Ukraine wants V4 to save it from Russia

Ukraine wants V4 to save it from Russia.
Should we help them?
We already sell them shit and take their Donbas refugees.

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No, fuck Ukraine, it's a country of retarded niggers

i hate to say it, im with the americucks on this one

No but you should be prepared to "occupy" your territorial disputes in western Ukraine imho

We "save" Kárpátalja, you "save" Lviv.

>and take their Donbas refugees.
Don't lie, poleshit. There are almost no Ukrainians with refugee status in Poland. Most are migrant workers from Western/Central Ukraine. Majority of Donbass refugees are internally displaced or went to Russia.

All Ukrainian fags that come here claim to be fleeing from war.

No, every dead hohol is a reason to celebrate in Poland. hohols are rats. They are vermin. They are enemies of everything what's human.

Poland, Czechia, Hungary, Ukraine, and the other irrelevant places I can't think of really ought to break off from the EU and form their own economic bloc, including military. The future of the EU is just some Jew shrieking at you from some concrete bunker several countries away.

ok listen you two, you're like an old married couple. Shut the fuck up and get a better flag and a better country while ya at it

We need to keep memes from ukrainian border running.
Last time they used catapult to throw cigarettes through our border, what could come next?

Just take your eastern clay, Polan.
Ukraine has been abandoned by pretty much everyone. Do like Putin and conduct a "national referendum" to attach clay.

>Five European countries hosted the largest number of refugees from the Donbas, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the "Donbas News" informs.
>Thus, 9616 refugees were hosted by Germany, 9319 - Italy, 4278 - Poland, 3459 - France, 3148 - Sweden.
>At the same time 427240 inhabitants of Donbas have moved to Russia.
>Almost 1.6 million inhabitants of the Donbas and Crimea preferred to stay in Ukraine and receive the status of an internally displaced person.
Here, officialy even

when did this happen ?

november last year

This, pretty much. Ukraine ends outside Kiev.

Italy and Germany hosted more refugees than you.

lel, this is some meta smuggling

>Do like Putin and conduct a "national referendum" to attach clay.
Crimea had an actual Russian majority population, who welcomed annexation. Nonody will accept Poland, especially in Western Ukraine. There are almost no Poles in Ukraine.

Ukraine has a rise of patriotic spirit like no country in Europe
Its funny to see amerimutts and western euros claim that our country is "weak" and will "fall apart" while they are literally being ravaged by bbc and rapefugees as we speak
As of Poland, i don't mind poles, as i don't care for bandera and his bullshit civic nationalism.
I would also rather have crimea back than fucking lviv, so if poles are willing to help, id be okay with striking a deal.

Ukranians are in fact the niggers of slavs.

Depends how deep your country are in shit, Taras, and how bad Poland wants the western part. Noone will help, maybe the US with their missiles will make an agreement with Poland.
Taras, your country has gone full retard and you're gonna pay. Just fucking run like everyone else and forget Ukraine ever existed.

Are you seriously citing ukrainian sources after what your government and media done to your country?

Do you watch Ukraine Today?

>We already sell them shit
And you are really overestimating your contribution. Most financial aid is coming from USA, UK, Germany, France. Military aid is from USA.
You are like giving scraps and demand Ukrainians to denounce national heroes and bow to the Polish pan. Almost as imperialistic as Russians.

i thought that countries in the european union can't go to war without permission?

Are you retarded? The source is UN, they are just reporting their numbers. Just kys.

No, ukraine is net loss

>that video
So basically Europe a nation for eastern Eurofags? May as well make it for the entirety of Europe if that's the case.

I want to see where this "patriotic uprise" will bring you. The news from Ukraine are always hilarious. Your political figures are straight from circus.

>national heroes
cowards locking Poles up in churches then burning them. Cunts tearing up children, defragmentating women just because of being Poles.
National heroes worthy of your ((country))

>I would also rather have crimea back than fucking lviv,
Neck yourself.

kill Russians =good. Always.

you don't know much then

there are no poles in western ukraine? is that part of ukraine also the safest and best part of ukraine?

>There are almost no Poles in Ukraine.
Western Ukraine is ethnicaly polish you cretin.

>Your political figures are straight from circus.
Nobody argues that. They are the reason for all the shit that happened in the past and is happening now.
Why do you care about catholic white trash? Look at volunteers for example. Barely any of them from the west. They don't care about Ukraine. Fuck them. Plus, they are economically irrelevant

im pretty sure they all signed an agreement not to go to war. however i wouldnt mind to see one. it has been like 70 years without war in europe and that is unheard of. historically speaking

It is sad to witness a country as resource sufficient as Ukraine get pummeled to third world status by Russia. There exists nothing that the Ukrainian land does not offer, or that Ukrainian industry does not produce.

So, Ukraine, what are you gonna do?

To whom?

To Russia, up until this point. They've taken the lion's share of Soviet industry, the industrial and agricultural heart of the defunct Soviet Union.

Ukrainian Cossacks rape and pillage the Polish-Lithuanians for more than a century and poles still think they’re a race... lol.

Most of Russia's weaponry was produced in Ukraine, as is the entirety of China's missiles, to give you an example.

You don't know shit about our countries
So please, would you kindly restrain yourself from saying stupid shit

That is what happens when kikes are allowed to grab whatever they please, creating shadow economy that plagued Ukraine for decades.
Things have gotten only worse over time.
Shit, the real reason behind them sponsoring patriotic driven groups was the fact that major source of income has split off to the russian speaking kikes.
On positive note, a lot of ukrainians don't buy into jewish shit and remain strictly antisemitic

I live in Chicago and the recent Ukrainian refugees are so fucking hot. Y’all ass blonde women I can’t do anything but stare and droll. How come all Ukrainian men are short tho it’s strange. Keep the fuegees coming brah go Ukraine

>civic nationalism
What's next?
Hitler and world peace?

>Ukraine wants V4 to save it from Russia.
>Should we help them?
>We already sell them shit and take their Donbas refugees.

90% of eastern european women are that hot. The remaining 10% is romanian


Do you want me to give you a pistol so you can pop your worthless brain out?

I too live in chicago and am interdasted in shagging Ukrainian hoes with my polish dong. Where do you find them and do they have HIV?

>Ukrainian men are short
They are not though, perhaps some among the refugees you've met.

Fucking smelly polak. Lol jk Man U poles are alright but you guys have ur quirks. The ukes stay on the northwest side in the polish neighborhoods. Since u don’t know I’m guess ur a south side pole. Good luck brother

You poleshits are so fucking dumb. Learn some actual history and not your bullshit propaganda.
There would be no Ukraine without Western Ukraine altogether, you dumbass. It is the heartland of Ukrainian nationalism, without it you'd be a russian dog just like Belarusians.

Yeah, Ukraine has a great agricultural share, but they cannot export it to Russia and the EU isn't interested.
Ukraine need allies in the EU but unfortunately cannot provide anything interesting except strategic placement and not-so-solid government being pulled in all directions, including insurgency and unfulfilled promises. One can think of selling the fertile Ukrainian soil or rent it.



He was, though. There was not one OUN, but two.
OUN b, led by Bandera, which believed in "greater ukrainian identity", which included all the minorities, besides poles, of course.Anti-clerical, was opposed to Hitler and Third Reich, violently
OUN-m, led by Melnuk. Your classical clerical fascism. Played no role in genocide of poles, was antisemitic.

>Actual history, not your bullshit propaganda
>Says a "country" of which goverment's press claims that ancient Greeks wuz hohols

>without it you'd be a russian dog just like Belarusians.
Fuck off white nigger
Don't you dare to say bad things about Belarus
At least they are civilized, unlike your "people"

>willingly getting absorbed into the American melting pot

Go back to Poland, for your own good.

>cannot export it to Russia
Because Russia got it for free until the events of the civil war. It was repeatedly stolen from the Ukrainians through their puppet regime.

>Ukraine need allies in the EU
An impossibility unless the EU develops a military. It wont happen for as long as we rely on the US for such matters, which is one of the reasons why I autistically shill for Europe a nation on a daily basis.

>Lviv is a heartland of Ukrainian nationalism
Hahahahaha. Are you retarded, or a shill?
To this day half of them speak polish.

Ukrainian nationalism will fade away without money from outside or internal power seizure, but in the end, it will not change anything. You fucked up with everyone. Noone needs Ukraine.

The Ukraine sucks so much American dick even Germany is jealous.
I dont think you want them.

He's hardly polish
He is probably an American with some polish roots here and there
You can't be polish if you can't speak polish or if you do not know anything about polish culture
This is the core foundation of our nationalism

It’s not a melting pot if u don’t melt

That's beyond your control if your children are also born within it.

They joined our army after we fucked them up. Learn some history.

I said the truth. You going to dispute that? Even their own language is a minority, almost all of them speak russian as first language. And they are part of every russian union. They even vote against Ukraine in UN all the time. Fuck them.

Every Canadian I've met on Sup Forums so far was horrible when it came to history of Europe
Nothing new, really

Agreed. Idk why the US govt doesn't support Ukraine more in an effort to affect Russia.

Hail Ukraine

So why would EU need Ukraine anyway, apart from just pissing off Russia?
We have enough shit to deal with atm. Look at fucking Spain, Italy, Hungary, Poles. All this discontent keeps rising.

Belarus has a really sad history
Russians have been trying to destroy Belarusian national identity since 19th century

It's you who seems like a shill. As I said without Western Ukraine, you'd be a russian dog. Easterners and even central Ukrajnians didn't give a fuck about nationalism up until Maidan. It's the Wezterners who were keeping it aljve all that time.

Gas and oil?

Because of Ukraine being a political mess and not fulfilling the promises and just asking for moar gibs.

Richest soil in the content, largest heavy industry in the continent, surpassed only by Germany. An independent Ukraine free from Russian serfdom would be in a place to compete with western Europeans as an equal. It'd possibly evolve into the former eastern Bloc's prime economy.

So? Literally no different from Ukraine and other nations which were under russians. But Belarusians cucked to them.


Ukraine has only the transit gas and Russia already build the pipes around Ukraine so they won't mess with the valves anymore. And there isn't much oil to begin with.

Nah I'm a suburban retard who happens to work in the city. I'm not a FOB tho, I'm like fourth gen American of overwhelmingly Polish ancestry, rest is Czech and northern Euro.

I shall seek out these babes if I have the chance, though I've only been to the Hohol village once

You're a mutt of the highest caliber, how can you still claim to be a Pollack?

Looks like I was right

Right now I see only oligarchs trying to sell their new properties as costly as possible while flailing their limbs at each other. You gotta install your own people in there before the Jews do. And oops, the majority of their oligarchy IS Jewish.
Right now noone in sane mind would invest in Ukraine. Too risky.

"ukrainians" are afriaca tier people. Sad but true.

Which is precisely why we need Europe a nation for such an effort to bear fruit.

And Russia is entirely to blame.

Ukraine will be the poison pill for visegrad nations dont touch it.

You fool. Russia annexed Crimea to control oil and gas fields on Black Sea. Chek the map.

Visegrad is too ethnoculturally limited to be of note. They need to get their shit together and start advocating for a wider pan-European nationalist (possibly cryptofascist, one can dream) resurgence.

>save it from Russia
>implying ukraine isn't rightful russian clay

Ukraine must give reparations to MH17 but they're so fucking poor.

This post is so fucking retarded it hurts
Crypto fascist? Are you an idiot?
Poland and Czechs would leave the moment V4 went """"" crypto fascist """""
And Pan European nationalism is also infantile
It's a really extreme case retardation

Lwow is a Polish Clay city.....

>Poland and Czechs would leave the moment V4 went """"" crypto fascist """""

Poland's obsession with Nazism has been effectively nullified as is evident from the various Fascist groups that have sprung up around the country. The third Reich and its actions do not define Fascism as an ideology, and one may even argue that the regime itself has been mistakenly associated with it. You'd have to be retarded not to know that Polish Fascism exists independently from it, having disassociated itself entirely from the Reich and its crimes against the Polish nation and its people.
>And Pan European nationalism is also infantile
Not more so than V4. V4's virtue signalling civic nationalist circus is severely limited in scope, destructively so. Polish nationalism can only serve to further isolate your ailing nation if it is not associated with a larger pan-European movement with similar aims.

While you are at it consider that this country of morons currently sits on eight nuclear plant units operating beyond their expiration date. And that counter will jump to ten this year only.

do it