>The government is killing the econom-
The government is killing the econom-
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A bald assertion isn’t an argument. I’ve already refuted your representation based claims. Give me something else.
You can't refute facts, the Fed is privately owned.
and their usury and fraudulent bonds cause inflation too
Time to end the Masonic Jew / Khazar empire, which includes all European royalty
He's not wrong dude
>leaf sympathizer
not much of a red pill without proof
"In this rewriting of the act, the reserve banks lost certain legal powers and much policy independence. Originally, each bank directed open-market operations in its own district. Banks decided what securities to purchase at what price for their own accounts. In the 1920s, the banks realized that each bank’s actions influenced markets in other districts and that uncoordinated simultaneous actions disturbed markets throughout the nation. In 1922, to enhance coordination, the Reserve Banks of New York, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, and Philadelphia created a committee of governors to plan and execute joint purchases and sales. In 1923, with the concurrence of the Board, that adhoc committee became the formal Open Market Investment Committee (OMIC). The OMIC directed a single account that conducted open-market transactions for the entire system, under the general supervision of the Board, with pro-rata shares of transactions allocated to district banks. This was a voluntary arrangement, with individual banks retaining legal rights to engage in open market operations on their own initiative or to decline to participate in system-wide actions, although deviations from common policy tended to be small and temporary."
Yes and a monopoly granted by the government. Thank for proving that government create monopolies.
>In this rewriting of the act, the reserve banks lost certain legal powers and much policy independence.
is this it? the proof? that they were once independent but lost their policy independence? making them owned by whom exactly?
The reserve banks, they were twelve and acted as leverage for the federal reserve, then they were reformed into one monolithic institution that wasn't under federal control.
Just read the link.
show they are owned independent of the gov't. reveal the private stock holders in the US economy
Shit posted in another thread.
>gee I wonder who owns it
Eustace Mullins was a good man but proof it is not.
FEDERAL reserve.
He does his research.
so does Ron Paul yet we have a central bank
Ik I was making a point. They use federal to cover up they are a cartel of banks.
who currently makes up the cartel?
i want this to be true but how can i convince another this has any merit?
1. Bank of America - $1,082B or about 20%
2. JP Morgan - $1013B or about 20%
3. Citigroup - $706B or about 15%
4. wachovia - $472B or about 8%
5. Wells Fargo - $403B or about 8%
Yes and like half the people on the board have to be government officials. Also theyre all kikes.
again, proof?
>no one can provide EVIDENCE the federal reserve bank is privately owned
why even live?
Literally all you have to do is search yourself. The main point is that private banks with zero dollars in a account loan us our money and charge debt on the new money.
maybe focus on fractional reserve banking for starters. federal reserve stockholders are well kept secrets. focusing on HOW they do their banking may prove more suspect compared to how normal ppl manage debt than (((who))) owns stock in the federal reserve. just a thought.
>Rothschilds and the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which ultimately control the Federal Reserve Banks through their stockholdings of bank stock and their subsidiary firms in New York. The two principal Rothschild representatives in New York, J. P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn,Loeb & Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was drafted, who directed the subsequent successful campaign to have the plan enacted into law by Congress, and who purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914. These firms had their principal officers appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council in 1914. In 1914 a few families (blood or business related) owning controlling stock in existing banks (such as in New York City) caused those banks to purchase controlling shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks. Examination of the charts and text in the House Banking Committee Staff Report of August, 1976 and the current stockholders list of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks show this same family control.
Source: archive.is
This is why you fools need to actually research and learn reality before you talk. Your either a shill or you waste everyone’s time and patience with your ignorance. You have the entire internet at your disposal. You have no excuse.
thanks for contributing NOTHING, faggot
It’s not even constitutional either.
>federal reserve stockholders are well kept secrets.
then it's a private entity
It’s simple. We pay interest on our own money to a group of private banks in exchange for fake fiat paper.
but who they are?
>well done
you solved nothing
>Some observers mistakenly consider the Federal Reserve to be a private entity
In my mind, if it claims to be operated by the government, that's reason enough to abolish it
are you making fun of us?
Solved? How hard is it? Abolish it and print our own money at no interest like we are supposed to as outlined in the constitution.
do you need to be made fun of and challenged to make a case worth listening to?
present an example or two of when doing so made that country greater than it was
Well this country before 1914 for starters. How is it a good idea for our monetary policy and economic system to be held hostage by a group of unelected and unaccountable private entities?
what case?
>by a group of unelected and unaccountable private entitie
kind of like the UN. that's a start
state your case for being against the federal reserve, welcome to Sup Forums
wish you fags could come up with something worth archiving but it's udderly fucking impossible. PROVE ME WRONG
The UN has a thin veil of representativity.
The Federal reserve has stockholders.
>Federal Reserve has stockholders
Wow, I would have thought most people here would have known the federal reserve isn't government.
That's one of the first red pills I've had way back.
Damn I gotta say pol, I'm a bit disapointed
>the federal reserve isn't government
proof faggot?
>state your case for being against the federal reserve
really? that's all you want?
you're just going to ignore it and come back tomorrow going "huh?" "private banks?" "what?" "Do you have any proof" because you're a fag.
it would help if you provided links, proof, archives.
but no. you provide muh jew banks. we need profs faggot
your proofs are illusory.
the burden of proof is on the accuser
no one gives a fuck and you're gay.
GOOD THING i'M GAY and you're a faggot
No shit. That's why we have debt. Every dollar you have, anyone has, and the government uses is borrowed. It's national debt because it is being borrowed.
get mad, I don't even think about proof. I just lurk and destroy. kind of like batman.
youre an informed fagguette
youre in the wrong thread
you're not in a courtroom
prove banks are owned by private shareholders
>Americans don't know this shit
Jesus christ..
Actually this is a case of government inaction
>America is a corporation
>American citizens have been in financial servitude to the British Monarch since the Treaty of 1783 and the War of Dependence
Currently the IRS collects taxes for the queen and puts them into the International Money Fund.
>The Federal Reserve money supply is unconstitutional and the 16th amendments validity is dubious but never challenged
>The owners of the outstanding bonds issued by the Federal Reserve are the 13 noble family bloodlines, most notably Rothschild and Saxe-Gotha-Coburg
The answer is literally top result in google when you search "is the federal reserve government"
Please stop disappointing me anons.
I feel like I require a fancier spoon.
he's trying to tell your dumb ass that instead of trying to tie jpmorgan chase to the fed, why not attack how MOST of the (((money))) enters the system?
>A deposits $1,000
>Bank only has to keep $100 in vault, loans $900 to C
$1,900 in system
>C uses $900 to purchase new goyPhone6 from D, D deposits $900 into Bank.
>Bank keeps $90 of it and loans $810 to E.
$2,710 in system
and of course mr. shekelberg is raking in the usury, sorry, interest for all of his hard work...keeping our money safe...from the...robbers i guess?
>protip: figure out what happens when A, C, D, E, F and G all come to mr. shekelberg asking for 100% of their deposits in physical cash. figure out why a cashless society is being pushed. figure out why your human life energy is being converted into digits onto a fucking server somewhere that you call money in a bank account.
You can just say gas the kikes
Daily reminder that the goverment borrows money from the federal reserve and pay them interest over that money taxing you LMAO.
we are truly the best goys
>67% of all Income Taxes Collected in the US by IRS are Paid Directly to the Crown in London
Is this true?
link: >mainerepublicemailalert.com
See picture.
>American citizens have been in financial servitude to the British Monarch since the Treaty of 1783 and the War of Dependence
Very true
The fractional reserve banking Ponzi scheme is only half of the fucked up matrix we live in. Start looking into public pensions, the trillions of $ they manage, what kind of returns they make, and who benefits from their investment. It’s a massive feeding trough for elites at the expense of middle America.
I’m in Finance at a high level and my family is very connected politically. It’s so much worse than 99% of you will ever be able to fully grasp.
Close but it's worse even. " The Mandrake Mechanism " as its called in The Creature From Jekyll Island , is :
>A deposits $ 1,000
>Bank calls this a ' 10 % asset reserve '
>Bank now " CREATES FROM THIN AIR " $ 9000 NEW dollars ,, and loans it at interest into circulation. ( No Printing Press even needed ) This is the source of ALL inflation,
As long as fiat exists there's literally nothing wrong with printing money.
The problem is the very existence of fiat in the first place which is because of the government.
This board gets worse by the day