/SRG/ - Self Reliance General - Cozy Edition

Self-Reliance General

The final red-pill is choosing a life of self-reliance and being in charge of your domain, instead of being a good goy.

How many of you here are homesteaders, or have considered getting into any kind of self-reliant lifestyle?









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There's also a discord group for further discussion: discord gg/atJt5

This is a honeypot, your information can be found easily from discord.
you've been warned.


A bald assertion isn’t an argument. I’ve already refuted your representation based claims. Give me something else.


The fuck you on about?

I think OP meant have discussions regarding the videos and/or topics surrounding self-reliance. You expecting to get spoon fed, champ?

How many acres would a family of 4 need to survive off the land?

Working on it. Hoping to be 90% sustainable, including providing for our livestock, w/in 5 years.

You're living the dream than brother. What region are you based out of? How long did it take you to set up your circumstances and with how many people?

how many acres do you have?

another question: whats the minimum rainfall necessary if you dont want to do any complex irrigation?

Interesting topic. Even suburban improvements like 200+ gallon water storage tanks, etc.


Isn't growing shrooms like portobello much simpler than pretty much anything else?

Just getting started, infrastructure and small orchard was here when we bought. 6 people in the Pac NW.
For animals, get those that are already good at foraging/being self sufficient. We raise goats and pasture pigs, garden with Ruth Stout method.
10, sub-irrigated mostly.

yeah """self-reliance"""

buy a bunch of shit with good boy points and call it self reliance

fucking NEET get a job, a woman, and contribute something to society. help make america great again, dont just ride trump's train. pathetic!

>says the shitposter on Sup Forums.

Fuck off.




that's a nice setup.
I really want to build a safe/armory room in my house someday.

there's about $40k worth of shit in that mancave without even counting the firearms cost. I only make $85k so hoarding a bunch of shit I'll probably never neither need nor use seems pretty pointless.
Looking at that room is like evidence of someone buying everything the (((TV))) ever told them to buy.

looks like a bunch of tools and food, pretty basic stuff...



The ultimate self-reliance is high voltage high current electrical generation.

Everything else is just reliance on the man pretending to be self-sufficient. U wouldn't last a day without it


sad but true.
no such thing as self sufficient. People who claim it always cheat.
Don't get me wrong if you are prepared you chances are astronomically higher.
better find good friends.

Hers a simple/crude gassifier plan from fema. Dont need to download the plans, just use this idea as a jumping off point for your youtube/google research


damn, theres some good stuff here, thanks


Here is a proof of concept, specifically of the fema gassifier.

homesteading without the free 160 acres is silly and you should feel bad for suggesting it
>reminder that 120 acres is the minimum amount of land required to be self sufficient

Not true at all.

wow god? if you can magically speak things into existence, then can i have a pony?

Are you retarded?
OP is simply trying to start a discussion on this topic of homesteading.
You’re autistic, bro.
Annoying little faggot.
I’ll fucking kill your family.

I'd love to start a homestead on a lot that is wooded and has some maple trees. The thought of building and running a sugar shack in the middle if the woods just seems so comfy.

Too young to really put any plan of homesteading into action (just turned 19) but I'm saving and will soon be investing enough to buy some property. In college and on scholarship so no debt.

Not everybody have to be completely self reliant, just become less dependent on the big supermarkets, the government etc. You get a long way with a vegetable garden, some chickens, a wood stove and generator/solar panel/wind generator.

If a family of 4 would only eat bread. 1 acre of wheat would last over 1 year.
P.s nobody would ever only eat bread.

And thats just simple math.
Not like its worth explaining anything to a negative nancy like yourself.

youll spend more on setting all that shit up then if you just bought it at the super market. Theres a reason we pay people to do that shit for us, its cheaper and more efficent. Besides, instead of paying the grocery corp you are paying the seed inc, tool co and fertilizer corp; instead of paying electric corp you pay solar panel inc, battery corp and wire co; instead of paying gas co you are paying wood stove corp, chainsaw inc and oil co. In the end, corporations are getting more of your shekels out of you while you feel like you are sticking it to them. Sad, really.

I'd love to be a homesteader, but I just don't know how to start. Someplace for me and my fiance to start a life somewhat off the grid and keep our kids away from the shit in the world

then what do they do next year? you have to leave a field to fallow for a year, so you need 2 acres to grow food. Then you need wood for your stove, which requires 40 acres for the trees to regrow at the rate you need to cut them down, then you need acres for live stock, 4 acres per cow or 4 sheep per acres, then water, housing materials, fields to grow hay or oats for you livestock, land to hunt. 120 acres is the minimum required to be self sufficient, as was heavily studied by the government when they were pushing homesteading to settle the usa.

you want to keep your kids after from the rift raft? Work harder and send them to boarding school then prep school then ivy league or military academies. All youre going to get by moving them out to the bonnies is a pregnant 14 year old daughter and a son addicted to meth

Did you know that everytime you save a dollar, its equivalent to making 1.30$.
Everytime you create a consumable that you could have purchased, its equivalent to getting prime rate for said product.

the only thing thats paying 30% interest right now apart from bitcoin is commercial real estate and you need a multi million dollar networth to invest in it. You have no idea what you are talking about.

I want to know how to bake bread but there are no clear fucking guides on how to do it, also why is it like a 3 day process making the dough then shoving it in the fridge to make one fucking loaf?

How was this done before refrigeration?

Why is it such simple and ancient knowledge like baking bread so elusive in the modern era?

Also, the worst part cooking your own nice food is that its even more expensive than eating out. Let’s say I want to make beef fajitas, all that raw beef, vegetables, tortillas, etc is going to cost about double of what it costs to go out to eat, and whatever I make probably wont even be as good.

How the fuck can you break out of the cycle? Life is utterly miserable as a renter; I can’t modify where I live to fulfill the lifestyle I want.

ahh, the myth of the rural and suburaban retards. Yes goyim, send your children to these incredibly expensive academies their whole lives to learn basic algebra and reading

It takes about 3 hours to make bread. Water, yeast, salt, flour and sugar is all you need.

Discord is compromised. People who work for it are giving your info out. It's already happened in a bunch of alt right groups

6c flour + 2c water + 1pk yeast, mix together and knead for 5 mins, let rise for 30 mins, put in 375 degree oven for 30 mins, bread in 70 mins

ah yes goyim, stay in your small town, focus on yourself, dont go to good school and join the military or government. Let us do that, just grow your shitty half sized tomatoes and shitpost on a forum, youre helping the white race so much

so why do many recipies call for refrigerating things for 24hrs?

the ivy league is riff raff in this context tho... you seem to be pretty smart, but raising kids to be university-educated cradle-to-grave worker drones is the sort of thing that people are likely trying to avoid in this thread. Thanks for the comment of land requirements to be solely-self reliant

Most people in human history were operating on a barter system. I hardly doubt that a cattle farmer would smith his own plow, for example. You'd have to barter goods to get everything you needed. Sometimes you're gonna have to pay for some goods in order to make ends meet. Beef and wheat both require a load of land, running a chicken coop or small pig sty would probably be better, but I don't know. As for bread, look it up and trial and error.

No clue, maybe some kind of special bread without yeast or something.

you let it rise. specifically fermenting and proofing

That's a lot of PSA packing peanuts you have there, OP.

>the ivy league is riff raff in this context tho..
you should be focusing on building multigeneration wealth so that your son and his son have something to inherit and a basis for them to build upon. Trump turned a 1m loan into 8b because his father was able to cosign his loans. Pic related, instead of spending 10k on cheap land, invest it and add 1k a month and you will have 31m after 50 years.

So I really want to make brioche and been looking up videos and at 2:35 he says you can either let it proof (does this mean let the yeast make the dough rise? sorry I dont know shit) for 2 hours OR put it in the fridge over night

So what gives? I guess you can do either but I’m just confused over this shit.

Also, do thick glass pans work just as well as metal pans of the same dimensions?


fucking forget the link

Yeah, it's just making the dough rise to about twice the size. I'm guessing the overnight thing is if you want freshly baked bread in the morning or so. Not really familiar with this, but I'd guess glass pans will work.

alright, thanks nordbro

discord gg/atJt5

And a private high school education is worth it?
Ivy League educated students tend to earn more simply because people who get selected for those schools have proven themselves to driven.

And of course I'm gonna try and build wealth(reading pic-related rn), but that can be done on alongside some of the smaller scale self-reliance suggestions. What harm is there in raising a dozen chicks for eggs? It teaches children responsibility and the rewards of the fruits of labor.

furthermore, living in the country seems much more fulfilling than rows of Levittowns, and money isn't everything, health and well-being is. for some this means living a rural and self-reliant lifestyle.

prep school, not just any old private highschool and specifically ones that are feeders for ivy leagues and military academies

>What harm is there in raising a dozen chicks for eggs?
it costs more then just buying eggs, and requires not only time each day but binds you to your land. You cant even go on vacation for a week without paying someone to watch them. Youve never had animals, have you?

>It teaches children responsibility and the rewards of the fruits of labor.
plenty of better ways to do this, like getting them a job that pays money and teaching them to invest instead of blowing it at the mall.

Some public schools can also be good. I think "good school" are determined more by the types of people who attend them rather than the types of teachers they have.

I'm sorry, but this is some Boomer-tier thinking. You're value system is just different from mine, that's fine. Have a wonderful day.

*your. i am dumb

10 is the standard minimum for a homestead. If you can get 30 or 100 you are much better for rotation and firewood.
Hugelkultur beds.

seems like youre like varg and fucked up in life so you have no idea how to be successful in this modern world so you have convinced yourself that you dont want it or worse the narcissism and dunning kruger are so deep you have actually convinced yourself that you are better than investment bankers and entrepreneurs by living a life in poverty out in the woods.

boomers are only just now getting into power, youre thinking of the greatest generation who held power from the 60s to the 00s. My value system is taking a logical approach to life, you seem to have accepted you are lazy and stupid and trying to make the best out of a bad situation. Id say you were at least better then the rednecks who rack up debt but at least they contribute to the nations bottom line by paying 18% interest every year to banks, youre just making yourself a waste of space

I like this room. Looks comfy. The door I'm looking at must be a closet. What's under the green vinyl cover?

>forgets the classic advice, the bigger the knife the bigger the dummy

>no tendies
>no mountain dew
>no thomas the train
>no sonic underground
>no runscape

I don't really see any informercial stuff. Looks like useful stuff to me. Is that reloading gear? Why you hatin?

Work is actually easier.
It's weening oneself off the grid mentality that is much harder, as well as the general isolation/individualism in culture today. A group of 10-50 people is much easier than a husband and wife because you can divide up the tasks and not have to be a general repairman while also being an agricultural and tool specialist.


This was the standard for early monarchies.
Just think, we're 'free' and people have to beg for a 200 square foot apartment. if they are blessed they will figure out how to work with an acre. Salvation comes at 10 acres.

discord gg/atJt5


long horizontal thermal mass is under the floor for heating?

If you can't do it there's no shame in working your way up. Try breadmakers, then simple recipes in the oven. As you get better try the harder ones.
Look up the indian fridge, basically cloth draped over two containers with the top one filled with water and the bottom one with your preserved goods. The constant condensation keeps things cool.
Otherwise dig a hole by the brook or spring. The ground will be fridge temperature in the right place. Otherwise iceholes where possible.

Is that fucking turf?

What are they going to do, find out that I joined a board of a bunch of nerds?


That land looks expensive as fuck.

Money provides the luxury of living in a rural environment. As everywhere gets more and more crowded land costs are going to go up. Having a decent chunk of land in addition to any multi generational wealth you can muster, is the way to do it.

Well, he's right about the animals. I care for my neighbour's chickens when they leave.
Although it's not hard at all, and not at all a big deal.

You're not incorrect.
But the issue is, land matters. If you're able to save and invest, while also obtaining property, then you're in the best position.

Some hick in the backwoods with his 1/4th an acre and a cement block shelter isn't going to be in the best position, but neither is some asshole in suburbia with a family full of pussies who can't fend for themselves, and who's neighbors are literally 10 feet away.

wow what an emotional rollercoaster

>120 acres
This isn't feudal times.

I know people say you shouldn't treat your homestead like an investment that you expect a return on but you can be sure that a good piece of land in the United States is going to increase in value. God's not making any more real estate.

I'd like to do this shit if I have the damn money.

I'm well aware. But that's also true for any pet.

>120 acres
I'm not going to feed everybody within 5 miles, just myself


Fuck the value of the land. The value of the land is the fact that it's space for you and your family.

Stop being a fucking NEET.
Get a job. Save money.
It's not hard.
I work in banking, and I see people advance themselves by simply having a little self discipline.

Stop wasting money you do get. Commit to saving, and learn to invest.

Rise in value as bullets become the new currency.

monarchies didnt homestead, they had peasents do that for them, they sent their sons to boarding schools and prestigious universities and had sole heirs as to not destroy multigeneration wealth. A new aristocracy is forming, with the best capitalists this time instead of the best warriors. You need money to make money, jeff bezos will be the first trillionaire in 15 years and will have assets to rival goverments by the time he is 85.

land matter only if its an investment

lets see you build a computer and all its parts yourself then, you cant be self sufficient farther forward than the 1800s

see and

The problem is that to be truly self-sufficient you have to rotate your crops, animals, cut roads and trails, build fences, and supply good hardwood while caring for your forest and preparing for potential disaster.
'You can do this on an acre (or 10)' is a shitty meme. Buying tonnes of fertiliser and industrial supplies isn't self-sufficiency, and worse than that it destroys the soil and your local environment.
100-200 acres is natural law and why good governments guaranteed this for their people.

12% interest rate???

What planet are you on?

Also, you will be putting $1,000 a month at 74 years of age?

This is all kinds of fucked up. Disregard this chart.

Yes, but even peasants without land (serfs) had to work a lot of land for it to function. So it's still the same principle when discussing land use.
When the boomers are all dead there won't be enough retards left to sell off the future to the government. Hard to home deliver for free once the government is engaged in a 10 front civil war.

just an example reddit, wasnt meant to be a guide

what im trying to get across to these people to to be like the aristocrates, not make themselves into peasants. see youtube.com/watch?v=Dqc6xw-4Kbg he even tells you he didnt expect to be bound to his land, unable to travel, etc cause homesteading requires you to be there 24/7 to tend to your corps and livestock, you can never leave without someone staying back to watch over it. Plus look at the shack he still lives in 13 years later, this isnt an ideal life for anyone.