Death to Drug Addicts

Drug addicts are degenerate scum. They hook you in with a gateway drug like cannabis and given a couple of months you are taking increasingly harder drugs while they recruit more people to their "sesh" community. I've never seen a successful drug addict. Talented people suddenly become vegetables. I've lost so many to this disease.

It is a disease. The only solution to drug addicts is executions. They are zombies, useless and criminal. Most users become abusers and most abusers become dealers. We must cut the head off the snake.

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I started using weed 17 years ago and have never done an illegal drug that doesn’t grow out of the ground ready to consume.

Gateway drug is a meme, and more than anything a tacit admission that weed is so fun and risk free that people may try harder drugs after realizing they were lied to about weed.

>gateway drug like cannabis
As degenerate as drugs are, that one simply isn't true.

2/10 post. Could’ve been better but you’re using a meme flag, the bit about executions made it unbelievable, and your subject line is too boring. Try harder next time kid.

Or try Sup Forums because this board is for intelligent people.

I never understood what it was that got white people mad at a plant. Thought we wuz civilized.

marijuana is a gateway for feds to bust pushers of harder drugs.

the solution to the drug problem is legalize drugs and treat its use as a public health issue.


It isn't a gateway drug biologically, but socially, you have these people enticed into 420 communities where they lure you in with cannabis but the dealers encourage harder drug use, especially cocaine or heroin. I've seen this myself and I've lost friends because all they do is lay around high off their ass all the time.

>Sup Forums is a meme board xDDD

idiot cannabis has helped communities a lot


God bless Rodrigo "the Punisher" Duterte.

>t. beta male virgin sperg

Keep blaming your virginity on everything but your own behavior OP. None of us want you reproducing.

>gateway drug
Guess milk is gateway to alcohol by your logic. sage

>The only solution to drug addicts is executions. heil hitler

Our grandfathers fought against people like you.

>but the dealers encourage harder drug use
So make it legal so that users don't get into contact with shady dealers?

Drug users shouldn't be punished unless they commit a crime. Drug dealers and illegal manufactures deserve the death penalty.

>Rodrigo "The Gay Faggot" Duterte


*violent or victimization crime

Killing people over dude weed? There is so much more important stuff than this stupid shit.

Yes Yes goy its just a harmless plant.

You're a stupid person who drinks propaganda. The only reason marijuana is a gateway drug is because most people have to get it from drug dealers who sell drugs. Shocking, I know

The Philippine drug problem is mostly meth which causes its users to become paranoid and have violent tendencies. If you’ve ever lived in a neighborhood replete with these kind of people, you’d understand why they are the scum of the earth. Murders, rapes and all kinds of crimes are committed left and right with the criminals feeling no ounce of mercy or even regret in their soulless eyes.

good stuff

América, you have medieval laws. All drugs must be legal and this will stop our problems, you know, you have your drug epidemics and we have narco violence.

its true. when i stopped getting stoned it took me years to regain my memory and focus.
glad to be back to normal, but i have many friends that are permabaked.


>proven massive health benefits, to the point they are now claiming it as a cure for cancer and such
>cultivatedand farmed for thousands of years, discovered ancient tombs BC with elbows full of the shit
>should be extinct and anyone caught with anything having anything to do with it immidietly sentenced to death
bump for being drug addic degenerate whatever you called me
>it's not the fact that I've forgotten it's the fact I never cared to remember in the first place

Death to illegals.

Clearly he still has the support of his entire nation and sweeping popularity among his population... what works in one nation may not work in another, he governs his nation in a way his people clearly support.

He announces go out and kill drug dealers to a cheering populace and he STILL remains vastly popular during/ after purges. His people agree with him and support him CLEARLY.

These people are DIFFERENT to westerners in ideology, values and culture - and the UN clearly didn't respect this OR his country's sovereignty - so he tells em to git fuk'd.

Pic related: The Punisher flipping off the UN in front of the world

This, I'm so proud that our granpappies fought in the war, so I can see BASED black men get their dick sucked by white crack whores who never had healthy families so that they can afford their next dose of coke! MAGA and praise Israel!!!!!1!1!!!1!

I was on prescription opioids for pain for 2 years. I got on my state's medical cannabis program and dropped the pills immediately haven't touched them sense. Cannabis not only helped with pain but put my condition in remission.

BTW even Duterte is in support of Medical Marijuana.

Instead of punish junkies, América should treat them in hospitals, just look up netherlands and portugal, All drugs aré legal and there is no violent crimes due drug trafficking

because the people most associated with using it were black Jazz musicians and mexicans.

He is spearheading medical marijuana in his country, even he acknowledges weed isn't a massive deal but its more what weed leads to and funds in his country - which is Islamic extremism - but he knows weed helps a lot of people in his country and wants them helped too.

Fuck me I sound like a shill but Rodrigo is a man who leads with an iron fist without being a tyrant - he is the Trump of the Philippines

fpbp been smoking weed for 10 years, never touched anything else, OP is a low test soyboy with no self control. Pathetic.

Americans aré the number one consumidors in drugs


correct, but that was the media spin, behind DuPont's move to make hemp illegal it relied on racism and scandal and misinformation (the movie Reefer Madness) to get people behind the ban. If you make it look like this is a killer weed smoked by negro jazz musicians and wetbacks you can get white people to want it banned

These Junkies are trying To defend their God Drug.

Americans aré the number one consumidors in drugs

Quads checked