Why is he attacking Trump? Is he going to run for president in 2020?
What is his endgame?
Who knows. He's probably gonna end up in prison though for being a blackmailed Israeli shill who leaks shit and worked with Weinstein selling DVDs.
GOP would never pick that fuck head over trump. If they do, then trump voters will jump ship.
Mercers cut ties with him. He's done.
He looks like he's dying of type 2 diabetes and AIDS, hopefully he'll just leak interesting shit he learned at the white house and go die in gitmo
He’s going to win.
Because one of them is a true (((Zionist))) and he's mad as fuck that the other guy is only larping as a Zionist. I'll let you guess which is which.
OK What the fuck happen?!
I thought Bannon was Trump's #1 Guy?!!!
Bannon is more a tactical person than a strategist. He is fighting because there is a fight. Nothing more.
>Bannon manages Trumps campaign
>People vote for Trump and his campaign promises
>Trump drops Bannon
>Trump turns into Benjamin Netanyahu
>Backtracks on all of his campaign promises
>Now an Israeli puppet
>Trump voters will jump ship if the guy who influenced everything they voted for were to replace the guy who turned out to be everything they didn't want
Bannon has been trying to attach himself to a movement to boost himself into a position of power. He tried to attach himself to "Trumpism" and take it over apparently not realizing the Trumpism is entirely dependent on Donald Trump. Bannon is lashing out because he's burned every bridge and squandered every opportunity in his bid for self promotion.
Trump already had the Rebublican nomination when Bannon came on board. He's that guy who shows up and tries to take credit after everyone else has already done the heavy lifting. Honestly, no one even mentioned Steve Bannon until rump was sworn in, and suddenly there was the fat alcoholic looking son of a bitch out of nowhere who was part of the new administration. Trump let him in, used him for what he could and then tossed him when it became clear that the only thing Bannon brought to the administration were incessant leaks to the press he supposedly loathed.
>lost his job
>lost his mind
Bannon joined after trump did all the work, ya knob.
>Looks like he eats nothing but lard and never exercises
>>He's a tactical genius
He's mad that trump turned into another swamp monster kike.
This is what happens when people are allowed to have their own thoughts, we need to ban this book and anything which denigrates our emperor.
Bannon believes in the Strauss-Howe generational theory. It's thesis is that history repeats in cycles of around 80 years (human lifetime). The phases are crisis, high, awakening and unravelling.
For example, World War II was the last 'crisis' period. The generation that fought in WWII established the new order and golden age of the 1960s American 'high' period. The generation born in prosperity then contributed to an 'awakening' period (of social liberalization and hippie culture), which then brought about an 'unravelling' period, including increased social problems, culture wars and the Great Recession.
Bannon believes that we are now moving into a new 'crisis' period that should reach its climax before late 2020s. Usually, but not always, these periods include a major war, and a massive price is paid to enter the new order and the new 'high' period.
According to the theory, in this 'crisis' period, the most powerful figures leading people through this crisis would be the people born in the previous 'high' period, that is, boomers. Like Trump or Bannon himself. He saw Trump as sort of a potential vessel for this to happen, but apparently failed.
But basically, Bannon's endgame is to somehow accelerate or trigger the crisis period by himself. He wants chaos and violence, and a new American high to arise from the ashes.
That’s a hell of a claim, user. Got anything to back it up?
Well, literally just google 'bannon book obsession', 'bannon strauss-howe', 'bannon fourth turning' etc.
Bannon just needs to stfu
Not a chance. He's a complete nut job.
Some russkies believe in a 400 year cycle, usually restricted to individual regions. About 100 years and america ought to have some good times. russia china are on the current upswing.
He actually does have the same skin as say Soros. Fuck me.