Now that gelbooru gelbooru is complete shit do we all agree this is the best place to get your lewd pics from?
Now that gelbooru gelbooru is complete shit do we all agree this is the best place to get your lewd pics from?
Just go to pixiv you retarded weeb scum
how do i block the ads without fucking up the site?
Ublock Origin plus Reek's Anti-Adblock Killer
The source is always the best place, but I'd say Sankaku is the second best if you're lazy.
Pixiv isn't that good anymore. A lot of artist left when their works were used without their consent to promote premium membership. Now there's a lot of art you will only find on Twitter.
Not anime & manga, fuck off.
>anime pictures are not anime & manga
Fuck off idiot
Why, what happened to gelbooru?
I'd like to know as well. I've been under a rock.
It has tons of ads that get through adblock and missing features
No. Twitter, pixiv, and maybe sadpanda are still THE places to go for lewd pics.
There are anime pictures on all sorts of websites.
This board isn't about those websites, but anime Anime & Manga.
>Now there's a lot of art you will only find on Twitter.
When the artists aren't banned for a few nip slips, that is. Is there any alternative for twitter and pixiv at all?
pixiv tagging is often minimal and it can be a chore finding things manually browsing by date amongst thousands and thousands (sometimes tens of thousands) of images
>A lot of artist left when their works were used without their consent to promote premium membership.
who has said this?
Sankaku boards are blocked in France because someone "saw CP there once".
Fucking bullshit.
Same with Gurochan.
>blocks anime pictures
>imports refugees
Nice country you got there mate.
But I hate Twitter
But porn is allowed on twitter.
all art on twitter gets posted on tmblr.
I use the booru filters from here and it werks.
>not just using google image search
filthy turbonerds.
>gurochan is banned in france
Gurochan is hosted in France, how'd they manage to fuck up that bad.
I don't know what you're on about.
With the proper plugins/extensions it's as good as ever.
Infinite scrolling still work too.
>not making them yourself
Fucking amateurs
It really isn't, just the other day
Yes, and no, their actual statement is that if it is illegal anywhere they operate they reserve the right to remove it and ban you, which in practice means anyone they don't like gets banned for posting drawings that are illegal in glorious nida Corea, like nanashi and Bakaudon.
Change DNS, boom all good.
Sankaku needs mod approval for uploads. Gelbooru is still better.
can someone tell me what his name means and also his self introduction lol
Sankaku actually has more pics than pixiv since it also has stuff from twitter.
Also better tags and no premium bullcrap.
And how that work in France? We have a lot of that shit too, I want to compare.
Also, use TOR.
I prefer Sankaku just since you can sort searches by 'popularity'. Pretty convenient feature, hides all the shitty deviantArt-tier artwork that pops up.
Just ignore the cancerous Sankaku news site and it's great.
>needing lewd pics
>not just using your imagination
>And how that work in France?
A simple DNS change and you're set.
Not real blocking.
Same way for our private trackers websites.
my imagination is retarded nani ?
Sankaku barely has comments as well.
Sometimes I feel like Booru posts are more cancerous to read than youtube posts.
>needing imagination
>not just reaching nirvana and cum with pure enlightenment
What about danbooru? It's the original after all.
Not that user but do you know if he has a new account? He never updates his pixiv and I used to save his stuff from there
i hear the mods there a fucking awful , also need premium account i think it was to view loli/shota
Danbooru has that shitty 2 tags search limitation though.
That leaves it to 1 tag if you specify rating for nonlewd.
I swear, Gelbooru's admin is several kinds of stupid.
>fight an eternal and futile war against adblocking
>refuse to just make the ads simple, non-annoying, and above all safe
>no, let's just piss off everyone
>fixing Gelbooru
Read this:
Gelbooru is becoming a bother to use.
>mods won't allow long webms
>features randomly going missing
>ad infested
>toddlercon is banned, also means mods have to constantly check if a loli is a toddler or not everytime a loli pic is uploaded
ill just use Sankaku and maybe other boorus.
Sankaku is like A1 at this point
>Using gelbooru
Why? No toddlercon rule means most lolicon gets deleted by anti-loli retarded mods, lolibooru is the only one you really need.
no scat is the biggest offense
I'm glad we're discussion this here and not on /h/.
Eat shit.
what is the difference between Sup Forums and /h/ on this topic
What's wrong with Gelbooru? I just use Adblock.
How is that begging?
What am I supposed to do with my pixiv account now?
It's advertising Sankaku, you stupid fuck.
>the country that invented revolution and independence
>now blocks the internet.
sad country man.
There's a lot of banned works for no reason other than the admin is a kike.
Half of france are muslims so freedom is dead
I just use Hydrus to download tags that interest me.
The default color of the board.
>"we will allow these muslims to rape our womin and children but no loli or scat on our internet"
What lolibooru?
>invented revolution and independence
America did it first actually but thanks for the credit.
Thank (you) for my (you)
that's 3rd wave feminism for ya
>talking about site everyone non-retarded on Sup Forums uses is advertising
Good argument. How about we never post on /h/ anymore?
Anything against POC (People of Colour) is racist, mysogynist, classist, fascist, sexist, xenophobist, individualist, imperialist, colonialist, bigotrist, heterotrist, whitist nazi harassment
>using sankaku
>not being retarded
Ok, kid.
God you're stupid.
Infinite scrolling is one of the dumbest things ever and you should feel ashamed.
Sankaku+pixiv+twitter master race.
This thread is not about an anime, it is advertising sankaku.
How am I stupid?
This thread is against the rules.
>>>Sup Forumsrules/1
It should be deleted.
Pixiv's lack of good tagging infrastructure is maddening
Sorry I don't feel like limiting myself to 2 tags max, cancerous comments on every image and needing extensions to even fucking function.
Twitter is horrifying to use. Even if I put in the proper runes for a general search I get a lot of junk. And going through an artist's media tweets is annoying because most of it rough sketches and what they had for dinner.
Quit being such drama queens.
>I like to interrupt my search by clicking Next every 30 pictures
If you're fine with that I won't stop you.
>not using both
So booru threads stay but Panda gets nuked on sight? Fuck.
Multiple tabs are a thing.
Isn't this built into uBlock? Under the 3rd Party Filters tab
Only problem I have with Sankaku is they don't link back to the source like Gelbooru and Danbooru do. I prefer to save from the original source whenever possible.
a tab for each page?
Enjoy your 50 tabs mess and killing your browser if you're on Firefox.
You can only see the source if you have an account.
>favorite artist hasn't updated its pixiv in months
>thinks he is dead
>checks the artist twitter
>alive and well
>all the artist has posted on his twitter is food
Reeeeee even japan is falling for this facebook tier meme
That's still kinda dumb when the other boorus have it there by default.
Twitter is like the scavengers place and works the best on popular shit.
Normally I only use it from time to time but lately I've been getting many KF fanart from there before it appeared anywhere else.
I can't shift through all that shit.
Just that? You are lucky ones. Rebel against that shit, if something more serious will come, don't be like we are in our shithead country.
Nope you have to install seprately. There is an information tab next to Reek's Antiadblock Killer in Ublock Origin you should read.
Thanks for admitting that you're just retarded.
Fuck off danbooru shill
Good thing my ISP is OVH. I don't have to deal with that bullshit leur routeur est à chier par contre. Who's blocking it? Orange? Bouygues? All of them?
Oh man. Good ol' Shitkaku (the "news" page) used to be fun.
nhentai is also blocked in France, they by pass it by changing their DNS settings.
All of them.
Good thing the govt is lagging 10 years behind when it comes to internet.
Imagine if it was efficient and always up to date.
this, and fucking yet, guro is ok for some reason.
What a shit thread and OP should be banned
Faggots try to get it banned almost everytime someone uploads a guro pic.
The news tittles and the comments always crack me up.
>not using ahoviewer
You could bypass all these adds without any extensions. You can also browse any booru you want in a couple easy steps