wtf is this? pretty sure i have adblock turned ON
do they want us to purely use the catalogue or something?
wtf is this? pretty sure i have adblock turned ON
do they want us to purely use the catalogue or something?
Learn how to use filters already, god damn.
Why are lowercase posters always so damn retarded?
>do they want us to purely use the catalogue
You don't?
All I use is the catalog
>We want the normalfags audience on Sup Forums
>no capitalization
>can't even check the archives to check that there were already like 20 threads before his several days ago
>lowercase posters
Is this a thing now?
i only ever use the catalogue so i just noticed this today
Sup Forums needs more threads about this so the mods know we don't like it and so crossboarders can learn what's going on and what these strange new inventions "adblock" and "catalog" are and how you can use them to avoid the ads, so that An Hiro's push will find even less success on other boards.
is this the new way to shitpost?
>Sup Forums is his main board
It's a new way to detect dumb crossboarders and newfags like OP
I think you need to fuck off.
Yeah, let's welcome people like OP instead.
>unironically calling people newfags
>thinks crossboarders matter
what is this new wave autism? people actually trying to gatekeep on Sup Forums, lol
Retards like you are giving them attention. They wouldn't be here if you don't reply to their posts. So fuck off.
>I'm a retard who can't even press a key to capitalize sentences
>couldn't even bother to buy the stock photo
Is Peter pretending to be starving due to bad sales like Hiroshima? Fucking kikes
Some new spics trying to fit in by shouting 'newfags' and 'crossboarders'. I bet these retards are from Sup Forums.
okay so you ARE just shitposting
thanks for the bump anyway i guess? autist
>going to other boards.
No, you're the sad one.
seriously, who the fuck cares about crossboarders? how the fuck do people even confirm that this is a thing? how do we know it's not just a made up concept that doesn't affect discussion?
>Sup Forums is my home
>punctuation in greentext
There is nothing wrong with visiting other boards. There is something wrong with bringing their memes to Sup Forums.
>doesn't affect discussion
Lurk more.
I don't care, but these ESL spics certainly do.
just gotta wait for 4chanx to update i guess
Kill yourself, shitstain.
burden of proof isn't on me
you have to PROVE crossboarders are affecting your discussion, you can't just SAY that they are
and to do that, you have to define what a crossboarder is
Just use catalogue its better anyways
i do. its kinda shitty that the main method for perusing boards is basically moot now
Too many newfriends trying to fit in
I've been using the catalog for years. Why would any sensible person not use it?
I Know Right? Fuck Lowercase Posters
>you have to define what a crossboarder is
Are you retarded? I'm not him but insisting that a widely known term is defined, is fucking stupid.
A CROSSBOARDer is someone who posts aCROSS multiple BOARDs. I wonder how that term came to be.
Most people probably do use more than one board. Browsing more than one board is not a problem in and of itself. It's how a poster posts on each board. Acting like you are on Sup Forums when you posting on Sup Forums, isn't acceptable. Posting like you are on Sup Forums while browsing /diy/ isn't acceptable either.
Can it be proven that crossboarders are shit posters?
No because none of us have access to poster IPs or post history.
>anyone who uses multiple boards
so 99% of people on Sup Forums. literally everyone is a crossboarder, that's a terrible definition
I don't see the problem. J-list ads have been a part of Sup Forums for as long as I can remember.
>you have to PROVE crossboarders are affecting your discussion
Look at the OP. He's so fucking dumb he can't even check the archive and search for a topic that has been discussed to death. This kind of people will always lower the quality of discussion.
Not him. The definition I know is what user described below. Sup Forumsacks posting on Sup Forums like they're on Sup Forums etc.
Not caring about local board culture.
Learn to read, retard.
>Browsing more than one board is not a problem in and of itself. It's how a poster posts on each board. Acting like you are on Sup Forums when you posting on Sup Forums, isn't acceptable. Posting like you are on Sup Forums while browsing /diy/ isn't acceptable either.
The problems isn't that there are ads, the problem is the ads are right in the middle of the index.
It's like if you're on the catalogue and you see ads between the threads
This, I don't know why Sup Forums tards are so desperate to justify their delusional autism.
>It's like if you're on the catalogue and you see ads between the threads
Okay now I can see why that would be annoying. I haven't used the index in quite a while.
>that's a terrible definition
What offends you more the definition of the word or it's usage as a derogatory term?
that's the whole point you fucking retard, so the mods understand that many people are upset about the ads. that's literally the point.
I think you're forgetting that we're anonymous. Tthere should be no reason to make assumptions about people's identities or backgrounds.
>so the mods understand that many people are upset about the ads
Why to they should care for retards who don't know about another catalog and extensions?
You're the fucking retard here, user. There's no point in whining if it disrupts normal discussion.
>Year two thousand and seventeen
>using adblock
Anyone have the "Painfully Thick" one?
my problem is people turning crossboarders into a boogeyman, where suddenly every thread is filled with them and they're somehow the source of all of 4chans shortcomings
like yeah, i get what you mean, people who post unaware of board culture. but that's not the definition of crossboarder. that's just someone who uses multiple boards. you can't just have an "implied meaning" and expect everyone to be on the same page as you
>people actually trying to gatekeep on Sup Forums
>retards who don't know
you're actually the retard who doesn't know, because if you read the thread you'd see OP in fact DOES mainly use the catalogue and an extension
Nice projection.
The question is how obvious you are about it, like with everything else.
People are welcome to have facebook accounts if it's necessary for their jobs or studies. They are welcome to maintain a MAL to keep track of what anime they watch. They are welcome to discuss politics on Sup Forums. They are even welcome to be female.
But if you are obvious about any of these things, then you are rightfully redirected to whatever containment center will take you.
A crossboarder is statistically more likely to visit the big boards i.e. the shitty ones filled with shitty posters. It's completely rational to reject them.
except most everyone being called out as "crossboarder" usually isn't and is acting within normal parameters, it's mainly used to shitpost and derail threads.
what are some obvious crossboarding examples besides people coming in from Sup Forums? how do you tell a Sup Forums poster from an Sup Forums poster? the fact is you can't, and in 99/100 cases crossboarding goes completely unnoticed
Normally I don't use the term crossboarder. Normally I just redirect people.
>wtf is this
>acting within normal parameters
>using adblock on Sup Forums
>you can't just have an "implied meaning" and expect everyone to be on the same page as you
If you just lurked for a few years you would know the meaning.
At the least, OP is ESL and or retarded
People who use the catalog don't see those ads, new people who don't know about the catalog see the ads and bring Sup Forums some cash. I don't understand why are you so upset.
The solution to stop crossborders is to kill Sup Forums
Not him, but it just looks ugly, so I'm happy that some people care enough to argue about it. What really gets me is when people don't even bother to use punctuation marks.
how could he???
It's been a thing for many years.
What did you expect from SA refugees?
why does that bother you? besides an elitist attitude?
>/qa/ got killed
God I hope they keep it that way for a few months. Disgusting /mlpol/io.
I'd argue that going to Sup Forums or Sup Forums says something about a person though I go to 9gag when I want to feel superior and laugh at retarded people so it's not like I have a moral high ground, but mostly you are right.
If you don't care to put effort into writing the post, why should I assume you put effort into thinking it up?
If you don't care to put effort into your reply, then what is it worth?
typing inproper english is ok lol it doesnt matter rite its just and immage board kek
I agree, uBlock Origin is superior.
holy shit is this ironic or are you serious
It's like you can't read
>it just looks ugly
i do use ublock, i said adblock because more people know what it is.
I'm just here to remind everyone ITT that you'll never get your ten dollars back.
The latter.
Joke, head, etc.
>the person who keeps asking dumb questions ITT posts in all lowercase
so thats the whole reason you're acting like a bitch? solely because you dont like the way it looks? actually end your own life
Blow the horn gab
>Captcha calle calle
>dont capitalize a post
>Sup Forums goes nuclear
you people throw the word "autist" around a lot bu i think this defines autism pretty well
Appearance is important, user. That's why people who double-space their posts deserve hellfire.
Reread comment chain and especially try to divine what the meaning of
>Not him, but it just looks ugly, so I'm happy that some people care enough to argue about it.
might have been.
>not having Sup Forums as your main board
>not having Sup Forums as your home page in your browser
>Sup Forums meme
Why can't you hold shift key while typing the first letter of the first word?
i specifically double space and don't capitalize because i prefer the way that looks instead. it's literallly a personal preference, so why do people get so butthurt?
>so the mods understand
It's a fucking hiro thing, like the malicious adds and Yotsuba being replaced by that [s4s] girl.
It's not proper english
You don't read a newspaper and see every sentence spaced out by a line
It's fucking stupid
Because, just like your waifu, your personal preference is shit.
We have grammar rules so that people can share the same speech.
It's not that spelling it one way is inherently superior to the other. It's that by breaking the rules because you like it better the other way, you are trying to be a special snowflake on an anonymous image board and thus shitposting.