What's the most unacceptably bullshit victory you've seen shounen battle manga/anime?
What's the most unacceptably bullshit victory you've seen shounen battle manga/anime?
Emporio killing Pucci should be up there.
Genkidama Trunks vs Merged Zamasu at least had good OST
Toriko vs Acaccia
Ywach defeate was also made of nonsense.
Any fight with that shitty character in it.
>Emporio killing Pucci should be up there.
Why? it made sense, WR was OP as fuck.
Does Pain's death get the award for the most bullshit defeat?
Naruto talked to him about friends or some bullshit and suddenly he resurrected everyone who died in the war and killed him self. That is when the series turned into a massive pile of dog shit. I remember that is when the gateway spam started on Sup Forums.
when Kimimaro and Mashyu do an asspull win versus [ANGEL], but it doesn't show them actually winning it cuts to after the battle with them briefly stating they won despite them getting thier ass kicked the entire time.
Not bullshit in a bad way but bullshit because I can't get over the fact that Toki should have been the chosen one. This is still the best fight in a shounen fighting manga.
You could have saved the world Toki.
It didnt make sense the disk was compatible with Emporio when it wasnt compatible with Jolyne, who also had the Joestar blood like WR.
>literally kung fu Jesus
>still not the chosen one
Emporio wasn't compatible. There were two ways to use a stand disk- be compatible, or get it shoved in by White Snake. The latter happened.
Weather Report as a stand made no fucking sense but yeah it being able to control oxygen levels in the room was the least bullshit of its arsenal.
Although Pucci haphazardly running into Emporio's stand room after meticulously carrying out his plan was dumb as shit.
But he Pucci already lost White Snake.
Fuck the final Arc of Part 6 is truly a clusterfuck, Part 6 overall as bad as FT Spriggans Arc.
Pretty much, she still didn't beat her Mom though. It's the same with August, he just quit.
Emporio was fine, the other 3 fights were just terrible regardless.
I could have even got behind Raoh as the chosen one. Why was it Kenshiro, he wasn't ever nearly as good as those two.
I don't think Fist of the North Star is the best manga ever but it's definitely my favourite and I don't think I'll ever read anything like it ever again.
Erza vs that one demon
Because they just literally stopped trying in that moment and didn't even come up with an explanation. Erza was entirely fucked, had no counter, was entirely beaten. But the author decided "Well she wins, because she's Erza", that's when you know a story has no validty anymore.
She has no senses anymore, she was worn out, she was losing beforehand, the demon has just powered up a lot, they couldn't think of a single reason why Erza should win.
They can't think of a single reason why she should or could win, so they just say "Well she's Batman so..."
That one guy makes it clear all three of them were worthy successors any day of the week. Which is why its a damn shame they were all born within the same generation. Any other generation they could have been a great chosen one on their own, but instead the world gave birth to three chosen ones at the same time.
>Ywach defeate was also made of nonsense
There was no way they could have defeated him without bullshit.
>got both arms cut
>got his side opened
>got his heart stabbed
>grab a petal in his mouth and slash his enemy and the whole castle in two with it
It made perfect sense; MoH's special ability speeds up time, which fucked him up since the user is still human. It sped up the time in the room which made oxygen accumulate faster, and caused Pucci to get instnatly fucked up.
No matter how strong a stand is, the user is still just a human.
Every fight Sasuke ever had.
I don't think it's a shounen but A-A-A-ANGEL takes the top for me
I feel like Ruffy should have lost against Enel even with his immunity to electricity.
That guy had powerful haki, incredible speed to the point where it seemed he could teleport, could create and manipulate matter like turning nearby gold into a heated weapon.
He actually seems so powerful that he'd be a better matchup for Luffy after the timeskip instead of the fight we had on Skypia.
Ichigo vs Aizen was the king of asspulls
>Oh wait Ichigo we can train in the Time and Space Room from DBZ for 6 months and be more powerful than Aizen
Ippo vs. Wally, everything about that mach was bullshit.
Raoh is the one that understands that better than anyone else, he's weeping because fate had cursed Toki with a sickness that weakened him and forced the greatest martial artist the world had ever seen to resort to a forbidden art just to strengthen his body enough to fight and he still ended up losing. No true warrior spirit could've ever held back his tears at such a tragedy, the fact that he was his beloved little brother only made it hurt worse.
luffy vs enel, yeah we get it, he is out of gum and therfore electricty doenst have an effect on him BUT ENEL MELTS GOLD AROUND LUFFYS ARM AND GOLD HAS AN MELTING POINT OF 1.064 °C HIS ARM WOULD BE FOOKING BURNED TO ASHES. Also Enel could just
dissolve in electricity everytime luffy is about to hit him
>but you'll still fail to actually finish the job, so you'll have to rely on a mincing pedophile to show you how to be a proper badass. Again.
Ichigo won in part because Aizen gave up over being ronery. That was the only way they could justify it.
Jotaro vs DIO
jojofags that actually try to defend this, fuck off.
someone seriously needs to translate this manga
but the story established "believable bullshit" like Orihime's power, and didn't use it at all.
Not sure it's quite bullshit, but the final fight in Rosario Vampire 2 was a pretty big let-down. "Dude, Alucard has arisen as a city-eating Eldritch Horror from beyond! What's that? His dead girlfriend who was married to someone else is going to talk him into committing suicide?" Final battle turns out to have a terror from beyond the stars being p-whipped by a dead chick.
Why is JoJo so praised if it has so many inconsistencies?
Why praise the series for being "intelligent" when the author can't write coherent rules?
Maybe conceivably her son inherited that power and that's how he did that thing that he did with that thing that he did that thing to?
He clearly overpowered him
Btw the whole "his blade feels lonely" thing was such a missed opportunity to give Aizen some sort of fucking character but Kubo never delivered on that of course so Aizen remained a bland overpowered villain sue with no real character
Jonouchi v Marik and to a lesser extent Mai v Marik.
Hermes vs Sport Maxx, Hermes survives after getting her head split, fuck out of here with that bullshit.
Irene vs Erza, Do I need to say why?
AllMight vs OFA, if AM wasnt likeable then it wouldve been completely generic and a Mumen Rider ripoff.
Arima vs Kaneki, Arima committing suicide out of nowhere.
Oboro vs Takasuki on Earth, a worn out Takasuki owning a fresh Obito, which is stupid.
K12 vs Obito: Nakama Rasengan...just wut
I said Obito instead of Oboro in the Gintama fight, but both are similar, the only difference is that Oboro didnt have a crush on anyone and was complete jobber
Every single fight in Fairy Tail.
The entire fucking manga was a missed opportunity to give anyone at all a bit of character and development. About the only one who got anything appreciable was Gin, I think. Everyone else was obscenely one-dimensional.
The way the anime handled Jonouchi vs Marik was better, Marik wtf reaction made me laugh.
Araki forgets, and also the art took a deep around Part 6, most of the characters are ugly as hell.
Ive seen 50s cartoons having better Art than JoJo Part 6.
>o no, I have lost my 13 sense and my armor and he killed my mom who lived at the other side of the world. This.is.the.end
Not a shounen battle manga/anime but still probably the best example
Victory happens off screen after a time skip.
Let continue:
Shirou vs Gilgamesh
Metal Bat vs Garou
Erwin dying instead of Armin.
Not really, whatever happened in the end Pain was already defeated and complete exhausted his defeat was already set in stone, he just happened to say "fine, let's do this your way, maybe I was wrong"
>I use my catapult on my knight
>and I make your castle fall from the sky and kill your team
>if I tap him a billion times, his body will break
It was like George wanted Ippo to be a video game. That fight would make *more* sense if there was a reveal page, nearing the end of the fight, where it showed that Woli had an HP bar.
The Pegasus Knight was always rencarnated and made more powerful in each life, so did most of the Saints of Athena, since she wouldn't allow their souls to be tortured for eternity in her nemesis realm
That said, Athena was basically Cosmo fucking him all the time
Gally's like my cockslut waifu and all, but damn if the end of the Zott wasn't a massive asspul
Okay no, I'll be the first to admit this is bullshit, but this is the exact bullshit Index runs on. It is acceptably bullshit.
I will always be depressed about the fact that Gin died. He was my favourite character in the entire series, and I still think about him all the time, even though I barely even read Bleach.
Eh the first time is understandable
The second and third is when it gets retarded
Oboro was dying as well though as his immortal blood was running out.
>Shirou vs Gilgamesh
Was waiting for that to be posted. Let the flamewar begin.
The second time was pretty ridiculous with Touma tanking the land tsunami but the rest of the fight made sense with Touma's precog. Accel threw the third fight.
>Metal Bat vs Garou
What's wrong with that?
Who would win in a fight:
Gilgamesh or Gilgamesh's pride?
>unacceptably bullshit victory
try again dumbass he lost regardless
I really wish he never joined Aizen and got killed off. I really enjoyed him just trolling everyone in Soul Society.
The end of the tournament arc in fairy tail
The opponent LITERALLY gives up purely because of the power of friendship, he does not even try to fight them even though they are all wounded and he is at full health.
>hey pikachu, put water on onyx and use thunderstorm!
>hey pikachu use thunder armor!
At least he gets out-bullshitted when it comes to winning leagues.
>that guy who use a frigging darkrai
>Yugi "Asspulls" Muto
Remember when he literally invented an ability for Kuriboh, that made him explode and blind Thousand-Eyes Restrict? That was absurd.
Everything involving Musashi
>that guy who use a frigging darkrai
XY was outright bullshit as well
to be fair, his opponents also made up bullshit along the way
>thunder armor
thunder armor was cool shit though and he'll never do it again
>your time magic aged my dark magician
>now he's the dark archmagician lol
>I fuse my mammoth on your dragon so its undead nature poison him
sometime I wondered like, were there actual cards for that shit.
>*everything* involving Musashi
>Motobe vs Musashi
more like
too easy
The fights were basically Chuunibyou.
Another example is the end of the duel vs Dartz.
>Dartz: I have an infinity attack monster!
>Yugi: I use this combo and I get a infinity+1 attack monster lol.
Leave the Empire's strongest to me!
I said their fight on Earth, after Takasuki fought Gintoki.
Oboro lost his credibility then.
>XY was outright bullshit
he lost against a nigga using like four pokemon that were 4x fighting Ash was just trash at battling.
Metal Bat was said to be capable of defeating Dragons and he cant beat human Garou.
No you are not, it just so happen that people complain a lot about Naruto while not really paying much attention to it.
Sup Forums was shitting on Nardo since before Shippuden was a thing. user, please.
Oh my bad.
user pls read the manga
remake when?
Garou is also capable of defeating Dragons. And S class heroes.
that fucking fight didn't they hype up that thunder guy and then he lost the only fight he had in the series.
was this the begining of incursio being almost invincible I can't remember.
wasn't this because their fight got cut off though
So she pianos him to death?
Bat was about to win but stopped cuz his imouta
Yugi was a filthy fucking cheater.
I only read the finale but didn't they all get some op power up
No she syncs with his soul and enters the madness itself
If I can spoil you a little, at your own risk about the ending
They don't really truly defeat him, he gets sealed in the moon because he is madness itself, that is a part of the world, Both Kid and Black Star are stronger that Chrona, actually Black Star might be the strongest being alive
Not really, Maybe Kid since
Shinigami dies and he awakens as a true Shinigami, but unlike his father he accepts madness as part of existence
his pride, every time
The dark sage thing was a real card. But mainly since the manga came first they would mostly just print cards for all Yugis bullshit asspulls
Edward stomping Father when he has his arm back.
Kyoukai vs Yuuren, PoF moment.
Nanao vs Lillie
Nemu vs Pernida
Deku going over 100% in the Summer Camp Arc and not having permanent injuries.
>Black Star might be the strongest being alive
Not exactly a victory, but Byakuya's survival after As Nodt shredded him. He was supposed to die there, but Kubo's editors started throwing their weight around, unhappy he was killing one of the most popular characters
>butthurt gilfags are still mad because they can*t undertand TM rock paper scissors powerlevel
Aizen's character was great though. I don't get this meme. And I'm not talking about the charismatic meticulous keikaku master that everyone tries to pretend he is. His ACTUAL character.
Aizen has no purpose or goal. He's a guy who was born with immense strength and power and didn't know what to do with it or how to relate to anyone around him so he spent his life seeking answers and sating his curiosities.
He followed Urahara's footsteps and made a Hogyoku because he was curious about it.
He 'made' Ichigo to figure out how Hollowification works when White attacked Isshin and Masaki.
He made the Arrancar to test the limits of the Hogyoku's power, he didn't need an army.
He captured Orihime because he wanted to observe her powers.
He let Gin continue to follow him because he wanted to know how and when he would strike.
And he let Ichigo get stronger and stronger because he wanted to see how far a Shinigami/Hollow/Quincy hybrid could go.
The whole Soul King thing was a rationalization he made when he saw how far above everyone he was.
So he was caught off guard when Ichigo finally surpassed him, he didn't think it was possible.
Aizen was a wayward soul that tried to rationalize the world around him until he saw something that intrigued him and then he wanted to know more.
Good fights sometimes and very good at building tension. That's it really. It's praised more than it should be but at the same time it's very unique and entertaining, which is more than can be said for the majority of manga.
He's a boring, bored, one dimensional ninny.
He peaked at the rescue of Rukia. The only character development he ever got was oiling up his hair like some perverted Italian.
>expecting a popular character die in Bleach when Hitsugaya survived a fatal wound at least 3 times
Kubo was going to do it, though. This wasn't a "grievously hurt and fate is left ambiguous when we know he's gonna live" this was Kubo flat out killing Byakuya
>Kyoukai vs Yuuren
whole fandom hates this one huh? I get it though but I can also understand why her friends were the thing that brought her back from the darkness. I mean we new they were gonna be mentioned at least a little during her revenge arc. But it would still make more since that Yuuren was stronger considering she actually survived the ritual and killed her own sister.
Kinda ruined the arc for me but I am kinda torn on if it was acceptable or not myself. The revenge arc is probably the weakest anyway it was hell of disappointing.