How does this picture make you feel Sup Forums?

How does this picture make you feel Sup Forums?

>boy on the right blushing
Muh niggah

I want her to step on my balls

Aroused. I want to strip naked, lick every part of her body from her feet to her hips, and then start masturbating furiously while I smell her crotch.

Spiky hair boy in the background definitely wants in, and he and glasses girl are going to hook up for a night of pegging, ball-busting and foot worship

Very aroused. If she were carrying a leash and collar, it would be perfect.

Makes me feel like I want to be her slave.

I'll even bark at squirrels, and shit on the grass if that's your command.

Femdom is such a garbage tier fetish.

I'm not into BDSM at all, but I'd let Raphi do whatever she wants to me.


>I'm not into BDSM at all, but


He will be in time.

Annoyed, stop reposting this shit.

Why user? Are you intimidated by strong women?

Clearly, he is.

I still don't really get the domination thing. Because of my size and strength I would have to willingly submit to them. Unless the person is someone like pic related, the immersion of me being dominated would be broken.

But willingly submitting is the whole point user

Yes, that's where it gets good. You should be physically superior but you still get subdued, whether it's psychological (blackmailing, wits) or physical (the little girl surprisingly can and will beat the shit out of you). In both cases you're being one-upped by the QT and she (literally) rubs it in your face by stomping on you and making you lick her feet.

only if you're still forced one way or another

Well yeah, I agree with you basically.

Top kek

Beg for her to sit on my face

It's like you idiots have never watched the anime. The second you start enjoying it and worshipping Raphi willingly and compulsively she'll lose interest. She wants to watch you squirm and wrestle with your inner demons, she wants to make you love the things you hate. If you're already into it there's nothing for her to taint black, and you're ultimately trash to her.

Fuck you let me enjoy the fantasy

i can fake well

plus, most people's common sense wouldn't let them submit to someone willingly, it's just a fetish, so it'd still be frustrating because real-life bullying and she'd enjoy it

Like femdomfags need to be gassed.

your disgust only turns me on further

Don't mention gas in a Raphi thread user, you're asking for trouble


Can we just permaban him or break his computer

Didn't we literally just have this thread?

Brap/fart posting should be punishable by execution

This thread made me fap to femdom doujin and that was the best climax I've had in a while, jesus christ. I'm literally on my bed, not able to move ready to doze off due to the sheer pleasure of the fap.

i've been lurking gab threads a long ass time and i dont remember the brap guy, only people mentioning him

I know it is. Now spit on me and call me human waste

He shows up every now and then but leaves if he doesnt get you's. Still he's almost annoying as he who shall not be named

sayaka x homura


Honestly had to fight getting an erection during this scene. I like dominance stuff but I hate feet and shit like this blurs the line to the point of confusing me.

>M fags

there's something unsettling about Ralphie's eyes

But beatings is what they want you silly goose

the beheading comes after

You a dogfag or something?


Well that's too bad user because you like feet too now


>tfw no smug qt to beat you to a pulp


>You a dogfag
No, I just want to lick the sweat off her body.

This one is way better,

She looks too nice here. Not enough smugness and malice

I want Raphiel to sit on my face and not fart.

Cuck: The fetish

>implying I don't want to see my wife being pounded by a superior black male while I fap in the corner

I'm pretty sure Cuck:The Fetish is actually being a cuck.

shhh, do not trigger the normies...

I was told being a cuck comes with many nuances, ever so slightly different

Threadly reminder that femdom is literally a shit tier fetish.

If you actually want a girl to beat the shit out of you while spitting in your mouth and calling you worthless you're pathetic.

here we have somebody who actually experienced it in real life, but unwillingly

lucky bastard

Goddammit you got me into a femdom mood

>tfw there's some doujins of Asuka domming Shinji hardcore(like she's super tall in it and she beats the fuck out of him) but the last doujin isn't and will probably never be translated
why even live?

It's a part of the experience.

No I do not

You will if you stay on this board long enough

I agree, and my beautiful fart-mistress Raphiel is perfect for it.

I don't even post that often, and mostly just write poetry. It's not like I make random shitposts for (you)s, and I don't make those annoying *BRAP* posts. I've simply enjoyed the thought of Raphiel forcefully facesitting me or Satania.

Alright, it was a good thread.

Thanks everyone and good night.

Come on, just because I want to see Satania unwillingly become Raphiel's fart-slave and toilet doesn't mean the thread is ruined. I'm not like these weirdos talking about feet.

Raphi is pretty cute. I didn't like her at first but she grew on me and ended up as one of my favorites.

Watched for the Vigne.
Stayed for the Raphi.

Makes me want to force her into submission.

Hungry for 2D feet.

Tfw you will never do this with raphi

>Spitting in my mouth

>girl starts out as shy
>gets into it and becomes super rough

One of the best femdom scenarios

Is it worthy to die this way?

of course

>not vomit

Too many maso-worms on this board.

I'd lick it all