Why The Intel "Design Flaw" Is The Ultimate Blackpill From ZOG


Let me break this down for you Sup Forums.

The story begins in 1969 when an Israeli engineer named (((Dov Frohman))) and the Intel Corporation stole the original microprocessor design from Gilbert Hyatt, which he would eventually be awarded the patent for and receive substantial royalties after a long court battle.

Regardless of the thievery, Dov became a rockstar at Intel and was selected to become the head of Intel Israel.

Intel Israel has since produced over 1 billion CPUs for Intel, the most popular line of processors in the world.

Beginning in 2008 after the election of, and under the direction of, Barack Obama, Intel Israel worked to include in all of it's microprocessors a special architecture and hidden chip that enables a remote user to connect to the machine through a backdoor and operate with total control in a manner that's impossible to detect. This backdoor was made available to the NSA and the CIA so that ZOG agents could do their CIAnigger shit but the entire arsenal of tools used to do this was stolen in August 2016 and auctioned on the internet to private buyers (because as it turns out, duplicitous high time preference people find it literally impossible to create among themselves the kind of high trust environment you need for say, keeping state secrets secret). This toolset is basically the equivalent of "script kiddie" tools 14 year olds use to DDOS counter-strike servers when they're losing a game meaning whatever chink or sandnigger with a keyboard that bought this is now as powerful as a state level actor with a trillion dollar black budget.

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"Patching" this "flaw" is virtually impossible and the current workarounds reduce processor efficiency by 30-50% making them effectively useless for many commercial applications.

What this basically means is that if you're running any kind of PC or laptop with something beefier than a Pentium 4 in it literally all of your shit is cucked.com. More importantly, so is every business or institution that society expects to keep operating as usual in order to keep the world from tearing itself apart at the seams. Have a burgeoning love for crypto? CIAniggers were in Satoshi Nakamoto's computer before he even came up with the idea, have fun with that one. Literally every coin and exchange is compromised by ZOG. We're talking ring 0 level kernel access where ZOG can remote connect to miners hijack and 51% attack any coin they want whenever they want.

>inb4 autism about how arresting and torturing someone is more effective than technological subversion

If only you knew how bad things really are.jpg


It's not a blackpill if you just kill the people who could exploit this vulnerability. Once we get rid of Israel it will be ok.

Hory shit

so the solution is to buy AMD processors
I don't see how this is a black pill

You didn't even read it dude, the vulnerability is in the wild now. The only solution is in a new generation of chips.

Fuck you and your fearmongering, nigger. There are already workarounds for this.

>Intel Israel has since produced over 1 billion CPUs for Intel, the most popular line of processors in the world.
Israel merely had the best design because the Pentium 4 architecture was retarded and non-scalable. The greedy gov snooping shit came later, and was exclusive of the fact that the Pentium M and then the Core series came from the Israeli branch.

The real problem came when the Intel Management Engine was introduced in 2008 and provided an always on backdoor. It must have been at the behest of the NSA because they included a bit that could disable it too under the "high assurance program".

The fact that the SEC is not totally up the Intel CEO's ass for the stock sale is a sign that Intel is selling out their customer base. If the CEO of AMD sneezed and was a real threat, then they would be in fucking handcuffs.

searching for more information on Gilbert


there are two sentences about him...