And they said Whitewashing ruins anime films
Why can't Nips into kino Sup Forums?
And they said Whitewashing ruins anime films
Why can't Nips into kino Sup Forums?
Quality thread.
The difference here is that FMA is about bizarro-Germany, while GITS is about cyberpunk Japan.
This board should be rename to anime, manga and garbage 3DPD live adaptation.
>people in the comments actually saying that ed is supposed to be asian in the first place
Amestris as a country and majority of the characters in this show are clearly fucking caucasian. The only Asians from FMA are from Xing.
There are only four asian-analogue characters in FMA, five if you remember Ishvalans were supposed to be Ainu rather than muslims, but nobody does.
Amestrians are not-Germans and Ed, Al and Hohenheim are Xerxians, whatever the fuck that was analogue to.
I thought Amestria was not-Austria and Xexians were pseudo-mediterraneans.
Yeah, because nobody here ever talked about the Death Note and Ace Attorney movies here.
Hes not amestrian tho, hes from a desert kingdom. I think they're persians, just weird looking.
Ishvalans were Jews.
forget the whitewashing
whats with the shitty wigs and fag looking jap actors?
shitposting and Sup Forums faggotry isn't discussion
>Why can't Nips into kino Sup Forums?
All their great directors have already died.
Impossible to imagine that ishvalans were not muslims, they are probably just fantasy hybrid Ainu/Muslims/indians. Probably took inspiration from a few different cultures. In fact, they were probably based more on gypsies than anything.
Get triggered
>Why can't Nips into kino Sup Forums?
i dunno what you're talking about
That looks like japanized Gerard Depardieu
For fucks sake can we remove Rule 4 already, or at least ban posters like OP?
The religion and that they live in a desert between not europe and not china makes me think it parallels Islam
>Why can't Nips into kino
> Not knowing about Takeshi Kitano.
I knew you were all plebs, but jesus christ.
Fuck off, Sup Forums. Why the fuck is this thread still up?
Why can't the Japanese make good looking CGI?