Why are black people offended by everything?

Why are black people offended by everything?

Because they live in a world where worth is dictated by how sad your life is.

Because black people are niggers.

Because they know we will entertain their outrage and coddle them for it.

same way you get offended knowing i'm born into the 1% and you're a pathetic foreverpoor

What about that movie with Ben Stiller and Robert Downey Jr? Tropic Thunder? Downey had a blackface

> man black people are so easily offended

>pu..pu..please respond

Reverse the races and compare public reactions, chow.

Looks like the new year batsu game is gonna be fun.

>spending millions to buy stock in Netflix so you can get the Board of Directors to agree to doing a show promoting racemixing

Yeah that's definitely something every nigger on the streets can do. Haha dumb white people always getting offended over nothing!

Because they have the weakest feelings of any other race on the planet. It’s easy to make black people cry, just take away their welfare check or call them a nigger.

those girls are ugly. why would i care if they getting fucked by that black guy?

>Man, black people aren't easily offended.

What did she mean by this?

Niggers can start fucking themselves with sharp sticks at any time.

>Why are black people offended by everyth--

>gook lover
opinion discarted

Why are white niggers so offended by what other people are offended by.

holy fucking shit this




Is that fucking Hamada?

>being offended is the same thing as not wanting society to be destroyed by niggers and ((them))
Thanks r*ddit


Everybody's a fucking panhandler these days.
Every time black people get "offended" by something, it just means PAY ME.

>sparks anger
not among the japs

They hate to be reminded that theyre black

>It's morally okay to promote miscegenation

also, this


if mudslimes can be offended by bacon, I can be offended by actual degeneracy

You no sink funny? Why watch Japan movie whiss black man when you can watch reel japanese man?

why are white people so obsessed with anime that they'll defend japan at literally the drop of a hat? explain

black man had an opinion and you nerds are sperging out as usual. get fucked, all of you

But this is ok?

Why do you care?

"Do as I say, not as I do."


To be honest, the guy looks like a damned idiot. Not even defending blacks or japanese, the guy who was in blackface pulls it off horribly.

>asian fetisher
Meaningless words from a meaningless person

muh historical context goyim, don't you understand that we have to hold you to a higher standard because you've proven throughout history that you're better than everyone else? it's called equality.

That's the point. It's a comedy group doing a 24 hour no laughing batsu challenge. It's supposed to look like shit to try to make each other laugh.

watch gaki no tsukai before you make a dumb comment about it, that's the point
they purposely look like idiots to each other for laughs. since japanese society is honor based, many of their comedians act like idiots as part of their sketches.

Tala Moana warrior...
Why cant you be a cool Maori?

Why are Japanese people so racist sexist and transphobic?


Who ordered a case a 40s?!

>"Honey, why is there a random black guy in our home?"

Low self esteem

There are black people and there are nibbas. know the difference.

How the fuck else is he supposed to play Eddie Murphy? Would niggers care if a nigger played Michael Jackson in his later years? They'd have to put on whiteface to pull it off.

>black man had an opinion

>sparks anger

Sparks anger from the MSM or actual people?


Blacks are giant fucking weebs and they can't deal with the fact that Japs either hate them or view them as little better than circus sideshow acts.

Being offended is all they have.

look this up on twitter
a bunch of migrants in japan promoting this story and similar socjus stuff in the recent past
marxists are slowly but surely taking a hold on nippon

It's also white people taking offense on their behalf so everyone will know how tolerant and progressive they are.

Oh man, I always like how the media still pushes "black guys are just so cool" when it hasn't been true in a long time.

Blacks are kind of pathetic when you really think about it. They are desperate for status and desperate for validation. You see this over and over again in the way they act. They want people to tell them that there's nothing wrong with how they are, that they're as good as other races, as creative or funny or whatever. You see it especially in rap music with the flaunting of wealth, Scarface fanfiction and the like. When they can't get that validation they settle for tearing down whitey; you know the deal, "lol white people can't handle spices/dance/don't act like ghetto thugs in general DEY SO CRAYZAY".

Most people do not see blacks as those to be envied or looked up to or as role models. Their characters are forced and never popular either in works of fiction. White girls are the only ones who somewhat fall for it and that's mostly due to their twenty and thirtysomething hedonism where they buy into the big dick stereotype but also want something a little dangerous and exotic that'll piss off dad and cause their friends to talk. Unless they're pure white trash when they settle down it's never with a black guy; black dudes are just living sex toys to them.

Most of them only love dragon ball and yugioh

>Why are black people offended by everything?
I don't. I guarantee I get less offended than most if not all Americans. Make another thread crying about Amerimutt memes, snownigger.

NO there aren’t. Nigger is a racial epithet not a descriptor of behavior. All blacks are niggers and all niggers are black.

Yes, niggers feel the need for representation in areas where they could never exist. Fuck niggers.

>People are angry

who fucking gives a god damn shit?

They get angry because if you paint your face black, you will take the only thing black people are good at.

I've noticed a trend in niggeronomy:
1) Be the toughest coolest guy
2) Be the ultimate victim.
You can't have both, niggers.

>this spoiler
fuck Yamasake is so outo

because negroes = cancer

>There are black people and there are nibbas. know the difference.