Japfag here. why do you like anime?

japfag here. why do you like anime?

Cute girls

Because I'm a loser.

stupid sexy lolis engaging in compensated dating with old black men.

that's a handful.

We don't, nobody does this is all just ironic. Explains all the kemono threads doesn't it?

Those hands don't look Japanese to me...

It was aired on T.V. when I was young and impressionable

Escapism after a long day

Cute boys.

check this shit out

Fuck off

lol i forgot what board i am in. shit.

>takes a picture
>clearly morning

Escapism. Watching cute girls and traps doing cute things put me at ease.

huh its nighttime here

Yeah, I was pointing that out. I thought you took the /jp/ picture just now.

Why don't you go ask that to your fellow kin? They seem to go way more extreme.

i took the picture of the keitai after the /jp/ pic

that's why i'm asking you guys.
they are so rabid, that i'm afraid to ask.

Oh nevermind, I thought that light was sunlight.

i used my crappy webcam

I have the same note here in my room and I'm not Japanese so I don't believe you.

Variety and homo

Why? escapism, occasional good stories here and there. I suppose there are some people who like to watch teenage drama because they have strong links to an age in which they had an easier life.

Different set of values than the west provide different points of view on certain things and there was a time in which anime were just radically different, and we got to see ballsy production instead of what we have today.
I think they are suggesting to post a timestamp

i got 5000

i forgot the pic

Because I've liked animation since I was a little kid, even before I "found" anime, so to say.
I like the artistry and the technical aspect behind it.
Japan just happens to have produced, and continues to produce, traditional animation with a lot of variety.
That said I'm not in it only for the filmmaking aspect. Of course it's also just good entertainment among other things.

Post penis.

It's the only way to prove yourself.

escaping loneliness

in order to appreciate this sort of things

so would tourists
you need to post at least a part of an ID if you want to come of as legit


Write kanji.

lol can you shut the fuck up already?
here's my student identification card back when i was in junior high

why do you look like a fucking indian

>being fat

Put that onigiri down, tubbie.

I guess I just like comfy sol animation and there is not much of that in the west.

y do japanese watch anime ?

oh yeah, i forgot to mention that I am half Filipino.

brazillian kek.

God I was happy with this.

>half Filipino

How does it feel to never be accepted as a true Japanese?

nah, it's Flip kek

Who did you steal this from?

Just because the nips raped your mom doesn't mean you're a japfag

i don't really give a shit
nobody really cares if you're a halfblood

>like anime

my pencil case.

You are one ugly motherfucker

>inb4 this is SHiN
putang ina mo

i live in japan. most halfbloods live outside Japan.

I'm Filipino too but I'm a Japanese descendant. So I don't have a Japanese name but I can still live in Japan. I'm living in Japan right now but currently a NEET.

>nippon stronk genes mixed with the strongest race in the world

Art thou the antichrist?

>shitty hafu

yes, i am

Kill yourself half-eleven.

well, i'm probably more Japanese than you'll ever will.

>>>Sup Forumsrules/1
Reminder to rage and seport.


I'm good enough with living here, don't wanna be Japanese. It's so satisfying when they see gaijin sarariman for the first time.

Several reasons.

One, I dislike current topics in American culture forced onto me in my entertainment. The new Power Rangers has gays. So did Gravity Falls. Producers feel like Millennials won't support media they feel aren't in line with their beliefs, and so shove social issues down your throat to the detriment of the show's quality. Taking time away to show gays kissing or fucking on screen takes away from other things the show could be doing. You're not changing anyone's views, you're just ruining your product.

Two, Japan is also more willing to offend other cultures through ready appropriation of language or stereotypes. Youjo Senki's ED1 used badly mangled German and was basically an endorsement of gory violence. America wouldn't even dare attempt something that could be vaguely interpreted as triggering anti-semitism, and pro-Germanic anything is usually considered anti-Jew.

Three, Japan's average story quality is better. The recent trend of isekai, harem shows and battle shounen has lowered the bar, but One Piece is on par with Breaking Bad and better than Game of Thrones. Those two shows needed an unlimited budget and HBO exclusivity as an excuse to play a show that doesn't immediately cater to the lowest common denominator. Hell, if Roots aired today, it would air on HBO because average audiences are too autistic to understand it on Hallmark, and too Hitler loving to care about it on History.

Always liked animation since I was a child and to me back then anime was cartoons with a story arc.
It helps that anime panders to my tastes too.

Four, after years of listening to the Japanese language, Japanese girl voices are incredibly arousing to me. The Japanese language, with its indirect and suggestive nature, is far more erotic than the American approach. "Let's fuck, rip my pussy apart" is less enticing than "I'm going to take a shower" or some other sex euphemism.

Five, Japan has perfected the idea of cute/sexy girls. Cute faces with cute voices, suggestive speaking, feminine personality and athletic, model-like bodies are pretty much the ideal girl. Real women have a tough time competing against that even before you factor in the vanity, hedonism and materialism common to American girls.

looks mexican with slanted eyes

Post benis.

Because I'm already asian and we're supposed to love asian things? Filthy singaporean here

it's something different and the novellas are a nice change of pace

underage as fuck

You are the friend of the MC that never gets a girl and is just there to make unfunny jokes.


Dang, the Filipino really took over

nah, i'm 19. i have growth hormone deficiency

Me too

pretty much it

>speaks english
>is japanese
yea no

I'm a Flip, since when are flips the strongest race? I thought we were the banana eaters.


>hormone deficiency
>master race

Do you also rage when a movie gives screentime to a man and woman couple autist-kun?

Sup Forums joke

i grew up in the Philippines, then went to Japan when I was 11

How can I learn Japanese in two weeks?

Was a kid in the 90s/early 2000s when anime was starting to show up a lot on American kids tv. Being a pre-teen nerd when DBZ and Pokemon blew up made it kinda hard to avoid becoming an anime fan. I still watch anime because I like cartoons in general, including western stuff.

i know. really makes the "master race" shit look stupid.

>feeling proud of being a slanted eye brown pig

that's almost impossible, but you can achieve it if you study for like 12 hours a day. it's taxing, to say the least.

What did you say about Onkel Adi!

why not? i've considered myself ugly ever since i was young

Because I laugh at how retarded japanese are with their plots.

I don't even watch most films because they're the worst offenders. They all portray the same safe, well-treaded narratives stuffed with forced sexual tension and/or explosions.

For example, superhero films. The X-Men/Spiderman cartoons from the '90s are great. But most franchises can't sustain themselves past 3 films. Some heroes like Hulk get nothing but origin story reboots. That's because every film has to be filled with meaningless explosions and/or sex-romance. Something like The King's Speech, which lacked a lot of that, needed vast, insulting profanity or the idiots would have tuned out the story.

The only movies I've seen in the last 5 years were Force Awakens and The Martian. I loved the latter and was eh toward the former.

Could you speak japanese at least?

I prefer the 11-13 episode per cour format, rather than 10+ seasons of 20+ episodes that are 40 minutes each. I dont like binge watching and like to watch a couple episodes per week and talk about them on Sup Forums. Its way better than powering through a show on Netflix and hoping you might meet someone to talk about it in daily life. I also remember shows better this way.


>mudblood thread
why is this allowed

of course. that's why i can say that i'm a japfag, even if i'm an abomination of nature.


kekwut who gives a shit m8

In which region of Japan do you live?

Why is this thread still up?