Hardworking Jap stabbed to death in Ireland by Muslim Migrant

>Hardworking Japanese Immigrant
>Move to Ireland
>Get stabbed to death by 18 year old Egyptian Migrant and rejected Asylum seeker
>Europe not even once


Other urls found in this thread:


>rejected assylum seeker
>Murdered a gook in Ireland


why did he move to ireland?

Presumably this 'refugee' is here as part of some EU bullshit?

The family of the Japanese man should sue Angela Merkel personally, for financial loss of future earnings.

If nothing else, it would make a statement that politicians are not beyond accountability for their actions.

Ireland is one of the richest European countries lots of tech companies have bases here.

The two Irishmen that got attacked on separate occasions managed to fight him off

He deserved it for being a soyboy

Why not? Donegal is fucking lovely.

As much as I feel bad about the Japanese guy, I take solace in the fact that the Japanese media/government won't let this shit stand at all and this will only strengthen the already diamond-hard resolve the Japs have to not let more Muslims into their country.

Yeah you guys are a real globalism success story huh? An Asian man stabbed to death by a north African man on a European island. Cosmopolitan af. You should be proud.

I amazing that a normal natural reaction is something novel now.


Degeneracy has always outweighed normality and godliness since the expulsion from Eden.

look at this mutt talking like he knows ireland

>Ireland is one of the richest European countries

You're literally Moldovan tier, pikey.

I hope you're right. I literally hope that one day they will just slaughter sandniggers, I'm not even joking. At my uni they perform the worst, are lazy, and fucking treat you like a piece of shit. I study hard at my degree and all I can think about is that one day I will have to start paying taxes so these pieces of shits can sit around all day and murder innocents while living off the welfare state.

Most of my mates said they are leaving this country after they graduate, even if they get a shit job - I'm seriously considering the same thing.

As more whites flock away from Europe as more terrorist attacks take place I hope it will make countries like Japan and China even more rebellious in terms of refugees and sandniggers. I don't even think these people are human, the ones at my uni talk about like fucking sociopathic serial killers. Don't know why but the Indians in my lectures are redpilled so maybe India can join in and finally massacre sandniggers along with Japan and China.

Anyway, my remorse and thoughts goes out to this man and his family.


t. Pajeet

We’ve got hella ties with them. Most of my pals are over there for big pharma.


also I've heard the average IQ is around 80-90, is that correct?

Europe is full of rejected asylum seekers living on the streets. They don't have the resources to round them all up and deport them.

>Rejected asylum seeker
>Still in the Europe

What the fuck is wrong with your eurocucks?


I'd like to see what nip news is saying about this story

>They don't have the resources to round them all up and deport them.
And wouldn't bother even if they did, given the vibrant diversity that they add to our multicultural societies

No sympathy, should have stayed in his own country. The US does not have a labor shortage and should deport all visa workers and illegals and should indefinitely halt all immigration except for those that are already rich. Same goes for Ireland

Is that reviewbrah or D B Cooper?

I saw it on NHK. Nothing much more than what is reported in English. I haven't checked nip reaction yet.

Not being able to protect guests is a fucking embarrassment

Nobody cares what you think, pee-stained France

Fucking kek. You're a tax haven for American corporations to host their shell companies. Nothing important actually happens there.

>implying they want to deport them in the first place
This is part of the plan.

thank god it was a jap, if it was native , it may not have been reported... seriously, two irish men were also injured. they are footnotes to the fallen samurai.

Only ethnic deaths matter. Remember how they reported the nice truck attack? The hijabis were the REAL victims. No mention of the little kid with her doll.

some SF cuck probably invited him

The guy appealed. You can actually stay in the country while the appeal is ongoing for some reason.

Good luck fighting off being stabbed in the back while going to work.

It's being covered, with a focus on the fact the perp was an Egyptian. Some opinion pieces are pointing out "See what's wrong with the EU? No border controls!".

His name was Yousuke Sasaki, but he hasn't been tied to his family. I envision tearful interviews once he is.

Nobody was asking the pesophile english teacher



I was reading a thread on 2ch that was making the claim that Yousuke was there because he had a startup company and Ireland was a tax haven and that his death could've been faked so that he could get out of some shifty shit he did with the company.

I was using google translate so I didn't read it all and it was broken, but it sounded interesting.

I also saw some jap news articles about this that were trying out the "terrorism" angle.

>I was reading a thread on 2ch

They make up more stuff than Sup Forums does.

This alone is the best argument for a hard border in Ireland.

Ireland must not be allowed to be a jumping-off point for EU Muslims to invade the United Kingdom.

How the fuck do you think the cunt got to Ireland?

Swam from Africa or something?

He came to Ireland from the Uk

damn dude came all the way here to london and gets fucked up in ireland, honestly wouldnt have guessed

WTF this is the plot of that movie with jackie chan and pierce brosnan


To be fair, we are in no position to talk
> wasn't local
The irony is painful.

haha, nope

Gross. All the good Irish left for North America a Oz it would seem. When the strong depart, socialists are left to tear a nation apart.

that's why you don't walk to work whilst having ear buds in BOTH ears listening to shitty, saccarhine J-Pop music.

Enka-master race can fend off arab attacks


how do we know that? was he busy working hard when he was stabbed or something

Or you could, you know, live in a place where that rarely happens. Crazy.

Stabbed on the way to work.

>*Breathes in deeply* AAHAHAHAHA

asian on asian crime nothing to see here

That's funny, Muslim immigrants aren't known for violence. Liberals will defend this to their death.

In 1922 you fuckers were using Protestants for target practice. What's your excuse in 2018 for allowing animals like this to live in Ireland?

By 2040 you won't have a blessed Irish Republic any more. And you won't deserve one---not that you ever did.

Don't forget the Protestants driven out in 1922. The ones responsible for any civilization Ireland had.

the shitskins need their gibs

well as long as they get us brits out aye, who cares who comes in?

then why did the baka-yaro move to ireland

>beat up fellow brown person
>15 years for each

Meanwhile in the North, rape gangs doing what everyone knows they're doing without much repercussion

They were communists then, and communists today
the communist agenda today seeks the importing of racially alien groups to destroy any sort of ethnic or cultural identity

And our rulers are all mentally ill beta males controlled by foreigners.

there are still about 2 billion gooks around anyway
>their spirit still lives on

>15 years
this is a fucking meme, your right wing papers are writing their combined "punishments" that includes jail time and a fucking suspension

>Masoom Rahman, 22, (pictured outside an earlier court hearing) escaped with an 18-month sentence suspended for two years and was ordered to do 200 hours of unpaid work and pay £1,000 compensation


As bad as the fucking Palis. They always hated Protestants (and Jews) a lot more than they love their own children (what Roman priests do to little boys isn't love).

>Best description of the Canadian establishment I have ever read in my entire life.

was he going really really hard on his way to work or how do we know he wasn't just you know, an average person making his living?

Jumped the border from UK to Norn Iron then Republic of Ireland. UK needs to control itself we know BREXIT is hard but really no need, bad form tbhfam.

to increase the average iq

Literally the fastest growing economy in the EU for the past 5 years in a row.

well neither NI or the Republic want a return of a hard border in fear of a return to the troubles so i doubt there will ever be one.

>right wing
>mail online
kill yourself

He also got bust by some mob and had to be brought back into the courthouse and transported out a side door into a different van, Shame the mob didn't kill him, he'll probably get to stay here now thanks to West Brit cuckolds.

he was stab after work when going to post office to pick up a package
worked in a call center for a pen company called National Pen, due to time difference he worked night shift to handle phone calls from customers in Japan who need to make urgent international calls to Ireland for pen-related issues

now he is gone, who will handle pen is problem now

This is what happens when Japanese society allows Muslims in Ireland.

British treachery has gone too far


Ireland would have been better off with a communist government. At least communists would have had the sense to shoot the Roman priesthood, not Protestants.

good. the shitskin problem is solving itself

not 15 years each
15 years total
meaning they are all out within 16 months or so

The Anglican Church hasn't been christian for a long time now.

I knew some 90-IQ baboon with an ivory coast flag would post that shit here.

It means absolutely nothing. Your paper economy is more fragile than fucking QATAR. Not to mention your debt, because oh shit nigga. You actually make the Greeks look stable.

>Fastest growing

Back the fuck up my little nigglet. "Fastest growing" is straight out of the afrocentrist playbook - I.E. "Africa is the fastest growing economy on the planet".

While it may *perhaps* be technically true, it does say more about Africa (And Ireland) in this regard than it does about the rest of the world. Being the "fastest growing" economy is a mark of failure and you'd probably know that if you actually had anything resembling an education, my honorary nog of a friend.

Now begone.


RIP penbro.

>"heehee i was just trolling dude!!! Here's a more obvious troll to prove I'm not actually retarded!1!!1! xD"

You sound mad my impoverished friend :^)

Feels bad man

>his name was Yosuke Sasaki
>his name was Yosuke Sasaki
>his name was Yosuke Sasaki

>Mr Sasaki worked in the call centre National Pen, manning the phones for service calls for the Japanese market.
Feck, phone monkey was my first job too, poor sod.

no more games from kojima i guess


>who will handle pen is problem now

I wasn't actually trolling, I am merely pointing out the economical landscape and realities of the 21st century, my dude.

Not an argument.

Work, apparently. Some people are dumb like that, like a friend who went to Paris for NYE and took more pictures of all the security than anything else.

Got shanked on his way back from a night shift.

you faggots are literally white niggers
t. both parents are english


Lmao people in other countries can sue the EU Government!? Ahahahahahaha what a shithole!

>Comparing a European country to Africa
What's next? "Muh potato"?

The 1st jihad attack in Ireland . Irishman “you fucking halal cunt”

Those damn elusive asians bbc talks about at it again.

>he was stab after work when going to post office to pick up a package

>tfw it was probably Japanese New Year stuff from home to celebrate over there and maybe not feel homesick.

i will avenge the death of japa-bro
they put one of ours in the hospital we put a thousand of theirs in the morgue

oshogatsu akemashite omedeatou gaoiz aitashimasu

I'm sorry for your loss.