Sargon / Spencer / JF Debate
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this is gay desu
>when Woes got on the chat
Fuck glow nigger OP
real thread
Respect Spencer a lot more after this.
Haven't watched it yet, but I think Spencer is winning. Am I correct?
Spencer won the debate. Styx and Sargoy eternally blown the fuck out. Hitler was right about "intellectuals" they're all hot air and will try to talk a point to death relying on edge cases and boring semantics rather than composing true points of action. Fuck off Libertarian kikes. We all know the future is going to be violent, but intellectual cucks like Styx and Sargoy will try to use "Diplomacy" against a herd that doesn't fucking care about their empty words and who will simply devour them alive. Be practical, get training.
Nah, there's no winners. The losers? Viewers
>Pickle Spencer playing along with Soygoy's bullshit "what doth white" for hours
>Woes jumps in and immediately shuts him down for being retarded
Holy shit Dickie really is an alphabet plant.
Closing in on Sargoy...
Yes. Definitely.
He red pilled a lot of people watching this stream.
RiCHAD Spencer vs VIRgon of KIKEad
This is the dumbest shit I've ever listened to.
You can't build a fucking state based off the color of ones skin. That is not a country that will stand the test of time.
Creed matters much more than your fucking identity.
Spencer says he wants American badlands again. Spencer said he wants to take all black peopel and give them their own ethnostate. Spencer can't answer who is white and who is not. Spencer can't even explain THE PROCESS IT WOULD TAKE TO AHIEVE THE VISION OF HIS STATE.
He literally can't explain how he would turn America into his vision.
>Creed matters much more than your fucking identity.
National Socialism. There's your answer. Easy.
>muh individualism
Have fun being run by kikes and dominated by a racially secure and communal group!
We all know what must be done. It's inevitable.
This is such a fucking slaughter. You've got the idealist Spencer, the scientist JF, and the smooth talker MW piling on a retarded child while the only other articulate individual in the debate, Styx, either stays quiet or disagrees with the retarded child half of the time.
Richard just switched from camera to his Moonman pic
Spencer literally talks like a fag and his hand movements are faggy as fuck.
Hey guys Sargon read a book once
This reminds me entirely of Trump debates, that's how I know Spencer won. He became the CENTER of the debate and transcended the debate itself. He dominated them and is still dominating every single talking point .Styx and Sargoy can't even show their fucking faces on webcam.
>three Jews talk to each other for YouTube shekels
lol no thanks JIDF.
Why the fuck do they need to have JF on for every single debate? At least he shuts up in this one.
I can't stand Sargon's weasely interruptions. Richard Spencer can't get 10 words out without Sargon giving his faggot opinion.
>conehead redeems himself
I knew spencer could do it. I'm proud of him for the first time in a long time
Let's see what you fags think.
sargon the strawman, can't answer anyones questions and interrupts everyone trying to even ask him a question, on purpose, fucking hate that fucking dude now.
He's actually good as a moderator IMO.
Richard should not be acting like sargon is a serious thinker, and should be talking down to him constantly. He is, but he's directly insulting his intelligence, he should be implicitly making himself out to be better--which he is.
He just blew Sargon out right now. kek
Shut the fuck up civic cuck. That's exactly how the greatest empire on earth was created.
ad homonems, noice
Sargon is losing his shit lol
That's fair, he's shown some restraint as a moderator. As a debater he's just as self-masturbatory as Sargon at times.
I can't help but think this whole operation is going to be shoahed with 90% of observers turning to huwhite nationalism in response.
Over 12,000 viewers now.
The time for arguments is over. The time for a final
Even though it was already fucking evident Richard Spencer exposed himself as an Israeli shill today.
Spencer has had to listen to Sargoys SHIT for the past few hours. Every single time he tries to slide the convo into a war of semantics, technicalities, and edge cases rather than just make a fucking point.
Will Sargon ever shut the fuck up for once and let Woes speak? Jesus Christ, he does this in every fucking hangout the two of them have together. It's embarrassing.
Woes needs to stop letting this guy walk all over him
says the faggots whos entire world view is constructed of lies and stupid memes and every single time you are called out for this, all you can respond with is "YOURE A KIKE REEEE!"
I really like Woes but I think he literally wants to make sweet love to Richard.
>calls someone else a Israeli shill
is this supposed to be some sort of modern version of a 'rap' battle? You e-celeb groupies are pathetic.
Like Share and Subscibe goyim!
Great argument. Typical of a libertardian sargoy of mossad follower.
>called out for this
kek, but who? You and SJW's? At least you share something in common with somebody.
Sargon should be about done after this one. Holy shit. What a baby.
If Trump is an Israeli Shill then why are all the people who attack him have Jewish Surnames?
I know a dude that’s gay and he says Spencer has fucked & sucked him off dozens of times.
Sargon sounds whiney
Spencer sounds like he's about to start crying
Woes sounds like he's unstable
>Philosophers of Our Generation
Fuck Sargon. Styx is on his side and he's getting treated like a retard. No one gives a fuck what he says.
Bunch of rude cunts.
This autism sperg fest on race realism is #1 trending on the JewTube.
He’s gay...I know if ya know what I mean.
HAHAHHAHAHA traps confirmed absolutely homosexual.
I can see you're not familiar with passion.
Yeah, Styx is just getting walked all over by Sargon who is too high and mighty to notice.
Richard tracks all new nemunemu works for sure.
he waits for woes to speak, and starts talking at the same time, every fucking time.
no spicey traps in ethnostate.
Nope, our greatest thinkers have agreed traps are gay.
yeah, youre totally not a newfag tryhard who can only respond in memes at all. faggot..
Yes, OP here - things happened too fast, I made this without seeing yours. Real thread:
I'd delete this thread if I could
lmao I love watching Woe's face when Sargon talks.
Agreed. It's disgusting.
Woes and Styx are really getting the short end of the sticks here, because they're both stuck with two egomaniacs as partners (Styx with Sargon and Woes with Spencer). Sargon and Spencer can't stop jerking themselves off, and frankly Styx and Woes are superior versions of their partners
So whats your argument? A libertarian based society? We tried that and it failed. Libertarianism just allows you to be easily conquered by a racially conscious and secure people who aren't going to fucking care about your little faggot "individuality".
>superior to anyone
He's a lanklet numale who is afraid of fighting.
I thought Dick Spencer was controlled opposition. :)
Nations have organized themselves according to ethnicity/race since the beginning of civilization itself. Perhaps not explicitly, but implicitly. The notion of an "ethnostate" has only had to come into explicit being as a result of the once implicit notion ceasing to exist. Advocates of an ethnostate don't pen an ethnostate's only virtue as being racially coherent, it's just something that they believe to be critically important to a nation. There's plenty of disagreement as to how the ethnostate would be organized otherwise. For instance, plenty of people would be happy with an American white ethnostate that follows all classical American values.
Sargon is such a stupid fucking RETARDED faggot, holy shit I can't believe how much he brings down this discussion.
Well, I see that I /can/ delete this thread, but there's too much content. Nevertheless, the thread:
is the official one.
>specifically call you out for doing nothing but shilling retarded conspiracy theories
>so whats your argument
classic lol. Also, how did that 1000 (really 12) year reich treat you user? Let me guess, it was actually great until the illuminati reptilians took it over! Thank god we have legions of 22 year old community college drop outs finding out the truth for us though!
Ah man, this is actually really pissing me off. Why is Sargon such a cunt to Woes? Woes has been nothing but nice to Sargon in every interaction
He's been great so far.
>Spencer sounds like he's about to start crying
He always sounds like that.
But he stays coherent, instead of sperging evey 2 minutes and interrupting with nonsense like soygoy.
Woes is a fat disgusting mentally retarded neckbearded NEET and a complete loser with delusions of granduer because he has a bunch of other 16 year olds looking up to him
Spencer has a respect for both MW and Styx, even if Styx is his opponent. He responds to Styx half the time. I don't think Sargon has even acknowledged Styx in the entire hour I've been watching.
Styx is Sargon with a toned down ego and better arguments
sorry guys.
That's point-for-point a description of Styx. But the alt-right has fully embraced their own autism, whereas Sargon acts superior.
Where's your YouTube channel with 40k subs, user?
Pretty great actually. It took an entire World Order to bring it down through violent military action and occupation. We can clearly see the two opposing ideologies - individualist hyper capitalism and communism, despite having triumph in WW2 both ultimately failed. So, we get the last laugh in that regard. You sound bitter.
whoops nevermind, I can't. ok then :)
What if white aliens come down to Earth, Richard? Would you let them in? What if you can't do a 23&me on them because their DNA is based on silicon? BTFO!!!!
>That's point-for-point a description of Styx.
bullshit styx isnt fat
A /NEW/, new thread:
>It took an entire World Order to bring it down through violent military action and occupation.
>wow it took three of you to kill me!
yeah, in a war they started, all on the premise that only the strongest should survive. Youre a typical spoiled western middle class faggot bitching about individualism when all you do is bitch at your parents to buy you more toys because youre a worthless NEET. Shut the fuck up with your tryhard talk you dolt.
>Skin color
The only people who pretend that skin color (something that changes if you sit in the sun for 30 minutes) is the primary
factor of human biodiversity are non-whites who believe they have a right to
live in and decide the future of traditionally white countries.
Pretty much all successful nations have grown organically from a tribe or collection of tribes with similar genetic heritage. Widescale multiculturalism across races, other than in an imperial capital in small doses, is an extremely new phenomenon, really only starting in the 1960s only made possible through modern advances in transportation. Japan, 98% ethnically homogenous, is certainly standing the test of time- I'm more confident in Japan's future than in the future of Brazil, America, or France. This is despite the "creed" of Japan having changed drastically in recent generations, from a god-king empire, to an expansionist imperial modern state ruled by the military, to a constitutional liberal democracy with no offensive military at all.
Hell, take a look at Germany- in just 28 years, they went from a Prussian style monarchy, to a liberal democracy, to a national socialist dictatorship, to a militarily occupied federal republic split apart from its eastern half- and yet through all of his turmoil and change, though all of these shifting creeds and changing social atirides and radically different national identities, NOT ONCE was there a single period where Germany went 5 years without being the number one industrial power in all of Europe. Because the people were still German. If there is another 50 years of mass immigration and multicultural egalitarianism, Germans won't be German anymore. And you can bet that the "creed" will change as the people do.
In multiracial nations, the creed that the nation becomes based on tends to be bitter ethnic competition.
Where can I watch this from the start
>in a war they started
kek, in what way? Even Ferdinand Foch a French General in WW1 said the Treaty of Versailles was nothing more than "armistice for 20 years". War was inevitable.
>the strongest should survive
And the so called "Strongest" didn't survive. They both collapsed violently and are now getting bred out of existence hahahaha. THat's the best part of it all. Communism violently collapsed and individualist hyper capitalism got hijacked and is now just a racial oligarchy((())). All these tears because you're wrong, that isn't my fault.
you can't, it's still live. WHen it's over, it will become a normal video.
>kek, in what way?
when they invaded Poland. Stop being retarded
>And the so called "Strongest" didn't survive.
nazism got BTFO all in a war they started user. And now, only weaking losers LARP as them. Nazism is a dead ideology and hold no relevance in any country on earth now.
can someone explain why jared taylor never gets involved in these debates
>when they invaded Poland. Stop being retarded
Hahaha yeah the war started when Germany invaded Poland LOL. The war started when the West put insane demands on the German economy and expected them to just sit there and take it.
>doesn't know the history of Poland
Polands borders were shifted Westward. Where was your precious Libtardian societies when Poland got invaded by the USSR in 1920? Sounds like exceptionalism. We also know that your Libtardians got cucked and let the USSR annex HALF OF EUROPE. More territory than the NSDAP claimed in WW2. Hahaha
>Nazism is a dead ideology
>can't watch the news without hearing about Nazis
>college leftists terrified of nazis
>National Socialist thought more prevalent than ever
>nationalism rising against the West
You're on your last gasp here man, you'll have to do better with the ad homs if you think you're going to make a "stand". Maybe you should just stick to sucking Jew dick and letting Communists annex Europe, that's about all your ideology has proven to be good at HAHAHAHA
Sargons argument is he doesn't know who white people are the Marxist liberal argument that you can't take credit for the accomplishment of your ancestors, ok so white people in canada through hard-work and taxation for last 100 plus years overwhelmly not just here but in western civilization through hard work and taxation built all the infrastructure and services for the benefit of their decedents, hospitals and schools roads ect, you don't get credit for that so you have no stake in it's ownership and we can now give it to the 3rd world who had no hand in it's creation, FFUUUCK TTHHAT
Yep, this pretty much. This is Libertardians for you. They have no sense of community which is why they are easily conquered by people who do.
Nice emotional tirade, but WW2 started when Germany invaded Poland. Their entire ideology was based on a survival of the fittest meme, and they got BTFO, meaning that they suck even within their own ideological ways.
>ou'll have to do better with the ad homs
>Maybe you should just stick to sucking Jew dick
lol. Means a lot coming from some retarded 22 year old community college drop out. What shitty mimimum wage small town faggot job do you work loser?
>be loser who has accomplished nothing
>cry when you are told you dont get to take credit for other peoples work just because they have the same skin color as you
lol it all makes sense now