Considering the Nazis own views on Slavs isn't it a bit cuck-ish to be a Slavic National Socialist? Why would you side with the ideology that looks down on you?
Is it possible to be a Slavic Nazi?
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In a way. When Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia, he had the population racially tested and it turned out that they were more Germanic than the population of Sudetenland. Hence the Germanization - the ultimate goal of that was to attempt to elevate the racially pure population by forcibly assimilating it, and get rid of the undesirable elements of it either by eugenics or outright murder.
This is why, as much as I admire what Hitler did for Germany, could never worship him as some do - he has denied us our holy right to exist.
howd them had be tested??? i want them details
I read an article about it, on Wikipedia actually. I was surprised to find a bit of information like that there. Give me a couple of minutes.
The way nazi apologists say it on pol that natsoc was almost for everyone excluding Jews, sure imagine a Slavic union where we invade Germany and take back parts of Prussia and take back the city which we found which was called Berlin. There Slavic national socialism done in real life nazi german style, plus ethnic cleansing/genocide.
It's quite wrong that natsoc was for all or most nations prosperity, they said jews ignited conflicts yet did the same, so according to Goebbels he and all nazis were jews pretty much they were supposed to be fighting for.
fighting against*
Right. The article is in Czech however, the English version is very incomplete. The Czech article goes on to explain that Heydrich had the SS Race and Settlement Main Office examine the Czech population under the guise of a tuberculosis prevention. In the report the RuSHA marked about 45% of the population to be descended from the „nordische, dinarische oder westische" race, which was apparently more than the population in Sudetenland, East Prussia and a part of Austria and Bavaria. The results were hushed up.
This part is referenced from a book "Czechs under the Nazi rule".
Link to the article, if you want to try and run it through a translator.
bit ly 2CTjrDG
i want to join the kkk please tell me how
Subhuman wH*Toid kikes. Hitler and the Nazis were black. Stop whitewashing history...
Join your local militia
wanted to know HOW they did it, not THAT they did it...
Hitler’s assesment of the slavs basically came down to: “These people have only been advanced by us and now that the germanic ruling class of The Russian Empire has been butchered, they are being slaughtered by their judeobolshevik rulers. The best among them have been slain and they have their ability as a people retarded. They currently serve to increase the power of bolsheviks that now threaten all of europe. So, if they’re going to die by the millions to advance the interests of bolsheviks, it seems like germans have an opportunity to conquer them to end bolshevik power and gain the vast and underused natural resources they possess.” I would imagine as a darwinist, hitler’s views would change now that slavs have had the foreign race, the jews, removed from their culture and livingspace. I think he would be sympathetic to how a thousand years with jews would culturally degrade the slavs. We all know how jews have retarded the culture and politics of the nordic race in america.
If you are a Slavic Nazi then you are basically your own enemy
Nazis wanted to destroy slavs, may I remind you
In that case I can't help you.
Be a National Radicalist bro.
it's the ultimate cuckolding
>they are being slaughtered by their judeobolshevik rulers
So the Nazis try try to free them by killing millions of Slavs themselves? What?
stop hating on us
Don't Slavic neo nazis really just want a nationalism for Russia? I don't think they care about the nazi idelogy.
Well, if they’re not going to fight to free themselves from bolshevik rule that had already resulted in the death of over ten million in the ussr before 1940, there’s not really a good reason to think they value their existance. I also won’t say they viewed it as a liberation attempt, more of an exchange of jewish/asiatic leadership for german leadership.
>Well, if they’re not going to fight to free themselves from bolshevik rule
Nigga what are you talking about? They had one of the bloodiest civil wars in history trying to resist the Bolsheviks
>there’s not really a good reason to think they value their existance
Exactly, the Nazis did not value Slavic life
>jewish/asiatic leadership
You sound like a subhuman manchild from stormfront. On top of that asiatic leadership? Inferiority complex, self esteem issues much? You're not worth shit remember that.
Beware of nutters from stormfront who think they're literal noble aryans, and that nazism was 100% a good thing.
>implying Slavs are white
Nice try Rabbi
Fuck Lyuda, pic related is the fucking hero.
So you condemn fighting for the future of your nation (of people) then post a picture that says "protect your land." Hmmm...
>the future of your nation
>Red Army cunts
They were fucking animals and nothing more, they raped and burned half of eastern europe.
>they raped and burned half of eastern europe
And the Nazis didn't lmao
The slovaks collaborated with the nazis and fought alongside them on the eastern front.
Imagine being this big of a cuck
Germans killed more during the war. Sorry that it rustles your feathers that red army soldiers saved millions from death.
8:07 If the Germans were liberators why did they massacre civilians who recently join the partisans to escape execution during reprisal operations? Why did the Germans give the civilians a corridor out of the encirclement of the partisans only TO MACHINE GUN THEM DOWN?
9:00 Why did the Germans kill children and throw them down drinking wells? That's the type of superior european enrichment Slavs needed? What the fuck?
Most red army war crimes against germans were made possible due to hitler and his personal army of gangsters. Shouldn't have had made hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people want desperate unforgiving revenge. You sow what you reap. And even then it was fairly rare that the soviets massacred germans in large numbers in short periods of time at close range with firearms, because they weren't hitleristic brutes. Germans in many areas loved to just shoot civilians for fun.
Fuck nazi germans, fuck them all.
A good nazi rat is a dead nazi rat. Kill a nazi to save a woman and her child.
Times have changed, you are white again because the world overall has gotten darker
>Is it possible to be a Slavic Nazi?
As long as you're not a kiknog larper from Iran or Syria it should be OK
>Times have changed
NatSoc hasn't tho
Doubt that is true, as the Soviet sub-humans dressed up as Germans and committed atrocities against their own people. Look it up commie.
Yep the Soviets dressed up as Germans and killed over 5 million Soviet civilians themselves.
Lazy intellectually dishonest anti Slavic possibly paid stormfront troll denies that millions of civilians in soviet territory died. Shame on you troll.
Russian neo nazis are some of the funniest you can find btw, poor kids lol.