This legendary series needs some love!! post ANYTHING manga caps banter ships

this legendary series needs some love!! post ANYTHING manga caps banter ships



I loathe Takamura and wish monthly for his death.

i don't care much for his comic relief either but his ambition is admirable

what are you doing

kumi chan is a gift to this world

shit series
700 chapters too long

I apreciate Hajime no Ippo but it should be an 1/8 of it's lenght it has no way to justify all the fucking filler.

I'm on chapter 818 and I'm still hooked.

i agree there's a lot of filler IF you only wanna see how ippo's doing. imho they're still well made and interesting, you only have to want to read them



>I apreciate Hajime no Ippo but it should be an
1/8 of it's lenght

A series like Ippo wouldn't work at 1/8 it's length, because the series biggest strength is its secondary cast.

Aokimura, Takamura, Sendo, Mashiba, Date, Miyata and Vorg, etc. wouldn't be half as entertaining without the author giving a fuck enough to go into their backstories and give these characters their own individual stories.

The only thing that makes Ippo feel even slightly 'filler' is Ippo's own growth, but that's more to do with literally writing a series where the main character takes a backseat to his secondary cast and needing a means to keep him relavent. With the semi-recent stint with Itagaki it's been shown that even that doesn't work, because Ippo himself, and how the rest of the cast plays off him and his journey is the core of the series, even if Ippo's matches have long since stopped being the reason anyone with any sanity is still reading it.

>I loathe Takamura and wish monthly for his death.

Yeah, Takamura can be insufferable, especially recently with this shit about him being hellbent on proving his 'little brother' is broken as a boxer and not even being man enough to apologize because he's been up his own ass about anyone disappointing Kamogawa, when the reality is that Kamogawa himself would rather lose and struggle to make Ippo a world champion, as his own, personal dream, rather than having Takamura literally gift him world title after world title.

I love the little doodles of his cats in his notebook

Anime only fag passing by

>I love the little doodles of his cats in his notebook

The fact that he had that in his notebook, while on a nation-wide 'beatdown tour' makes it all the more hilarious, if not the fact he was traveling across the country with Sawamura in tow.

>Aoki's Gedo cosplay












ippo is literally the worst character
takamura is best boy


>Not Itagaki




wew lad, care to elaborate? I want to know because I don't really like him







Well, as I stated before I'm only 800 chapters in but the kid is gonna go to very high places if he can win the class A tourney and he has the skill to pull it off too. He's not perfect character wise but he's definitely better than Takamura. I guess I just like him because he's the genius of the gym.


Can we add ippo to the list of incomplete series with authors that willl die before it's finished?

at this point one should just enjoy the ride, I don't delude myself into thinking there's gonna be an ending

Also anime-only-fag

>Can we add ippo to the list of incomplete series with authors that willl die before it's finished?

No. Because anyone who's actually read Ippo and commentary/interviews from Morikawa knows that this guy has not only made this his life's work, but already resigned himself to working on it until he dies. The guy loves writing about and drawing boxing that much. Shonen Magzine seems to regard Hajime no Ippo, as a series, the same as Shonen Jump treats Kochikame; in that it'll go on until the author is satisfied enough to end it, which happened with Kochikame, which ended up with 200 volumes before ending. .. and ended up getting a sequel. So even if Ippo does end, expect Morikawa to churn out a sequel series.



>>... and ended up getting a sequel. So even if Ippo does end, expect Morikawa to churn out a sequel series.

Literally "You are here forever": The manga.




ngl laughed pretty hard first time reading this part


>Dat fucking face.

I honestly can't see Kumi and Ippo ever settling down, not with Ryo still alive. Even if he's currently the biggest Ippo x Kumi fag; even if that's solely because Mashiba's infinite hatred of the idea of Sendo hitting on his little sister.










New season when?
I only have interest in the series because of Takamura to begin with.
Was the last season Takamura beating the English guy? "the Olympic boxer, not crazy mcrapist that hit the old man."































About to start the Sendo vs. Ippo title fight in the anime. This series is too fucking good.
