Eriri is beautiful.
Other urls found in this thread:
Eriri is worst girl.
Utaha is best girl.
I want to smell her anus.
Best girl.
Ha.... Haaaa I wanna touch her twintails!
Utaha a shit. A SHIT.
>this and know
What did she mean by this?
first post best post
utaha > michiru > megumi > izumi > eriri
>this and that*
Er, I meant.
Research with Tomoya.
Chiruchiru is a much better blond twintail tsun
Beautiful but a shit
Who cares who's the best. In the end they both have nice smelly anuses and that's all that matters.
>Once again Utahafags are worst posters with worst taste
Megumi > Eriri > Izumi > Michiru >>> Utaha
Utaha is a goddess.
>Eriri thread
worst shitposter utahafags ruined a thread again
Eriri = Megumi > Utaha > Izumi > Michiru
Diamond hard. Now I have the urge to track down bondage porn of Eriri to obtain a satisfying release.
Eriri >>> Utaha
Posting Utaha is improving the thread you pleb.
my fucking dick
It's improved more by posting these two.
Godspeed. Pixiv has a few r-18 Eriri bondage.
Do people like her because she looks like a trap?
How many traps do you know that look like a Sun Goddess?
All I care about S2 is reigniting the fire under artists asses to draw more R34
The story has gone to shit and I want no part of that anymore but Misaki Kurehitos character designs have always been God tier
Remove her blonde twintails, ZR, dfc and fang and the already low number of fans she has would become extinct.
Advance screening of episode 1.
Utaha best.
Eiri a cute.
Megumi a shit.
Any opinion with Utaha as best is good enough.
Megumi a best
Eriri a cute
Utaha a shit
where are the stitches and the webms?
They're all fucking beautiful.
Eriri a best
Megumi a cute
Utaha a shit
The correct ranking:
Utaha a best.
Megumi a cute.
Eriri a shit.
>twintails, ZR, fang, small chest, tsundere, blonde, petite, closet otaku, school idol, doujin artist, childish, critical, emotional, childhood, must protect moe feeling
Eriri is just perfect.
Utaha a best.
Megumi a cute
Michiru a hot
Eriri a shit
This is the true list.
Megumi is cute but she's fucking boring so she falls below goddess Utaha.
Let's not get into Eriri because we all know what she's like.
My waifu.
Has anyone else besides me not filtered you?
>you will never grab Utaha-sama's oppai
Bags of sand.
I don't watch this show at all but how are the red hair and purple hair girls
They look hot
Grow up and stop being a flat justice warrior.
better than the blonde at least
We all know. It's just that it's not fun to assert that everyone is equally beautiful.
If there isn't a war someone must declare it.
Megumi > shit > the rest.
Lelouch's saekano taste is good.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Useless meat.
I haven't. How else will I make fun of Lelouch's shit taste when I feel like it if I can't see him?
Red gets the least amount of screen time. I like purple the best. I've always been drawn to the playful ones, but looking at these threads, she seem to be the one everyone's indifferent about, which I guess is better than shitposting about her.
Utaha is a joke. I can't wait to see her crash and burn in S2.
She started the season being the best girl again and will end it with a blast.
Any ranking that puts Megumi and Eriri in the top 2 in any order has my approval.
>Utahafag's delusion
More on the pile of events that eventually mean nothing?
>eventually mean nothing
Let's ask Eriri what she would give for that kiss.
But what's Tomoya's opinion?
Doesn't matter.
Utaha still lost and is in last place.
Eriri is considerate and wouldn't force a kiss.
Good god this episode. I now understand the nosebleed trope. This was fanservice at its finest
Good form on that belly to belly suplex
Why do you hate genki fangs?
Why do you like deadpan cows?
Britbong doujinwriter is NOT for rope!
>twintails, ZR, fang, small chest, tsundere, blonde, petite, closet otaku, school idol, doujin artist, childish, critical, emotional, childhood, must protect moe feeling
Literally a shit.
Why do you list all her perks, then call her shit?
Traps might be commonb, but they aren't very popular in anime, and flat girls even less.
Britbong doujinwriter is SPECIFICALLY for rope.
She writes some fucked up doujins, because they are her latent fantasies.
It must be terrible to be gay.
How can the author of WA2 write something as poor and cliché as this piece of trash?
My nigga
Cause faggots eat shit up all day everyday nigguh
Fool, Saekano is his magnum opus.
Most objectively wrong post I've seen this year.
>Eriri wins
Why do alot of blondes have fangs?
Do nips see blonde people as specifically aggressive?
Not really. Megumi already won!
Ignore Eriritard delusions
New KN chapters are out. Enjoy your Mayu ass.
>breast bondage
>this artist
She will definitely win in her spinoff where she's the main heroine
All the blondes girls on the left are main girls. Unfortunately Eriri isn't the main girl.
>he doesn't know
Mayu a cute
He has transcended
I want to lick her tears.
Why is crying so forever best?
Not even meme'ing or being edgy, crying is fucking hot.
Because anything that isn't bowing down to your superior in every occasion without question no matter the situation is going agaisnt the flow of every citizen of the country, so having different colored hair is an caracteristic of such agressive people instead of the compliant black one that everyone there have.
Huh. Actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks user.
In my experience, moe fang isn't decided by hair color. Rather it's decided by archetype. Most tsundere, brats, and genki girls have them. The moe emphasis I get is that they are like a small animal that you cuddle and want to hug and pet, I suppose.