Comey’s original Clinton memo released, cites possible violations
i can't wait to see the sanctimonious thoreau quote he tweets out
WE HAVE YOUR MEMOS COMEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Soon he'll be down to "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". They have to hang this guy.He was a corrupt conspirator, the leading member of a conspiracy against our president, our elections, and our government. This trust and power he was given were great, and he used this power to commit treason against the US.
Shills are all over that tweet.
Entertaining reading all the dumb cunts on twitter trying to spin.
comey is pretty much done for
I hope this seven foot tall soy boy gets what’s coming is it still legal to hang traitors over there?
All those Hillary supporters melting down on that twitter
It would be pretty funny if the conclusion of the DOJ regarding Comey and possible prosecution would be:
>Extremely CARELESS but no crime.
Why is The Shill suddenly publishing stories that don't serve the interests of ZOG?
Imagine being Comey and running nonstop defense for Hillary during the election, basically keeping her out of jail, and having her blame YOU for losing.
This is a guy who allowed the entire FBI to be used as a political weapon against Donald Trump. He knew the Russia dossier was fake but he nevertheless in all likelihood allowed his sleazy fucking underlings to use it to get FISA warrants against everyone in Trump's campaign.
And now the axe going to fall on him.
I hope it was worth it Jim. I hope your reputation was worth it, I hope it was worth everything to give Clinton "her turn."
Well now it's your turn, motherfucker.
Sadly it requires a treason charge.
Old man comey would have got away with it if it wasn’t for us meddling kids!
the way the leftists are trying to redefine "treason" that may just happen
so, this seems to be not so true...
Bump, Im still not getting my hopes up you blue balling faggots.
We will never see them in prison.
We will only change things with bloodshed.
Hi Agent Provocateur faggot. kys.
We may see them take deals and still get a better country (and world) out of it, but why would they bother re-opening the investigation just to arrive at the same conclusion? Even whatever political points could be gained for it in the short term wouldn't be worth it.
This is all a game to secure establishment republicans their office.
They are delaying serving justice to serve their own interersts. That is not justice. That is bullshit.
Hillary should have been in prison on day fucking one. Theyll drop everything before elections this year.
I hate politicians. Even Trump politicizing justice.
No, you stupid asshole.
We get one shot at this and it has to be done right.
You can't prosecute someone with a department completely full of her undeclared operatives working and leaking against you and in her favor at every opportunity, can you?
They all needed to go first. McCabe going is big.
Final one for lazy anons, newfags and brainlets
Comey will have to go trans—like Bruce Jender did—to save himself from prosecution.
You cant sit there and act like we havent known factually Hillary Clinton wasnt guilty of a felony by simply having that email server for a entire fucking year now.
Why has this taken so long. Because it serves their interests. That kike loving piece of shit.
Trump is a sellout.
Muh special interests. He and his crew are just as guilty by abusing justice like this. Makes me fucking sick.
that cunt guily af
It's weird that just as this comes out the NYT releases a report saying mueller found written evidence that trump did in fact fire comey because he wouldn't say he's not under investigation publicly. Sometime I wonder who is running interference for who.
Sorry, I can't archive it.
Here's the excerpt though.
>The special counsel has received handwritten notes from Mr. Trump’s former chief of staff, Reince Priebus, showing that Mr. Trump talked to Mr. Priebus about how he had called Mr. Comey to urge him to say publicly that he was not under investigation. The president’s determination to fire Mr. Comey even led one White House lawyer to take the extraordinary step of misleading Mr. Trump about whether he had the authority to remove him.
>They have to hang this guy.
Mueller also, Mueller didn't prosecute insider trading during 9/11, we can't let that slide
This. The IG repot is going to be crucial, it could make or break Trump's efforts against the partisan FBI.
>He and his crew are just as guilty by abusing justice like this
and you're surprised? Trump's dad was the guy who imported something like 20 million Puerto Ricans into NYC and got them all section 8 housing in his tenements
Trump's family literally BLACKED NYC
>You cant sit there and act like we havent known factually Hillary Clinton wasnt guilty of a felony
I am not doing that.
>Why has this taken so long
Because we are undoing 50 years of deeply entrenched subversive deep state corruption. It was never going to be a snap your fingers thing. Stop being a brainlet/shill.
>He and his crew are just as guilty by abusing justice like this
We're moving forward, you literal retard. Comey canned. Strzok, Ohr, Fusion GPS, Podesta, Clinton EXPOSED. McCabe on his way out.
And the FBI just today is re-opening the Clinton investigation.
If you aren't a shill, then your problem is that your brain has been conditioned to demand instant gratification by vidya games, weed and porn. In the real world, there aren't instant payoffs. Take a break from the stuff that's making you retarded.
Yeah, and judging by the Clintons burning their house down I'd say we've got reasons to be optimistic.
Fuck commie.
Yeah that was odd wasn't it.
Patience versus anger my fellow user. You can see which is winning at the moment. Its all is good.
Sedition or treason?
Vid is fake. 3 shots point blank in female chest with a 45. She would not be running. Plenty of cop shoot out were 2 shots in chest of a male takes them down.
It's literally fucking nothing. Anyone else feeling tired? Should probably catch up on some sleep.
GO Comey GO
Double XP potion !
>They have to hang this guy.
They won't. Maybe an angry mob would, but we don't do angry mobs anymore.
>comey is pretty much done for
They won't land a finger on him.
What are you going to do about it?
No protests outside Comey's home.
No chants of "No justice, no peace."
No huffy pseudo-threats made to camera crews.
And you wonder why the deep state doesn't fear you.
I always knew Reince was a pussy. Cant wait to see that loser get hung
Basically, what Comey originally said:
>There's potential evidence of violation of the statutes, *in the form of gross negligence*, but no one has ever been prosecuted for what we found in this investigation and I don't think anyone would be here. I recommend no charges.
What it was changed to:
>There's potential evidence of violation of the statues, but no one has ever been prosecuted for what we found in the investigation, and I don't think anyone would be here. I recommend no charges.
In both cases they claim a potential violation occurred and they aren't recommending prosecution, but in the released memo they don't specify how.
There is actually nothing significant about this. I fail to see what Republicans are having a fit over.
Worst webm ever
Stop derailing faggot. It's not fake.
I'm inclined to agree somewhat. I think in all likelihood Trump and co. realize Mueller is basically going to fuck them as long and as hard as he can - that's his entire purpose after all. I think they realize the only thing they can do about it is to continue the morphine drip of Clinton information to counteract Mueller. It's at least possible, anyway. Sessions has the full authority to make the full extent of the Clinton corruption public knowledge, tomorrow. Why the fucking blue balls?
On the other hand I get what you're saying too. I think it's most likely they are waiting with baited breath on the IG report, Sessions probably wants to do this as "by the books" as he possibly can to avoid any and all accusations of partisanship (which is inevitable.) That means it's going to have to slow-walk to some extent.
Or nothing at all could happen.
The user is right - there's way more than enough right now just in the public sphere to prosecute Clinton.
Time will tell.
>Twitter comments
Where do these leftist who make the claims like The Hill reporter is a "Kremlinist" operate out off? Reddit? Some paid organization? Their on minds? Are they hitting the deepstate koolaid that hard?
But he could fire Mueller....
All of the above. Bots, Shills, and True Believers. The mainstream SJW-lite type is very heavily influenced by the left's own memes (24/7 Russia.)
By the way, what's the basic gestalt on Hillary/McCain's new footwear? is there reasonable suspicion to believe it's actually some kind of monitoring device?
Nothing has really changed, he still said no one would prosecute in the section that was striked out.
Pretty much a nothingburger.
my great grandmother told me she remember's Fred Trump as being that dirtbag who was bringing the Schvartzes into the neighborhood in the 40s
this is well documented, read any books about Trump's real estate dealings, look at where all his properties were in fucking ghettos that used to be happy white neighborhoods
>Vid is fake.
here is the lead-in to the webm
>Skippy with the pizza
I love that Ben is unironically our guy and an absolute madman now. He really learned to handle and channel the bants.
>but where is the original?
That's called blockbusting and it was a favorite sport of developers.
What the fuck is going on there, friendo?
I don't want to derail, but that shooting stunk.
At this point, not really. Once Mueller was appointed literally the only thing the Administration can do without basically deadlocking Congress with 24/7 impeachment talk was to let him do his thing.
They need a smoking gun to get rid of Mueller. They have a lot to go on, but they don't have enough to fire Mueller without jeopardizing the Presidency. This is a very high stakes game and don't forget that at the end of the day Trump didn't actually do fucking shit with Russia in the election. Firing Mueller would destroy Trump's Presidency; the Democrats would probably win the midterms and impeach him with the political momentum they'd generate among the base with that. Literally every single basic bitch Democrat believes 100% Trump colluded with Russia and is outraged about it. They'd bust their nut if he fired Mueller.
I wish we could just cut the bullshit and hang these mother fuckers so bad.
This timeline is a joke.
Comey sold his soul, they got dirt on him.
Everything is moving slower than it needs to. Stop trying to be a wise-fag with your patience bullshit and "you kids these days" nonsense.
You're going to pretend that 2 or 3 FBI agents were able to delay the President from having the investigation reopened for a year?
It could've been re-opened a year ago and just not completed for a couple more months. At this point we will be lucky to have 1 low-level arrest before 2020
Like I said earlier, the non-Trump figures are crucial to this entire process. The IG report is going to make or break this.
At the end of the day they need someone "neutral" to light a fire. the IG report is probably the basket they're putting their eggs in RIGHT NOW. Remember, they've known about this since the very beginning.
If the IG cucks, they go nuclear. 100%
>Everything is moving slower than it needs to.
>this is a high-stakes game
Yes and no.
(((They))) don't have to take Trump down, they just need to block him and make him look bad.
The only thing Trump can "win" is the right to be the President and exercise his authority. No other president has had to fight for the authority that he already won through the election.
It has been a deep state shit show from day 1, and Trump doesn't have the balls to lock anybody up. I love Trump, I voted for him, but on this issue he is completely neutered.
There will be no democrat/deep state arrests
he's getting better, but he still has to label everything, the L on lynch and holding a plane... why? put her in a skirt and fatten up her cankles
Our fore fathers were better men than us.
>"I have not coordinated or reviewed this statement in any way with the Department of Justice or any other part of the government. They do not know what I am about to say."
You know if they really do lock these fuckers up, it needs to be a national holiday.
RIP traitor.
The longer the case is the worst it is for the prosecution. Both favors Trump and Hillary.
they did review it, and they knew exactly what he was going to say.
You're being dumb, you niglet.
>Everything is moving slower than it needs to.
>Stop trying to be a wise-fag
Listen to your elders. "Don't listen to old people, they don't get you, maaaaan" is literally Jewish propaganda.
>with your patience bullshit and "you kids these days" nonsense.
More like shills these days.
>You're going to pretend that 2 or 3 FBI agents were able to delay the President from having the investigation reopened for a year?
It's not merely 2 or 3. There are more major government agencies that have been totally subverted at the top. These things take time. Stop not knowing things.
>It could've been re-opened a year ago and just not completed for a couple more months.
Well actually now you've convinced me and you, a possible shill, possible brainlet have now convinced me that in fact Drumpf is a dummy even though he built an international multibillion property empire and then successfully ran for President in a country where both major political parties' establishments along with the entire media-entertainment complex were actively attacking him as best they were able every single day. wtf i should have voted for cruz
>At this point we will be lucky to have 1 low-level arrest before 2020
Weiner was not a low level arrest.
At this point, we'll be lucky for Sup Forums to have 1 half-decent thread on the front page for any amount of time before 2020
HOEL EE fuck. Maybe he was playing the long game because they blackmailed him or threatened violence against him and his family. Comey FBI user confirmed?
>IG report is the basket they're putting all their eggs in
And that's a mistake even if the IG report is damning.
(((They))) are attacking Trump from every direction, every angle. Not every swing has to connect on him, it just has to keep him busy playing defense and keep him off-balance. If they land punch on Trump's has, even better for them.
Trump needs to be fighting back from every angle so that (((they))) are kept busy as well.
As far as getting the bad guys, year 1 was an absolute failure and Trump deserves an F for that. He played nice and they didn't, and now he's a year behind.
Trust me, the deep state will make Trump pay for slacking off and not fighting back in year 1
Tell me more about your stupid theory
I am not triggered by the labeling. I understand it's to maximize the number of people who get the references... and therefore potentially increase his customer base. Most normies are significantly less well informed than Sup Forums anons. And if they see a short black woman without a clear indicator of who it is, they may think RACIST... and suspected white supremacists like Ben "One Man Klan" Garrison need to be careful about things like that. Like I say, he's making cartoons for the masses... not just for the Twitter frogs who have never paid him a shekel who quickly reply to him with versions of his work featuring a particular recurring character.
Everything in your post was bullshit, but I will address the new topic you brought up: weiner
Weiner was not arrested as part of any of this, you retarded faggot. He was arrested for sexting a kid.
If James Comey got arrested for drunk driving, would you claim it's the deep state being taken out?
If Loretta Lynch got arrested for hit and run, would you claim she was taken out for her role in committing and covering up crimes at DOJ?
Weiner's arrest hopefully proves useful (so far it hasnt) but it was a completely unrelated crime and a continuation of the deviancy that cost him his political career.
Weiner was already out of politics and an ex-con. So stop being a faggot