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Is there any show like this where the MC ISN'T a total faggot?


MC kisses her in the first 5 minutes, he is pretty alpha. Are you lookng for a rapist MC?


Please don't ban.

It isn't.

Triage X

Best girl.

Just wait as the series goes on, MCs never stay that way.
Issei is a faggot when it gets down to it. He constantly talks about loving tits and being a pervert but when he actually gets offered pussy he's a pussy

That was just a misunderstanding.

Read the manga.

>Just wait as the series goes on
Funny, the manga turns into garbage later.

I want to do lewd things to that cum cupid

Exactly my point.

That isn't good either.

Use WAIT, you little shit.


I was really excited when she got MC and yandere got together, and she fucked it up when she added herself to the notebook.

>girls are basically begging him to kiss them

Compared to the standard harem / romance where the girls are practically throwing their pussies at MC and him not so much as even hugging them Id say this MC is a decent step up

Basara Toujou, MANkoto, Yumekui Merry MC (but he is a bit of a baka), and the MC from Plastic Memories.

There's plenty of them but Sup Forums doesn't talk about them often since their source material is getting obscure IMO.

This is BEST GIRL ONLY thread. All non-best girls shall be removed by force.

Cute demon(angel)

it is though

Ya might wanna have higher standards if you consider this MC "pretty alpha".


Is this girl a reasonable enough temporary substitute for Satania?

Rapist MC sounds great

He's right, tho. For a harem MC, kissing in the first place is pretty Alpha.

What a shit show.
>lool we are so randumb eksdee

Alpha is a state of being; what you achieve within a short given moment is not.

This. I only watch mature animes for mature people such as myself.

I think to avoid any confusion instead of saying alpha (which he isn't, he just goes with the flow, lets himself be toyed with, eats up everyone's bullshit, doesn't decide or do anything by himself and he is as assertive as a bag of potatoes) let's just say "bland" or "cardboard"

>doesn't decide or do anything by himself
he decided to kiss her on his own though

After he promised to do so and almost chickened out. And besides, do we really need to applaud someone for doing what anyone with a working set of testes would?

Why exactly did she go to him about this whole Kiss note thing, when she could have just written the name of someone else near the MC's name and be done with it?

She wanted to let him choose since she wrote his name on accident.

This anime is totally nonsensical.
Clearly AOTS, sorry normal written anime you are all smalltime


Same artist?

Guri is like the living stereotype of the early 2000's obnoxious "so randum xd" teenager, complete with her own fake deathnote and random OC cosplay she wears to school and everything.

>adorable yandere
>she's stuck in an absolutely garbage show
Why is this allowed?

This. Girls that love kukris are the best after all

She is the reason the show is garbage.

It is only nonsensical to the mundane, if you cannot clearly understand the deep themes this show presents you are a fool.

>Great artstyle
>Terrible plot

I expected this from Japan, and yet, I'm STILL disappointed. My dick can only carry me so far into a shit show.

I am merely a pleb that cannot follow this high tier of writing. Someday I hope to be of such quality as of being able to get Guri's master plans.

>terrible plot
Commit sudoku

>Guri's master plans
More like Heaven's keikaku to keep humans enslaved in the cycle of rebirth by forcing them into "love" so that they reproduce creating more flesh vessels to fill spirit matter with. Don't fall for YHWH's tricks.

Everything is the reason this show is garbage, user. Everything.
The whole thing is hopped up on stale tween jokes and pixie sticks like some "SPORK"-spouting gaiafag from a dozen years ago.
It's literally "t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m" incarnate

Literally every seasonal waifu is a temporary substitute for the one before her. If GD gets a second season Satania can come back for one last hurrah like Aqua and Megumin did before getting replaced again.

So Red hair is the winning girl, right?

>Red head.
>Not afraid of pants being shown in public.
We've got the best girl everyone.

Most likely. The setup made out the harem to be more of a gag thing than a serious cast of female suitors. He'll probably collect a few more in the coming episodes but none of them will ever get anything more than comical development except redhead (taken for granted as main since MC already likes her) and Guri, who will have some kind of character development subplot that suddenly becomes super important in the last 3 episodes but ultimately goes nowhere because muh status quo

>the mature shit girl
As expected of notorious shit taste faggot.
And that means the threads will be samefagged from now on, great.

>most likely
Okay, thanks for heads up.
Dropped before getting burnt.

They'll all win.

I want Guri to win, not some random classmate chick.

I fucking love this doujin, it has all the best things.
>light femdom
>starts with anal
>sadistic bitch orders you to fuck other girls and turn them into cocklusting whores
>the delinquent bitch with a shitty attitude gets completely mindbroken into a docile little masochistic cumslut
>ends with a full course of ffm threesome with two best girls desperately competing for the cock
Only way it could've been better is if there was a loli.

>after establishing the harem it becomes a show about Love Advisors to the student body giving out a bunch of crazy advice while being moderated by a rational, normal guy


That's where it looks like it's heading.
My worry is that the gags will get stale because each character is so simple and one-note. If the yandere stabs someone with a kukri 4 times per episode as a punchline it's gonna wear thin real fuckin' fast.

It already did.
That's why yangire is shit.

They're pretty much all lolis

Fuck off meme kid.

Only good show of the season so far, discounting returning shows.


Use yandex. Found source with it

Hell, I just searched panda with the tags the user posted alongside it and found it on the first page of results.

She does.So do the rest of the girls.


I hope the do Akane arc well, it really solidified her as best girl.

Would you comfort a crying yandere Sup Forums?


want this butt on my face


>MC has a crush on a girl
>"if only I can be with her"
>Found out girl is a total yandere for MC
>"Omg bitch be crazy don't kill me please"

MC is a still a faggot

Y-yeah too bad for YHWH that I am not being enslaved to some cute girl
T-take that, freedom for mankind!


So what dere is Guri? Bakadere?


>implying some pussy is worth your eternal soul


You're hanging out with your waifu when this bitch walks up, sticks her to a wall with spiderwebs, cuts open her shirt and starts groping her tits. What do you do?

For a series all about kiss service if I don't see some actual affectionate tongue wrestling I'll be really disappointed. And although I know yuri lesbian incest imouto is going to turn straight for MC, I kinda wish she stays perpetually degenerate.

oh god

i can feast in the buthurt this anime will cause.


Dere Shikimi is perfect

>perpetually degenerate
She does. Here she is drinking Akane's used bathwater, and this is after she starts falling for Seiji.

In one panel Guri has given me a reverse-trap prince fetish.

Is the teacher part of the harem?

If so, I'm picking this up.

>post a jpg
Are you retarded?

She's from a different series.


He should just accept her yandere love and fuck her on the street



Well, fuck this show then.

>MC is a yelling straigt man
>mfw his screams are actually somewhat good and not annoying
Based nigger-lips jap.

Is this whole show a joke about death note or

so many things awful but this that it becomes good. sooo fucking good. i love this show. it's like it has the potential to be the best thing since noucome

>Not even the best girl

No. She actually loses the note later on and replaces it with a cellphone.

Something like that?
The stupid death note joke is more or less just a contrivance to push the scenario, and the scenario is just 'cupid makes teenagers fall in love'