So a lot of you called me retarded for the way i watch my anime. You guys are all smart people yeah? Then how do you solve the problem on pic related. Took me a couple of seconds tops.
So a lot of you called me retarded for the way i watch my anime. You guys are all smart people yeah...
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900 * 0,5 = 450
1000 - 450 = 550
You can only get this wrong if you are american.
How the fuck can it not be 550?
1000-900x0.5 = 1000-450 = 550
If you are american than the answer is 50.
If you are from the rest of the world, then its 650
You better re-do those calculations
Underrated bait post
Nah. Americans only fall for PEMDAS. They think multiplication takes presedence over division,
if you think like a retard, you'd just do the equation right to left.
wtf are you doing nigger?
Not doing your calculations right is truly villainous.
About three fiddy
if you forget the order of operations and just do right to left
Amerifart answer: 50
Euro answer: 550
Kangarooland answer: 989
Nigger answer: What is that x letter there?
900*0 = 0
1000-0.5 = 999.5
100x0.5 ∈ ℝxℝ
1000-900 = 100
100 * 0,5 = 50
How the fuck are others user getting a different result? This shit is ezpz
Is this a real thing or do you mean ℝ^2? In which case no, a scalar times a scalar is still in ℝ, provided your "x" is defined as scalar multiplication.
countries that have landed on the moon and have more than one aircraft carrier will say its 50 (which is the corrrect answer by the way)
every other country (basically the ones that don't matter) will say its 550
Math is subjective
Both 550 and 50 are correct.
>Is this a real thing
That's just the cartesian product, and ℝ^2 is merely shorthand for that, is it not?
What the fuck am I looking at.
>both answers are equally correct
Fucking Americans.
/Sup Forums
A shop.
Are the brackets part of the numerator or the denominator?
Is common core just left to right?
I've never seen it written like that, only as ℝ^2.
If he did mean the Cartesian product though, then 100x0.5 certainly is not in ℝ^2, if "x" is your standard scalar multiplication.
But then again there's enough "ironic" posts in this thread as is so I shouldn't take it too seriously.
Neither, they'd be in additional brackets in that case.
Who knows. If you're not going to use them for everything then get ready for different answers to the same problem.
>muh americans
Third world inferiority complex is strong in this thread.
The answer is 550 you fucking burgers.
If you interpret 100 and 0.5 as sets and "x" as the cartesian product, then 100x0.5=(100, 0.5) is indeed in ℝ^2. But then he should have written it as {100}x{0.5}, with both being sets with one element.
Better not to take it too seriously.
Maths is useless regardless so this thread is as pointless as those extra high school maths classes I was forced to take.
>Maths is useless
I'm sorry you have a shitty job as a shelf stacker user
>multiply everything by 2 to get rid of the 0.5
Someone has to stack those burgers for you.
>getting a math degree only for a job and not because you love maths
>wasting your yourth in college only to get a good job
You got memed so hard. I hope you're not deep in debt or something. And I hope you like that job.
You multiplied the second number by 4, and you didn't half the result.
2/10 see me after class
Its the same though.
>>wasting your yourth in college only to get a good job
Surely that's the entire point. Education is a means to an end, and that end is getting a decent job.
No, these teachers need to be taken outback and shot.
You wont trick me OP this is one of those things with the answer always ending up being my phone number right? MY personal information is PRIVATE. You cant take it from me Im on to your tricks.
>Its the same though.
What do you mean? Americans will multiply before dividing, even if the division takes presedence, just because M comes before D.
All of my teachers specifically said MD and AS are grouped and should be done whichever you find first reading from left to right, if a subtraction came before addition, subtraction is done first
Whoever taught that needs to be hanged
>Americans will multiply before dividing
>even if the division takes precedence
>just because M comes before D
They have the same precedence you retard, so that is correct.
It doesn't matter what order you do multiplication or division.
5 x 10 / 2 is the same whether it's (5 x 10) /2 or 5 x (10 /2)
multiplication comes first in standard math
so 900x0.5 = 450
to get 50 the question would have to be written like this (1000-900)x0.5. the parentheses are required as that's the only way to do the - before the multiplication.
I'm American and it's 550.
No, education's purpose is to expand your knowledge. Learning is something you do only for your own pleasure.
Yeh, people with a degree tend to get better jobs than people without one but you shouldn't be aiming for a job if you go to college. It's not like it matters anyway, I know that's how the world works and it's sad.
You can't take the cross product of two scalars, user.
>Both 550 and 50 are correct
Spotted the braindead.
>everybody wins
Fucking America, in 15 years you will have to import scientists.
>All of my teachers specifically said MD and AS are grouped and should be done whichever you find first reading from left to right
Yet you see burgers not understanding that and even arguing for multiplication having presedence.
Well it doesn't matter because the operations cancel each other out.
100+50-49 and 100-49+50 both equal 101.
Still retarded though.
It's an issue in unclearly written numerical expressions. Pic related.
how ironic
You can think 1+2 is an X
The answer is 1
Let's make it look neater first
1000 - 900(0.5) =
1000 - 450 = 550
Now let's plug this in to solve for the derivative.
Like I said, whoever taught multiplication having precedence needs to be hanged, bonus points if most people in class learned it from a previous year and this year it's being taught the right way, I am one of the few understanding it AND THEN PROCEEDS TO GETS POINTS TAKEN OFF BECAUSE I'M NOT A FUCKING RETARD WHO NEEDS A PIECE OF PAPER TO DO THESE SIMPLE PROBLEMS, I AM NOT WASTING PENCIL JUST TO WRITE THIS SHIT DOWN
It's not, retard.
It gets complicated once the equation becomes complex.
For example
10 / 5 x 10 / 2. You would get different answers depending on what you do.
Stop, please. It's embarrassing to read your bullshits.
Who the fuck writes like that. I mean I get what they mean, you don't know if it's
or 20/(5(2*2))
>in 15 years you will have to import scientists
user, The US has been importing scientists ever since WW2.
It's the only reason the US is successful in multiple fields.
The brains are baited with funds.
Do you retards seriously think the answer's 9? Because if you do you are beyond saving.
>Sup Forums-Autists & math problems
The right answer is 550 of course, if you get anything else you either made a dumb mistake or had a math teacher who should never have taught that subject.
Why would we think that you alpha retard?
Everybody's a winner is a mistake
It's the best outcome.
Everybody's opinion and vote are equally precious.
You know it's true.
Why are Americans so obsessed with this shit? No one even writes operations like that past middle school.
Not that I care, but Ruri is Colombian, mate.
Is this the dubs thread?
>the year 2*888+1/2*482 of our lord
>not understanding basic order of operations
We've been doing that for years user
Pinoys are smart enough to break their alliance with America and went with China and Russia.
Wait, how the fuck do you get 1 in this scenario?
Everyone laugh at this person.