Where does your waifu lie of The Graph?
Where does your waifu lie of The Graph?
My waifu does not lie.
Who the hell would want a mean waifu?
And how do you manage to be both mean and slutty at the same time?
Bottom right corner.
Isn't Tsundere mean?
On the far right, lower-middle (relatively pure but almost certainly with a kinky side shown only to her love).
Black Time is a garbage meme
Starts as Nice and Pure, changes to Mean and Pure due to reasons then returns to Nice and Pure.
Where do tsunderes fit on this chart?
You do it standing up?
Not sure.
Something like this
God tier:
Good Tier:
Pure Mean
Medium Tier:
Low Tier:
Slutty Nice
Shit tier:
Top right.
(Nice, Slutty)
My waifu may be 2d, but her personality is not flat enough to fit on your 2d chart.
Good taste, and another example of a character to good for the chart.
You're waifu is probably a tsundere.
I don't see the problem with this chart. Your waifu can probably be placed on this chart as well, if not as a single point at least as an area.
my wife kumiko is a cute progressive liberal and we raise cute children who accept people of all races and genders and orientation and become successful philanthropists
But is she pure or slutty?