Femanon here
What's the point of the alt right movement if white women are excluded from it?
Femanon here
What's the point of the alt right movement if white women are excluded from it?
you excluded yourselves from it by fucking nigger monkeys all day long and voting for leftists and endless migrant waves
begone thot
Women don't do anything ever other than break things, please just go.
White women aren't excluded from it, the only current movement that explicitly excludes certain groups is feminism.
This, and white women are incredibly retarded and make any group they are apart of look bad given the slightest amount of exposure.
tits or gtfo
are you legitimately stupid?
>be neet and get rejected from a girl once
I don't know what alt right is other than something vaguely to do with that richard spencer guy and Hillary's hilarious claim of a vast alt-right conspiracy.
As far as Sup Forums goes in general we don't give a fuck because the kind off females who tend to hang out here tend not to make a big deal about being female.
>What's the point of the alt right movement if white women are excluded from it?
You aren't excluded. You make us sandwiches and shut the fuck up.
ayo boys fuck refugees n shit *unzips patreon*
women need to be locked up in cages for all the damage they've done. Sorry sweetie.
The alt right movement is a movement for homosexual and gook fucking white men who couldn’t find themselves a white women.
you ruin everything, just accept it
why do you think masonry has existed for thousands of years? it's because they uphold one simple, yet important rule:
Wtf are we looking at here?
come to leftypol and discuss actual politics and not this shithole with unsourced infographics
>inb4 posting a tranny from leftypol
wow really btfoing us here
We have to exclude some...
You should focus on learning how to be a good wife and mother. Leave the politics and nation-running to the men
jokes on you I've never even asked a girl out before
tits or gtfo
dehoofed horse
you know the rule
why in the eternal damnation is this not fp?
Tits or gtfo
Horse hoof sans hoof
>Women excluded
Absolutely false. We respect all white women, and empower them to with loving companionship and family.
This DESU famalam
Women can't build the movement.
They can seek protection from it, they can provide it with children, but they can't build it.
Ever seen a woman construct anything? Takes forever, falls apart and everything else gets the blame.
>begone thot
Woah there redditor.
There is no such thing as the alt right. It is a conspiracy theory invented by the Hillary campaign to reconcile her poll results and her negative grass roots coverage.
It has latest been coopted by prowhite leftist groups to try and find traction in a new political realm.
Tits or GTFO
White woman are not excluded. We just have high standards you don’t meet. Stop putting yourself in the same category as women we would accept.
because of all the newfags
there is no such thing as the alt right
nice try shlomo (((1 post by this id)))
Women feminize anything they are a part of. Masculinity is the agent of change, femininity is an inhibitor, the agent of complacency.
This movement needs to be as vicious and destructive as possible. There is no room for pussyfooting around topics, otherwise you get alt-light and their civic nationalism.
This thread gave me cooties.
because you're probably a mud shark
we only have room for 1
Hopefully at the end women can't vote anymore anyways.
>I can't have a husband and not force myself into his social circle of guys doing politics
you can be an ally of pink color femanon :^)
ITT homosexuals who think that 5 e-thots on youtube are representative of the hundreds of thousands of right wing stay at home moms
Additionally, the moment you open with
>I'm a woman
You've discredited yourself by trying to cash in your female privledges.
Woman are a static force.
They do their best work staying at home and letting their ideas bounce off the walls.
They would hurt themselves and others in any mobilisation they could ever take.
This is your intervention cunt so tits & timestamp, either choose to be a full on community fuckhole if you want to be around men or find a man's home to hide in.
They're not excluded, we could use some more as a matter of fact.
Anyone who says women are excluded are fucking morons. How can an ideology live on if you don't pass it down to the next generation?
Took waaayyyyy too long for this.
Tits ot GTFO
You sound like a retard parroting a meme.
Ahh, too late
The point is to bring back the family. Women are amazing and have a huge and very important role to play in society. But that role is not at the voting booth. Women (and most men frankly) aren't really capable of making informed decisions about politics. Not to be rude, but women rely too much on emotion to make decisions. This is cancerous in the political sphere, because it can be used by (((certain elements in society))) against us, i.e. with the European migrant crisis. The migrant crisis wouldn't exist if women didn't have the vote. Generally, it is men, and not women, who realize that sometimes violence is the only way to solve problems. And right now the West needs violence. We need to kill our enemies, which have infiltrated us from within. But we won't and we can't, for many reasons really, but one of the biggest is that women being enfranchised has essentially neutered the political will of the Western world.
Women have a place but it's not on the front line of politics. It's your job to uphold family traditions and heritage, rear and raise children for our race, and bring harmony to the home. Do not underestimate this role.
you're not excluded, the people saying that are mostly just communist subversives or very bitter individuals. conservativsm, the right-wing, all of that stuff is about respecting women and their natural roles in society, as well as men too. it's about us being able to express out own natures and live accordingly our biology, rather than pretending we are "equal" and "the same" when obviously its not true. you can be different from someone and still have a mutual bond of respect.
people telling you differently, like i said, are just commies trying to fool you and prey on your emotions, or basement dwellers.
memes and lulz
1 post by this id.
Le epic dank meme here m8
case in point.
>hello darkness my old friend
Why did I know this was going to happen?
brittany venti
Because no movement, be it any flavor of right or left, diversity, feminism, liberty (to work and be shamed and forbidden from being a loving mom) is out there to look out for your rights.
Remember, you're a tool to every political direction. Feminists want to use you in the fight against anyone masculine, leftists want to use you in the fight against nuclear families and the middle class, full-on capitalists want you to aid the masculine halves of your lives in the factory to maximize shekel output, the far-right wants to use you in the fight against all the previous mentioned political movements, and so on.
No one is there to give you freedom of choice. Your freedom of choice is to choose the political movement you like, but it has the consequence of forcing this on those girls and women who want something else than you do.
there is no alt right unless you are cia, a shill or an idiot.
>Femanon here
>on Sup Forums
not a real thing
>alt- right
also not a real thing
>How can an ideology live on if you don't pass it down to the next generation?
It's better than not having an ideology in the first place, which is exactly what will happen if women are largely accepted in the intellectual space.
We need fanaticism, not moderation. We need men and their rage against this decaying system, caused by women and alien elements. The future, and the generations after us, will echo their passion and anger.
that IS the point you slut
Can't sage if you post an image
Should be an enforceable rule because people only mention being femanon to derail.
Fellow femanon, your job is to get married and have babies you stupid whore, not go on marches and make videos telling people to be traditionalist while still being unmarried into your mid 20s.
Unironically this. I've seen first hand that both genders are simply happier on average doing certain things instead of the other gender's thing. The same way young and old people are happier via different things, the genders should (with some exceptions obviously you larpers) stick to the natural order of things.
Wow this thread exploded while I was away. For starters I'm not showing my boobs to a bunch of autists on the internet for attention, it's the definition of degeneracy.
Secondly, I believe in white nationalism and the nuclear family but I consider myself a feminist as well. I have the right to have a career, also I wasn't raised not to clean or cook but it doesn't mean man can be lazy and not help around the house.
Is that Italian?
>Feminists are trying to prove they are better than men.
>Feminist's knows nothing except making a fool of themselves out in public and on social media
>"Video games only appeals to the male fantasy"
[spoiler]Video games appeals to everyone fantasy's[/spoiler]
youre talking too much, here stick this in your gob
Wow this thread exploded while I was away. For starters I'm not showing my boobs to a bunch of autists on the internet for attention, it's the definition of degeneracy.
Secondly, I believe in white nationalism and the nuclear family but I consider myself a feminist as well. I have the right to have a career, also I wasn't raised not to clean or cook but it doesn't mean a man can be lazy and not help around the house. I'm not your slave.
you don't show tits
so everyone thinks you're a dude
and not even the trap kind so we can't fap to you
reeeee somebody call the mohel one escaped!
yes you are, you post deleting skank
Sweetie, you're the Jew Hitler warned us about.
The point of the alt-right movement is to put you in your place.
Short-term, that's in the kitchen.
Long-term, that's in the shower with your nigger bull.
Id just add that just like there are beta soyboy inhibitors of change. There are alpha females that can create change. Anomalies obviously, but paul should know better than to use absolutes.
>I believe in white nationalism and the nuclear family
So how many children have you had? Are you taking care of those children yourself or dumping them in a day care?
White women are not excluded, they actually serve a very important role. Support. This sounds like a minor role but look at most things in the human world, only shit like a pet rock goes on without a support system. A war machine dies if it can't get fuel, or oil, or ammo, or repair, etc.
Feminists have twisted the saying "behind every powerful man there is a strong woman". This is what that means. Men and women have different strengths and weaknesses, play to your strengths so that we can better pay to ours.
I strongly regret clicking on this thread.
this is August West and her Soyboy... is this the future you prefer?
Because you cunts just jumped on the bandwagon. You had no original opinions and just copy what men are saying. Women flip flop all the time and go with the herd. Just because we are the herd now, they think they can just agree with us and then make youtube vids with plenty of views and shekels so you can buy stupid shit like Gucci bags and shit. You are the same whores who stole the praise kek movement and made the Normie's pretend they are part of the new "anonymous" and made it cringey as fuck. Women just shit up everything us "loser" men create for the better of mankind. You are part of the reason we dont have flying cars yet. Also, simps will agree with you just cuz vagina. Go fuck chad you yeast factory.
Because women only want one thing: Attention. What good are attention whores to any movement? It becomes about them, and everything else takes a back seat until it dies.
t. low-t manlet who got dumped by the only woman he ever loved
I bet you have a mongoloid gf too
>What's the point of the alt right movement if white women are excluded from it?
That's shareblue doing that shit, user.
We don't send women on the battlefield .
Your best role would be to promote gender roles, femininity, mother hood etc.
And have kids ffs.
Its cringe.
Hi Aydin
Also this>you excluded yourselves from it by fucking nigger monkeys
Feminism is cancer and is literally half of the fault for the decline of the west.
isn't a real name.
I only have one child with my boyfriend, we aren't married yet. We leave our child at our parents house until we come back from work.
>Implying Aydin would post this trash
She shits on feminism.
ending it all cause it needs to be burned down to rise again from the ashes