Richard Spencer and Sargon of Akkad are debating! Get in here!
Richard Spencer and Sargon of Akkad are debating! Get in here!
bump for autism
Both are fags but i guess I'll cheer for Spencer since sargon whines on Twitter too much
BTW, Styx is a nigger.
This is fucking hilarious. If you're not watching it you should be. "I don't really want a debate, I'm more interested in a conversation" - Warski. Woops.
Who and who?
Sargon isn't on Twitter
Muh ethnostate.
Sargon absolutely BTFO.
Styx is fine, and Richard Spencer is fine.
But it's Richard Spencer versus Styx and Sargon.
Sargon is humiliating himself as usual.
He's not doing to well. I think.
These two debating is like watching the special olympics
so on and so forth
I can't help but find the inverse so for.
currently richard spencer is getting annihilated.
Richard just goofed. He walked away from DNA tests, and refuses to give a definition of white. He had Sargon on the ropes when they were discussing ethno-nationalism, why can't he bring it home?
Spencer literally has no arguemnts. He keeps using ad hominem attacks and deflecting.
Richard is a dickhead but Sargon is a passive aggressive mong.
Just walked back to DNA tests, still won't give a definition.
This is the most autistic debate I’ve ever seen, most of the time Richard and Sargon are talking over each other and Styx just pokes out like a turtle once in a blue moon.
Richard Spencer:
>Israel, Israel, Israel, Israel, Israel, Israel.
Seconded. I'm a huge fucking fan of Sargon -- he got me back into politics during Gamer Gate. And he's just coming across as a dick who hates Richard Spencer, not addressing his actual questions, just being a faggot.
Instead of answering legitimate questions that Sargon or Styx are bringing up Spencer resorts to petty dismissive attacks.
He's low IQ.
>currently richard spencer is getting annihilated.
Not true. Sargon is being a pedant.
Why sis sargon such a JEW FAGGOT?
>pointing out existing semi-ethnostates is ok
>using the word israel, a semi-ethnostate, means you're a zionist shill.
sorry, no. we can blow israel off the face of the earth after the ethnostate, but we need to defend our arguments up until that point.
get out shill.
Ben Fischbein.
Spencer is embarrasing. "You have group rights because you obey the speed limit". He doesnt understand group rights and the rights of individuals in a nation
I've been listening for 20 mins and Spencer just reiterates talking points and gets triggered when asked to explain himself more indepth.
This is fucking awful. Spencer is an embarrassment to the alt-right.
>what are the pragmatic problems of your ethnostate, you lot are always taking DNA tests and arguing about who is "white enough"
>that's not a real concern
I sit on Sup Forums every day and you faggots argue about this shit constantly.
sargon is smarter (critical thought) than richard who is surrounded by yes men
Did Spencer take Trudeau's drama class?
You can see sargon came in looking to have a conversation. Within a couple of minutes spencer spergs out and calls him autistic. Sargon tries to laugh it off but spenctard keeps repeating it which has lead to this shitshow of a debate now
I want them all to get nude.
Sargon is literally making this point right now, and its flying right past Richard Spencer.
So I'm see the ethno-nationalists losing at current
The Youtube Skeptics annoy me. They have none of their own ideas, make no contributions, they only go on the offensive against other people's ideas so they never have to defend anything. They're hallow.
How can we get Sargon nude?
adding sargon to this was a huge mistake. Styx and Spencer would have been a rational discussion. Sargon is too personally biased against the alt right to not be hostile. Waste of time, but funny as fuck.
Go back to the start of the stream. Who was hostile first?
>were done by force, but peacefully
This is definitely the funniest debate I’ve seen because it’s so autistic.
You must be fucking retarded. Sargon has come out hostile since the very beginning. Spencer is AT LEAST holding his own, and right now he's against Sargon and Styx. Most of what Sargon is doing is laughing. Styx and Spencer are the only ones making rational points.Don't be dishonest, faggot.
Stalin has an experience of transferring people from place to place, unironically. You just put them on a train and they ride.
Name 3 people you would entice to leave.
Sargon, when he immediately started a debate when we were having a conversation, as was Warski's stated intent. TO BE FAIR SARGON DIDNT HEAR THIS BECAUSE HE WAS LATE.
But go on, keep defending your civic nationalist hero. And the sad fucking fact is that I'm a civic nationalist, I'm just trying to be honest.
Richard knows how to get Sargon to REEEE
Richard Spencer is a Libtard.
How can there be a debate between two that agree on everything?
>inb4 shill
No, I just think they're both fags.
There is no definition of white.
I personally don't define southern italians as white, and question the whiteness of iberians.
>oh but this is just a practical point, it doesn't even matter look at israel
Yeah, look at israel, where they have a "jewish ethnostate" but that doesn't REALLY apply to ethipoian jews for example as they sterilized them.
>oh but it doesn't matter what white is
How can you say this when at the same time you preach race realism?!? If you're not even sure who belongs in group A or B you can't say group A has a higher IQ or whatever than group B, especially if you're trying to argue there is a genetic basis for this.
>we'll make a country for brown people :DDDDDDDDDDDD
Minorities are not this stupid. They're not going to willingly migrate to Liberia 2.0.
Sargon sounds like a fucking arrogant Brit who condescends to avoid argumentation. Then he acts like when people are annoyed by him, they are being "childish"!!!
Lmao, dude you already lost the debate by being in England, you don't even have free speech how are you participating in a "dialogue."
because sargon is a numale anglo faggot that just wants to be a boomer
ad homo
Sargon: "Why would anyone take your path if you are under violent threat."
You lose Sargon.
do you even know what racial realism is?
"white" is a retarded concept used by Americans (who aren't white btw) the only way to describe people is by ethnicity
>I'm a huge fucking fan of Sargon
why? not even being an asshole, but why do you like him? he just comes off as a dumb cunt looking for shekels whenever i see or hear him.
"Others will care!"
"The black people with 12 kids won't want to leave!"
"You are idealist because you believe that Americans won't all be brown! It's 2018 for crying out loud!!"
Lmao Sargon is salty JF is backing up Richard. What a bitch.
I think he is drunk again
Wow had no idea sargon is such a faggot.
>a libertariam identitarian state
What did he mean by this?
Is that real?
Richard Spencer is OBVIOUSLY trying to say that EVEN IF collective white identity leads to bloodshed, the status quo of weak-wristed libertarianism/classic liberalism will lead to COLLECTIVE GROUPS destroying these individualists one at a time, with plenty of bloodshed along the way, until they win the war. The Ethnostate is an idea hundreds of years away, and it's frankly logical. For some reason Sargon will absolutely not admit it.
Ok, so how does that work in, say, Belgium. Many different ethnic groups who all want that land. How does that work in Spain where you have a conquered ethnic group who wants their own state but the stronger group (Spain) doesn't want to give up land?
It doesn't work.
Sargon is so disingenuous, and always talks over other people. Fucking irritating cunt.
If Sargon had an American accent he wouldn't be popular.
What do these fags do for a living?
Who gives them money?
Sargon vs spencer would be good
what sargon and styx are saying could happen in any political system
That i agree with. The muslim insular communities have destroyed parts of london and birmingham. Example being the video of police officers attacked in france the other day. 1000 Cars burnt out across france on new years
Resume of the debate:
Spencer: you are autistic
Sargon: no, you are
Spencer said this almost word for word a few minutes ago. Lol
>it won't work in Belgium so how could Whites ever live somewhere without having 5 brown kids per white!
Wow you should be Sargon's trainer
What’s wrong with being autism?
he is embarrassing himself much more than usual
i hate sargoy so much
That's basically their argument. "BUT IT COULD HAVE PROBLEMS!"
It's fair to say that Spencer won the argument.
If there are potential problems in the future, you shouldn't solve current problems. What are you, a collectivist?
>richard spencer tries to make argument
>sargon acts like he's making a video and doing his stupid quips while richard spencer is talking
this is the exact opposite of sargon's live debate. he is fucking up so hard. because MUH RICHARD SPENCER, he won't even address his arguments. if he could argue them, he would.
i don't want to be a white identitarian but sargon is failing so fucking hard i find myself agreeing with richard spencer because he's only being logical.
ethnicity has nothing to do with nations, i wouldn't describe people by their nation only by their appearance of ethnicity is that concept really hard to to understand
he's the pinnacle of the altright though
They are coming off like nihilists
its sad.
"well someone could possibly die in the future so you should give up now it won't work."
I'm not being dishonest.
I agree with you that over the last minutes styx and richard are the only ones having a conversation but richard is still losing.
Why isn’t Styx spoon clanking?
Yes. Quite unnatural feeling without it
It hasnt been on very long. I would say about 2 more hours
He has to wait until Jamal is done with his wife
Are you Karen?
Styx's argument is basically "life is hard, therefore it doesn't matter if your race exists"
Sargon is trying to be "le ebic troll xD" for all his 12 year old followers.
Holy crap Sargon is getting spanked by Spencer right now