Who's got their copy preordered?
dude, if this is remotely accurate, it actually makes the Trump admin look good. For an admin that is supposedly completely clueless, incompetent, and chaotic, they are doing a great job running the country, foreign affairs, domestic issues, and the economy
since when the President of USA matters on those topics? Lobbies are doing everything in the USA. President is just the show people likes to see.
I'll get mine free tomorrow on my ipad
ShariaBlue is really going all out with the posting.
by the way this is not david brock nor shareblue, just an amused cynical citizen.
>giving money to a guy known for fabricating quotes and events
Should be nice fiction for moron leftists
yeah most of it will be fiction, no doubt. people getting hype about propaganda.
imagine being painted as the biggest impotent retarded cuck ever. imagine they made fun of you because you're fat, orange, tiny hands, etc. the worst. then imagine you siezed power and instead of undoing the EO of the previous president (who you terribly insulted) and instead of making executive orders of your own... you threw issues to congress...
confirming you are the biggest cuck in history.
Trump the Cuck
RIP in piss.
Lmao 30% approvals for T Dog
And he still manages to loose supporters
Who the F is going to warm up to to him that
Isn’t aleady paid off in caviar
The absolute irony here is how badly EVERYONE in the Trump administration fucked this up because it was Trump and his propaganda arm, Fox News who let Wolff have free reign around the White House and just sit around recording damaging information.
Not only do we have yet even more evidence that Trump is not fit for office, we have more evidence that he's neck deep in criminal activity with Russia and his sons committed treason which will lead to him because there is no way Trump was not aware of it. The NYT articles about how Mueller has confirmed Comey's account and that the president lied, again. Is just icing on the cake.
The cherry is how Bannon is getting buttfucked by everyone on the right wing. I almost feel bad for any of the nazis from britbart who just got their asses thrown out of Trump's sphere of influence along with Bannon.
>when you win gold in Olympic mental gymnastics
name the parts that are verified to be false pls, the autistic screeching from the WH seems to indicate w/e is written is quite damaging (probably because it's true lel)
ShareBlue is working hard Tonight.
>its a bunch of shills all join the same thread and post their copy pasta episode
shits real creepy how you all come to the same threads lol
>everyone who doesn't literally taste the soles of the god emperor's shoes is a shill
return to plebbit and kys plz, in that order
not an argument, cucks
Just another libtard book of fiction.
oh boy, gonna have to actually go read it to find out if I want specifics on the verifiably false parts then lel. Thanks for basically answering my question with "some parts may be", aka thx for nothing m80
the excerpt was pretty amazing. It all sounds like what I would expect from the Trump WH
If they aren't true, why would Trump try to trample on the 1st amendment to keep the book from being published? Also all those hours of tape.
Checkmate Ivan.
>prove something false
It's actually incumbent upon the author to prove they're true, but moronic leftists will give him money anyway
Bannon (among many) hasn't contested the quotes tho, keep burying your head in the sand. Everything is fine, the president isn't an idiot (despite Cohn, McMaster, Tillerson, Murdoch, etc saying so and worse) 8 years of maga and all that lul
When you talk to a bunch of people in the Trump White House, including Donald J. Trump and Stephen K. Bannon, some substantial portion of what you hear from them is going to be lies. It's how those guys roll. It's only fair that he report those lies in their entirety.
They're starting to get afraid because Hillary's crimes are finally being exposed.
>Also all those hours of tape
Just because he sat down with Bannon and whoever else doesn't mean that he will be accurate in reporting the conversation.
Still tells people to kill themselves, in 2018.
And you did?
Jew lips galore.
>book claims Trump eats nothing but mcdonalds out of fear of being poisoned
>claims that Trump was a Hillary plant and that he did everything in his power to lose the election
im gunna laugh when everyone finds out that its all a joke and a bunch of libshits bought a "nazi's" book thinkin it'd have juicy dirt on Trump when it really turns out to be like this
Your post presupposes I actually made a specific claim (ie the entire book is 100% accurate) and was demanding it be disproven, as opposed to me just asking how people knew the claims were false/which ones. Pls try again
you're damn right
to get more people to buy the book, this fued is political theater, this book will sell like gangbusters and make everyone involved wealthy, by givin the impression the events are true with an alledged cnd,
or maybe he's just really petty, but based on his daily twitter spergouts I'm sure it's actually exactly what you said lul
yes I did. I argued that Obama used executive orders buand Trump does not. therefore Trump is a cuck.
any specific reasons people care to mention as to why wolff is untrustworthy?
Me Me
This book is all part of operation "Covfefe"
I couldn't even pretend to be this retarded
?????? Trump used way more exec orders that Obama. Trump has the record for it
Never spend money on books like this. You'll hear all the important parts for free.
whats this from if not the onion
>digital books
disgusting fucking cunt
Of course you'd say that. Amerimutts don't read that's why they're the dumbest cunts on the planet
This. Nothing that's been revealed so far is damaging to the President long term, except for his ego. It makes him look like he's really trying to run the country.
A book that itself clarifies that some accounts are what the author imagined happened.
I'm gonna wait till this comes out as a discount DVD...
This guy is just selling a book. Are you going to buy it?
The only reason you should buy it is if you need to for legal reasons, like if you're using it in a news story.
Nothing in this book contradicts what we already thought about how the Trump White House was working.
None of them thought they were going to win either. Nobody believed Trump when he kept saying he was going to win. He didn't believe it either.
The difference is, that this book goes out of its way to make that sound malicious and cynical -- like they WANTED to lose. Of course they didn't. They WERE trying to win the election!
We all could have guess, as well, that Trump didn't like Steve Bannon's stubble and lazy dressing (he has a history of this) -- or that he thinks Kushner is a suckup (wouldn't you?). Reince, poor Reince, he was out of his league.
Kellyanne came out fine.
This book is NOT "Game Change" or "Primary Colors".
well beyond the treason and such lel, the part about him being a huge fan of mcdonalds/fast food because of his paranoia of being poisoned (plus locking himself in his bedroom alone so he can eat burgers) is funny af as well.
Otherwise, yeah I don't think this book is exactly the end of the administration (nor was it intended to be). It's just some extra insight to perhaps the most dysfunctional and inept white house in living memory. Nice reddit spacing btw, the_donald needs you back there and not here m80
Yep. Ordered it 15 minutes ago.
Amazon Prime. Be here in a couple of days.
And with Amazon Bezos gets a cut.
Win/Win situation.
>believing a known lying kike
Even washpo admitted it’s fake news
why would anyone pay to read lies from lefty kikes?
Apparently it's a shitty fanfiction novel and not even a good one.
Trump is going to sue the publisher/author and the author will back down after a few weeks. The entire thing will become another chapter (pun intended) in the lame, tired effort the left puts up