Climate Change isnt re-


>climate change is caused by greenhouse gasses produced by burning fossil fuels which traps in too much heat
>actually no wait it also makes it colder too...
gets the noggin joggin


Whatever happened to global warming?

t. African """"intellectual"""""

In Germany we got 15 degree (59 in retard units) and rain since last march.

>Weather isn't climate, shitlord! of course it's cold in winter!
>every summer heat wave proves climate change is real!

Really activates my almonds

Germany is just making the refugees feel more welcome by making the winter less cold.

>traps in too much heat
>Which causes placed like antarctica, greenland, north pole and glaciers to melt faster
>Which then proceeds to fuck with the Gulf Stream
We found it it was much worse then just that

>Rare climate event rarely happens
>It is happening now

Yep, it must be global warming or whatever the latest jewish trick is.

people who are denying climate change are shills for the Jews, think about it what's the number one natural defense that Europe has against Muslims and blacks? The cold winter, so what would happen if you get rid of the winter? In fact wouldn't they feel more at home if Europe was at warm as their shit hole nations?

Follow the money people, anti climate change are Jewish shills.

Woah, I think I just got enlightened, I now feel like being sent to die in the Russian winter for the Führer's sake. I mean, to colonize the icy tundra where no muslims will follow.

Climate change has been real since the earth got its atmosphere. Mankind has done little to nothing to impact climate change.

So much for global warming

There will be a day when we round all you kikes up and do what has to be done.

Climate change exists. The climate has always changed. When the climate stops changing, then I'll worry.

Man man global warming, on the other hand, is a load of bullshit the communists came up with after being nearly completely defeated,

Yeah there is no way that mankind can have an impact on the environment around him. The swamp that got drained to build New York drained itself. What can a tiny little species that only numbers in the billion do?

imagine being this incapable of understanding high school level concepts

WTF I totally believe climate change is real now!

Almost as bullshit as the hole in the ozone layer am I right?

The important factor there is the 50 years that passed, you fucking idiot. Climate change is cyclical and there's fuck all that mankind can do about it short of a nuclear winter.

Were you calling it climate change a year ago, OP?

communists have literally destroyed environmentalism with their bullshit global warming
also this
communists, AGAIN, destroying the environment for "equality"

Be on the look out for acid rain. It will burn you alive.

Right Right 50 years you're right, and almost 100 years of using fossil fuels hasen't had any impact at all no sir not at all.

Inform me of the cure and I will get started

You mean the ozone hole that we banned a bunch of chemicals to get rid of, but it never left because it was natural and had always been there? Are we talking about THAT ozone hole?

>destroying the environment for "equality"
Not the Aral Sea, that was destroyed because they wanted to increase cotton production.

that's the one

Please do us a favor and kill yourself.

No I'm talking about one that we made with a bunch of chemicals.

>high school level concepts
Do you mean like temperature being almost totally dependent on the gigantic ball of fire in the sky?

I never really understood this either. They couldn't call it global warming because the entirety of the globe is not warming, just pieces of it. For example, it's cold af in the Kentucky right now. However, the ice in Antarctica is melting because it's a couple degrees higher up there.


>implying the commies destroyed the Aral Sea because, secretly, they were muh capitalist pigs


>it's cold outside

imagine thinking this in 2017.

Thanks for proving me right

But there is no giant ball of fire that's has any effect on our climate, perhaps you should go back to school.

>weather engineering isn't rea-

its 2018
and we have entered a solar minimum that will make even a zealot such as yourself question Micheal Mann's hockey stick nonsense
Warmists have even LESS of a clue

Basic thermodynamics would be a huge help.

The sun has it's own oscillations
those cycles effect the Earth

The sun is plasma not fire

I think you misspelled reeducation camp, you confused communist/natsoc memeflag thing.

i didnt realize you were just being an obtuse faggot
i hope you feel good about yourself

Those oscillations happen at regular intervals. And please don't bring up the ice age, which is caused by the precession of the Earth's axis in relation to the sun. That is something that is EXTREMELY regular.

Too many years of calling it "global warming". You can't suddenly change the name to "climate change" when the data is inconsistent and expect us to forget.

Fire is a form of plasma.

Next you will say that water and ice are the same thing

>full of bullshit
my dad used to say, "bolshevik" instead of "bullshit".
i've known why for decades now.
you insects never cease to not surprise me.

No there's not, you fucking retard. There are probably 2k psychotic kike haters, like yourself. No one else gives a shit. Life is tough enough without you, acting like some early Alzheimer's grandad coming down from the attic with a rifle but not his pants, screaming about the joooos, the damned joooooos.

You guys are so fucking weird. Get a goddamn life. Get some fucking help, Get married, have children, volunteer to help your community. That's what a goddamn good life is based on, not "Errrrr, the damned kikes stole my civilization and my pants."

>oldfag knowledge bomb
globe gets warmer
snow storms literally follow al gore to every speaking arangment
do you see why we might laugh at your "97%"? Also sage

That doesn't even remotely come close to proving you right. The temperature was much, much higher when there was a negligible population of humans doing almost nothing to their surrounding environment, burning almost no shit, farting much less, and not knowing that there was combustible dinosaur juice a half a mile underground. You are suffering from severe confirmation bias.
>Follow the money
I know many NASA contractors and scientists. They all laugh at this shit, but dare not speak against the narrative due to their entire livelihoods being dependent on gibs from the federal government. The same applies to scientists in colleges. All depend on grants. All of the money forces scientists into this 'consensus' lest they be out of a job.

tl;dr: Nigga, you dumb.

>thermodynamics would help
So does electromagnetism. Good thing both were part of my core curriculum when I was in college 15 years ago.

Not close enough
Your father was one of us
>The temperature was much, much higher when there was a negligible population of humans doing almost nothing to their surrounding environment
Because you had volcanos doing all the work, what you fail to notice is the sharp rise and how you cant find a similar one like it until you go back to the stone age.

Assuming of course that the image isen't lying

The day your generation ceases to exist is going to be an amazing time for the world

>Fire: combustion or burning, in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke.
The only thing that keeps the sun from being a "fire" is that it doesn't "require oxygen" (even though it exists inside the sun) and it doesn't get that oxygen from the air. The flames itself are still plasma, just like the sun.

This is unironically gr8 b8


Yet you can't understand how an average increase of temperature in a very large, complex system could lead to more extreme temperature fluctuations? Okay.

>Plasma (from Ancient Greek πλάσμα, meaning "moldable substance") is a state of matter in which an ionised gaseous substance becomes highly electrically conductive to the point that long-range electric and magnetic fields dominate the behavior of the matter. It is one of the four fundamental states of matter, and was first described by chemist Irving Langmuir
Plasma is superheated gas, fire is not superheated gas.

>I know many NASA contractors and scientists
hahahaha of course you do. how convenient

>sharp rise
You mean like the one that had the exact same slope 8000 years ago, and 7000 years ago, etc etc etc, most recently being just 1000 years ago? Once again, confirmation bias.
>B-but... the image is lying!
Bitch, the fucking founder Greenpeace abandoned the movement because it was taken over by the government and commies to push excuses for higher taxes through bullshit like this. All of you are a disgrace to actual environmentalism and discredit us in ways I can't begin to describe. You are worse than the people who are crying about all of the "fuel" being burned in the back of the space shuttles even though it is literally just making water. You are scientifically illiterate, memorized a few talking points and stock answers (muh gulf stream), and parrot them without actually understanding them. That isn't actually how Oceanography works. Have you ever studied it? Do you have a college oceanography text on your bookshelf? I do. You need to stop. You are ruining us. There are so many better fights to pick. How about you just relegate yourself to bitching about plastic? Better yet, how about you kill yourself so you stop shitting in a river every day? Nothing will reduce your carbon footprint more than killing yourself. You should definitely kill yourself.

Without giving away too many details, I live near a major research station and much of the senpai works there. Its actually really convenient. We used to have free public lectures on the latest concepts. It was pretty sweet. My cousin was the one who debunked the magnetic rail system as an energy efficient means of developing a single stage rocket. So yeah, super fucking convenient.

>I do
Sure you do big guy, I bet you wrote a groundbreaking thesis on how the ocean current in the Arctic cools down the planet so we don't have to worry about global warming because as long as the Arctic remains cool so will the planet.
>Founder of Greenpeace
Which one smart guy?

>There are so many better fights to pick. How about you just relegate yourself to bitching about plastic?

If people just focused on solving pollution and over-consumption problems, which nearly all people can agree on, the climate problem wouldn't even need to be discussed.

Nice argument you got there

Dammit shills you gotta put it in a way we can understand


>my cousin
totally happened

>extremely interesting video of rare weather event affecting millions of people
>rather discuss a retarded slant barely related to it

Is this a lefty site now?

I didn't major in Oceanography, dipshit. I didn't want to major in unemployment. However, I did read the whole book. A real humdinger, it was. That was when I first learned about pole shifts, natural variability in climate, etc. I took it for credits so I could get my double major in undergrad.
>Which one
Dr. Pat Moore. The President and the one who actually studied ethology.

Uh yeah, I'd show you the 'paper', but all it really was was a quick calculation showing that it would take all of the output of 4 nuclear reactors to make it happen causing NASA to quietly scrap the idea as being an absolutely retarded pipe dream.

whatever happened to the holes in the ozone layer?
That was a big thing when I was a kid

The holiday conversations in our family are probably a bit different than yours... I can't say I blame you for being a shill, though. You're entire country's economy is built on chocolate, beer, and hosting a made up super-national organization whose core talking point is 'muh climate change'. You're country should just be permamemeflagged into EU so we all just know to ignore you.

A book so good you couldn't even remember it's name am I right?
>the one who actually studied ethology
His Ph.D is in Ecology you dipshit not ethology.
Keep digging buddy
>Quick calculation
Lol like decisions like that are made by quick calculations.

>after being nearly completely defeated,
What are you talking about, they control the media and education of the West. They were never defeated lol


Speak for yourself you scientifically illiterate mutt.

You never asked me what the book was titled, you faggot. Also, it was simply titled "Oceanography", kind of like how most real scientific texts are titled. The most widely used biology text is literally just called "Biology" by Campbell. You are a dumb nigger. Stick to poli-sci.
>ethology isn't the study of everything in an ecosystem from the smallest microorganism up to the entire fucking biosphere and everything that effects it, including geology and oceanography
You don't even know what ethology is, you stupid nigger. If we could major in it, we would, but its too broad to get a formal degree in.
>decisions aren't made by quick calculations
When it simply comes down to how much energy it would take to move an object of M mass down a track to reach V velocity for L amount of lift to achieve escape velocity for horizontal take off, yeah they are. Especially when rough math, without calculating for drag, shows you would need 4 miles of track and the output of 4 nuclear reactors. When even the initial calculations for feasibility are so fucking far off point, the idea is scrapped outright. If you would like to do the math yourself I'd encourage it, but you probably can't. Come to think of it, most or "rocket science" is incredibly basic algebra/calculus. The fact that you think its some crazy mysterious science shows just how illiterate you are.

It got closed, also the ozone has nothing to do with climate change what a fucking stupid comparision

Get fucked OP


Welcome to the new normal, boys.

OP, kys.

Another example would be my neuro text, which was just called "Neuroscience" and my endocrinology text that was simply called "Behavioral Endocrinology". Only pop-science books have witty names. The most creative name of any text I encountered was "Essentials in Genetics", so yeah... You are a faggot who clearly has not had any formal training in the hard sciences.

If you put an unfiltered coal plant next to an Apple orchard, the orchard will undoubtedly suffer. The same applies to Earth. Climate change is used to take attention away from pollution which is 1000x more important than uncalculable climate change.

The real damage is being done by all of the plastic and waste being dumped into the oceans, not by cow farts or car exhaust.
muh climate changers don't explain how new taxes or increased price of utilities and food will stop that. It's obvious what the real agenda is.

>fuck with the gulf stream
What a scientific explanation. Do please tell us more about how oscillations in climate patterns is not natural, in spite of all factors showing otherwise.

And just as an aside, check out the 5 million year climate change graph on google images. This data was collected by a geologist taking ice core samples, somone has flipped the graph and reposted it to make it appear like it's increasing.

>drain a lake
>it's muh climate change!
Let's ignore how the overall climate of the region has remained the same.
Who cares about scale anyway?

Imagine believing that the climate has a stable constant average when using less than 250 years worth of data and totally ignoring the multiple ice ages this planet has had over billions of years.

Unfortunately he abandoned thread already... I was hoping he would stay a bit more and make a bit more of an ass of himself. That, or he is still looking up the definition of ethology or trying to figure out the energetic output of 4 nuclear plants over the course of a 4 mile take of run to space and it is taking him all damned day... To be expected. When I said 'simple calculation', I meant simple for a NASA engineer and not for a commie layman.

It is a stroke of genius idea to get people to stop caring about their local environments because they are tricked into thinking the "global" environment trumps the local one.

They believe that the local environment will be fine if you fund a global initiative. What they don't realize is none of the money they spend will impact their local ecosystems, yet they don't do anything to help said local ecosystems because "they are already doing so much!"

Yes, so much to line the pockets of some foreign goons. Nice job guys.

Thats completely fucked! We have been in a 5 million year net cooling trend that we haven't broken and these fucks want to play like this!? I used to think most did it out of ignorance, but there are obviously people willfully playing games.

It's always his types that come into these threads.
This topic is honestly a great way to spot the plebbit refugees. This is one of the harder pills for them to swallow because they have been taught to believe the gospel of academia at all cost.

So of course when you start talking the language of true academia via hard sciences they can do nothing but appeal to authority like sheep.
There is a reason those who enter hard sciences are cynical and keep to themselves: they are disgusted with what has become of an institution they were taught to respect.

Explain to me how trapped heat leads to lower temperature in the winter.

>greenhouse gases trap heat making it hot
>this also makes it cold
pic related


Imagine thinking this in 2018.

fuck your vague ass terms used to push agendas

no shit the climate changes

Yeah, its sad. When I talked with some neuro guys about facial recognition based on facial cues that vary by race (why all black people look alike to white people, why all white people look alike to asians, etc), I got knowingsmile.jpg. This same thing happened with climate change, welfarism as it relates to incentives and the Krespi effect in psychology (the biological basis for why welfare is doomed to fail), etc. So many of them know, but can't say.

People who don’t understand science mocking people for not understanding science. Climate change goys in a nutshell.

shush, anti science bigot cismale