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NYT: Everyone in Trumpworld knows he's an idiot
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It doesn't matter if he's a little slow, he's still /ourguy/.
Hopeless idiots like seeing a hopeless idiot in charge. Makes them think their ticket up is coming soon.
i think we all know deep down
Media in full panic mode. Shitting bricks.
Why are these lefty shills on Sup Forums?
These threads are great for outing shills so I can mark them.
>Everyone in Trumpworld knows
Wow. this is EXACTLY one of the conditions that I outlaw prior to any debating:
>I know
>He/she/it knows
>Everyone knows
These are not a basis of an argument. Please present facts, and not opinions. The media is retarded, and attempting to drag us with it....
Like any of the last 4-5 presidents were any better...
Not sure about idiot, but a covert kike for sure. His family is basically a jewish clan, I guess we should have known better.
He's a genius.
t.official genius
wtf i hate trump now
Is this how lefty world sees things?
Kikes. Always kikes.
How to instantly discredit an article
not a lefty fag. im happy he got elected and wouldnt have it any other way
>not a lefty fag
This seems to be the shill tactic of the day. I have been called a commie/pinko/liberal all night when I shut down stupidity. I think it is part of the raid to simply call someone the thing they are not.
Yes but he's/our/ idiot
It's sad it took them so long to figure it out.
(((NYT))) where opinion pieces are taken as real news
"You know it, I know it, everybody knows it"
I am also a genius and I can confirm President Trump is a genius.
>such an idiot he's worth billions
>is the president
>married a model
>and has a 98% success rate in business continuity
Jesus Christ liberals are covetous faggots
T dog knows more than anyone
Mf is more handsome then Superman and smarter than
I wish I was a billion dollar idiot
>And he only did it with a """small""" loan of a million dollars!
You could give any random nigger on street half that amount and they would become just as if not more successful than idiot drumpf.
>You could give any random nigger on street half that amount and they would become just as if not more successful than idiot drumpf.
This has to be a troll. Most lotto winners are just as poor five years after they win as they were before.
If you gave a nigger that much he'd beg for more
I don't believe we've had an intelligent president since the 1800's. Maybe Eisenhower.
Are they even trying anymore?
If Trump is an idiot then so is 70% of the U.S and this is bipartisan as well.
Most Americans can't find Iran and North Korea on a map
This is a good one. Not very familiar, but almost everybody that saw this one is excited about it.
Yes but, her E-mails!
Someone should text her
>Everyone in Trumworld knows you are a Jew
Can't wait until we start hanging journalists.
This is hilarious only because your choice in memeflag explains why you'd be retarded enough to believe that
Oh man a story that says Trump is a big doo doo head. This will really change things! Why has no one thought of this before?
Feel the Bern!
If you really believe this, please do not have children.
second post best post
trump is like rodney dangerfield joining bushwood,
This Tumblr raid is bananas fellow not-commie
You don't have to be left to see that Trump is a moron. You just have to be more intelligent than the average american.
Really, you red hat newfas, it's time to leave our board. You've pestered it long enough.
We put this guy on the white house for the lulz, because we knew exactly what would happen.
We wanted to destroy the political establishment, and we've succeeded in an amazing way.
As a ethnic nationalist, Bannon is my man, not this child man Trump who's a Puppet to his daughter and her fucking husband.
Until you faggots can figure out subtle concepts like authenticity or formulating an original thought, you're fucked. Why are you here? Do you think you are going to shitpost Trump to impeachment? Face it you are a miserable person who spreads negativity everywhere you go, then play the victim and generally suck the fun out of life everywhere you go.
>You could give any random nigger on street half that amount and they would become just as if not more successful than idiot drumpf.
I bet I could give you a million dollars and you would fail. It's not as if you'll admit you'll pretend you know business like as MBA on the internet but the truth is...where is your business since it's so fucking easy? I have been working at mine since Nov 2014 and I turn a profit but one mistake and I'm done. You on the other hand, have already built an empire, right? We have all heard of your stunning successes, it's so easy right?
Based pedes are the last to find out about everything.
will we ever know obama's sat scores? I bet trump scored higher.
There are a bunch of losers who think they are come to Sup Forums and show/tell us. They are going to make us ashamed and melt into little libertarian and alt-right puddles with the blinding erudition of their bleeding edge incisive arguments.
Even Bob Dole knows it.
"I know it. You know it. Everybody knows it."
This. Must suck having to shill, and lie all day every day. So lame.
Dumb fuck u r
This. I'm not sure if they believe they're accomplishing anything except driving more ppl away from the left
They have no legitimate arguments. What else can they do? Top kek
>Random street niggers win lottery all the time for more money
>They always end up broke again
Every time.
t. You
I love Trump and Alex Jones.
it's not an argument of "everyone thinks he's retarded so you should too" though, the NYT is saying that multiple members of his own administration, most of whom he picked himself, think he's a fucktard (an entirely different argument).
pls try again
This shilling never worked for hot sauce Hillary. They're dumb enough to thinkbitsvgonna impeach Trump? Sharia blue has hired some of the dumbest fucks on the planet
Who is this?
So your argument is...
That everyone thinks he's retarded?
it’s denial. How so you explain his success on so many levels?
thats it op i'm not going to play with you at pacific playland.
"Everyone knows" is a controlling phrase. It's meant to bring you to heel. You're meant to conform with the in-group, the one the New York Times is constructing for you.
Just slip away. Ease into it. Believe all the anonymous sources. BELIEVE IN THE TWO SCOOPS.
no just you lel
Uhhh.. Well... He's a racist, misgognist... Trumpking... Uhhhh...
Well your question is so stupid, haha it doesn't even deserve a response. If you can't figure it out on your own you never will haha checkmate cuckservative.
Nonsense. Before he was 30, Trump managed to complete "one of the most complicated real estate deals ever conceived."
kill yourself shill rat
"everyone in Trumpworld" =/= "everyone" tho, it means the people in his administration (who actually interact with him) think he's a fuckwit. It'd be quite a stretch to say trumpworld is an "in-group" the majority of Americans would conform to, as unbelievable as that must sound lul
There's a difference between a rodeo clown, and someone who scoops water with a rock.
Trump's a clown. He knows he is. We know he is.
But the plan IS working.
It says specifically:
>Everyone in Trumpworld Knows He's an Idiot
What is Trumpworld? Is this a new theme park?
Everyone Implies every single person. I guarantee you can find people who don't think that at all. He beat the "Most qualified candidate" ever for president (popular vote does not count for shit either, so don't waste your keystrokes).
Basically, your article is shit, and you can't spin it at all.
Wait so neocons and globalists hate him? SHIT. IMPEACH NOW.
> everyone around him, who really knows him, all the secret people we know, oh yes, they agree, slip away, slip into agreement, assent to the group
Fuck off.
Real god empahraur stuff there Klaus
How the h*ck are supposed adult lefties still pushing this narrative? It's highschool stuff.
how do you run a casino so badly it has to declare bankruptcy
DC slang. Trumpworld is the current administration in the White House. The current members of the court, basically. See "Obamaworld," "Bushworld."
Oh look, it's the shariablue meme generator.
Surely you mean
>You should be aware that some of the people in his administration, including Cohn, McMaster, Tillerson and allies like Murdoch, all of whom have interacted with him extensively, think he's a fucking moron.
>inb4 ree
someone call jeb quick, slow and steady...
You do get that Ivanka and Kushner are both globalist neocons who vote dem right? And they are basically the only two who can’t get away from him. So they are bailing water the fastest which means playing ball with gop Congress establishment on everything and whispering into the senile clowns war all the globalist neocon stuff Bannen was trying to beat out of them. But Bannen is long gone
> (((Allies))) like Murdoch
Murdoch has been skewering him in UK-based press, because that fucking book is just too juicy. He doesn't need to believe or care about him being an idiot, he just needs to drift away in the sea like every other Boomer.
Seriously? When you say "Trump", Trumpsters say "but Hillary."
Sure it's been almost 15 months since she faded into the sunset, but they'd still rather talk about Hillary and exchange retarded memes and conspiracy theories than try to defend indefensible Trump.
whereas Fox News absolutely captivates his attention like a moth is drawn to a flame...a flame that the moth can tweet at mind you. It's ALMOST as though Murdoch knows that Trump won't even glance at critical coverage in the press of other countries, you truly can have it both ways.
>Trumpworld is the current administration in the White House.
So this article has a source from EVERYONE in the current administration, and they all think he is an idiot?
Amazing piece of journalism there. They must have a team of apes working around the clock flinging shit and banging on keyboards. What is worse is that there are retards who will read this and unironically believe it.
Then why do you have to throw everything including the kitchen sink at the wall in the hope something finally sticks? Hillary was breaking down on the campaign trail, and they cover it up, and pretend it doesn’t exist. Just because you are delusional and quite possibly insane yourself doesn’t mean everyone else is. All this projecting and character assasination. Why so obviously desperate?
If fire and Fury is to be belived, Murdock calls and talks with Trump on the reg. So I’m sure he does know what Trump is watching