Why is there no series about phd students?
>TA'ing cute lolis
>Professor is a cake with flat breast
>Going to a conference for the beach episodes and giving talks in swimsuits
>Friendly banter with other departments
>A whole episode on lewd fiddling with latex
It basically writes itself
Why is there no series about phd students?
No one who produces or writes anime has any clue what a PhD student does.
HikkiNEETs never went to college, so they can't relate
The are also not civil servant or cooks but Working and ServantxService were fine.
>Why is there no series about phd students?
Because the Nips can't self insert
18 is too old
Not exactly what you wish but close enough. I wish there was more HenZemi.
The antagonists:
>"fuckface" dyed megane redhead
>angry rich black chick cuz the staff mixes her name cuz they have hundreds other names to learn in a short time
>token fat burger-devouring fat bitch
>whiny fukboi white knight
Sounds more generic than actually doing a PhD
>professor is so old he can't articulate what he wants done
>that one smug faggot who rarely shows up because he has 3 different part-time jobs
>have to maintain some bullshit legacy projects
>"I'd rather do something else with my life"
I'd rather watch Taiwanese cartoons about happy times.
PhD students' lives suck. Believe me.
Do manga/LN authors even go to uni?
Given the coherence of most LNs, I doubt most even finished high school.
Moyashimon sort of?
Is it normal that most PhD students are on government assisted living?
I swear to god every PhD student I know at my university is on food stamps and receives money from the government for their rent.
Ahh that sounds pretty fun, shame it probably won't happen.
Well... kinda. Depends on the specific field. Research doesn't pay shit, unless you're exceptional or luck out with connections. And even if they do get paid well for their research, a lot of that money comes from grants, many of which are through the government.
Subete ga F's MCs were a PhD student and her professor.
Post more Setsuna butt though.
only in the US, in most EU countries they get roughly the same pay as elementary school teachers
Pretty sure most US elementary teachers are either DINK or on food stamps.
I barely made it out of uni in once piece for my bachelor's, I can't imagine staying longer for a PhD or whatever. Sounds like hell.
Most shows focus on HS because it's the absolute best time in everyone's life. You're young, just starting to date and fuck, and you have zero responsibilities besides maybe a part-time job and homework. Life quickly goes downhill after HS, so why even bother focusing an anime or manga on that time (unless it's some isekai where people fight monsters for a living or some shit)?
Unless you do something like a New Game ripoff and focus on small talks between breaks, there won't be much to do with this kind of setting. Unless there's someone out there who would enjoy watching the daily life of a character that spends most of his days sitting in front of a desk writing his thesis, reading stuff, procrastinating and doing slave work for his adviser.
You mean stipends? I wouldn't consider that government assistance. It's more like they are employed by the college given how much work they do for their PIs. Food stamps is bizarre; I've never heard of that before. Is this in the US and what field are they in?
How much a PhD gets paid is extremely field dependent, assuming you are referring to industry and not academia. EE and CompE PhDs usually start at over 100K whereas Bio anythings are lucky to get 80K. Liberal arts I have no clue but I'm assuming it's pretty shit.
PhD students typically make around $25k-$35k a year from their stipend, paid by the school. Since we often work insane hours this isn't really much at all, but you do get a degree out of it which means a massive pay raise afterwards. To qualify for food stamps though you need to be making way less than that, so I have no idea what you're talking about
t. PhD student making $30k a year.
Because Japanese people don't have joy in their life past 17 years old, so why would anime remind them of just the only time of their life joy was present in it, if that, because school is not good for everyone equally and god knows you guys know that, was just taken away?
Phd is very field-specific, so it might be harder to depict, for example, the daily lives of a group of loli economics phd students if the author doesn't know anything about economics.
There's also another issue: you're supposed to know at least the undergratuate level stuff before getting in the phd, so it's a bit harder to make a blank paper self-insert MC.
Could say the same for someone who reads edited machine translations and thinks they are faithful to the original. Not saying most are good, but you people are fucking retarded.
I'll finally be able to relate again
>No one who produces or writes anime has any clue what a PhD student does.
That hasn't stopped american television from doing anything, why would it stop japanimators?
This is your design student for the evening.
There have been two in the past year OP