naturalton are better.
I mean I have all of Naturaltons stuff in my high-quality category, but I don't see any Bata, and not much of his stuff is on sadpanda.
I s-smell it.. and close my eyes to focus my senses even more...
Earth girls' feet taste the best
Are you implying his stuff is bad or you just can't find it?
>Japanese "artists"
I'm actually surprised the guy who commited this actually put the right foot on the right leg.
>"There's a heroic epic about a boy...saving the princess from the minotaurs. But in this story that hero has yet to appear."
What is this foot angel from?