No one has been shit posting longer than me. There was the general board on ign in the 90s. Started in 1997. Was all political pretty much. I was perma banned then but used proxies to evade. Name was moosemess1.
Can anyone top that?
Other urls found in this thread:
i was on the Nsider forums in like 2004 or 5 though
I have at least 6 memes under belt
d2jsp political section, mid 2ks
You mean the vestibule
>Can anyone top that?
You use the term Old Fag implying you have been here a long time. That term is generally used because of the term New Fag means someone is new to Sup Forums.
When 4 chan was first started people from the website Newgrounds kept raiding us so we called them New Fags. People new to Sup Forums thought it meant people were new here.
The more you know.
holy fuck
In the 90's I used to post on a hipster indie rock music board that used to be a Christian music board where a lot of people talked about hardcore punk, indie rock, metal, alternaive msuic etc. I argued right wing politics all the time and pissed everyone off. The glory days of the internet. No passwords, did not get banned, was hard to ban ip's back then,
Matt's Script Archive was all the message boards back then. 1996-1999 baby.
The board was called The Vagrant Cafe and my internet name was Ninja Punk.
300 baud/ Red Ryder
Life, the Universe, and Everything on Gamefaqs....It became LUE links. Anybody?
I’ve been online talking shit on IRC since the 90s.
Lol yes brother.
So fun.
You win. I started GNAAposting on slashdot back in '03
french fags will now the shit
Nice. FIDOnet 4 life.
Fugg dude. I used to go there too. All libs. Lol.
Omg. This made me smile. Ty user.
Well I didn't really start posting much at all until the late 90s. BBSes and interbuttz were more of a spectator sport for me before that. But also a good learning experience.
USENET was good training for the future.
I've been on Sup Forums since 2005, I'm never leaving and I've accepted it years ago
ircop on efnet. Hung out in #c0de and #syntax back in 96. Whatchoo know about smurf and pepsi?
The first graphics card I installed was the original 4MB 3dFX Voodoo card.
>he hasn't been dropping truth bombs on the Neopets forums since 2000
Yahoo voice chat rooms
>Troll lesbian chat rooms and call people nigger
>Over 9000 Yahoo accounts created
>One time harassed the same chatroom for nearly 3 weeks
>As soon as someone new joined the automatically thought it was me and would block if chat name was off.
>Had coordinated attacks from friends computers
>Would gain their trust over time, convince them to block other people, then invite them to private chat and scream "It's still me u stupid dikes!!!" In the most annoying voice possible.
>The salt mined from Yahoo voice chat was amazing
But did you build your very own redbox from parts at the radio shack?
Tbh user. No idea!
Hacking or rolex?!
Vestibule oldfag here no_seas_mamon I was shitposting all the live long day got banned so many times but the mods liked me so it never took.
I was on IGN message boards the day they opened. It was nuts. When the boards first opened it was like they opened the autist floodgates.
Back then it was easy to steal people's accounts. All you had to do was guess the answer to their security question. Took control over dozens of accounts. For some reason they never IP banned me.
There was this faggot who went by TheBlueFalcon who would write in the third person. He amassed a huge following. We ended up as rivals in another context eventually, but that's another story.
They banned my main account, though. I remember being bummed about that because of my elite join date. The board software went through several iterations and I noticed at some point that the account had been erased from the internet entirely.
The internet was way better before the smartphone and social media era. Back then you at least needed to know how to boot up and operate a computer in a very basic way. Most people are too stupid to pull that off, so there were far less idiots online.
Nah, didn’t do any of that. Just talked shit with the same group of people, played with eggdrop bots, xircon scripting, Slackware, and hustled shell accounts from all the l33t boxes.
What’s shocking is how many of those guys are dead now.
Wow really made me think.
I have respect for eggdrops in concept but holy crap the guys who used to get in to packet wars and channel takeovers five or twenty times every day were so fucking autistic.
yup all my shitposting lost like tears in the rain.
Mother fucker i remember you. No lie.
Rememebr underscore?
You ‘ol son of a bitch! How have you been?
i honestly do there were some others liek bananas or something
i was proud of mine also. Goddamn that place was fun.
Everyone hated me. Esp underscore with that fucking face shot of roger waters
90s internet was the shit. It was truly the Wild West. Very few people knew anything beyond AOL, it was mostly populated with many of today’s user-minded people, and you could pull pranks without catching a felony for domestic terrorism.
This hit me in the feels....
I was on IGN in like 99 but I was a liberal idiot teenager.
>Started in 1997
PFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I've been in geocities communities and BBS boards since 1994, posting memes and shit.
However I started using Sup Forums until 2006, like 2 years after it was founded.
shitposting in AOL chatrooms way before that, and I was only like 10.
Lmao oldfag credentials confirmed.
I remember back when white nationalism was being shilled by Stormfags spamming their autistic "ANTI-RACIST is a codeword foe ANTI-WHITE" slogan in YouTube comment sections underneath kitten videos. You're all newfags to me. t.YouTube 2012
Remember when we assumed all those sites would be up forever?
I’m 35 and most of the guys were my age at the time give it take and I can’t believe how many of them got in legal trouble or died/killed themselves. But, at the same time, IRC did not attract many well-adjusted people.
It was a classmate who first told me about it 9th grade and showed me mIRC. After that, I was hooked. It was like one giant Sup Forums chat room.
drunken bastard I think was another one I wish i could find my post on trading fried chicken legs for finger bangin a fat girl or all the one about taking showers with my sister, lol
One of my favorite parts from one of the Last Measure iterations was that it would send you to #politics on efnet just so everybody could get all triggered.
usenet was the first place I saw
>Television Jews make blacks and gays look cool to subvert young people
Sounded insane back then also fuck (((ign)))
Interesting how this tidbit never emerged until a few months ago
I was on does that count?
Something like this.
This is 20 fucking years ago!
I once used the internet in '96
I started FIDOnet in 91, then moved on to USEnet and IRC in 93.
It's kind of fascinating at how so much of the original internet was fragmented and lost. We really did assume it'd last forever.
Now, I'm sure everything post 2000 is easily archived, but a lot of the early web 1.0 shit is just gone.
I can top that. Was on AOL and Prodigy in 1995. Used to spam the gay and lesbian chat rooms and get temp bans all the time.
i was on SBB before it was taken down after Lanza's shooting
Takes half the fucking night to download a disappointing picture and then dad chews you out for running up the phone bill.
The derivatives and mass-downloading with tin were where it was at.
ruby? its fan
i used to be buds with him!
2 decades and we reconnect here anonymously.
Love this world.
I started downloading memes made on t_d then heard about this place. Came to download memes here too. It's a fun place but along of you guys are incredibly racist. If you could tone it down a bit we could really grow this community!
Shut up we all know LL doesn't exist.
Taking half the fucking night to get Trumpet Winsock configured AGAIN and then downloading NCSA Mosiac to see if there were any new """web sites""".
>teh vestibule
>around in 97.
It opened up around March of 2003 if I'm remembering correctly. I signed up on IGN in October of 2002 and posted for the longest time, but I went to Sup Forums for the first time in 2004, didn't like the weeb shit. But I came back in 2006 and I've been here ever since. I sometimes go back to teh vestibule, but it hasn't been the same since 2009 I'd say...
I was known as devilsfeather, had a hobbes icon?
Ok bait. Nice.
Fmr Wildcat BBS sysop here. FIDO was amazing back in the day. Lol. Thanks for the flashback.
Probably not
Just used to troll chat groups on aol. Like going on the all black chats and larping as some gangster nig. Or as some kkk guy. This was around 96-97.
Dial up sucked. Before aol I had used prodigy and Netscape
I remember posting in SH and RE forums, and yes certainly I thought those things going forever, the Admin of TRE forum kept that site alive for 5 years (2004-2009?), before shutting down completely, I don't know how much money he poured to keep that site alive for that long because no one was going there anyways.
>not printing the entire Yahoo! directory out dot matrix so you could look up everything on the internet without having to wait for your sister to get of the damn phone already
alt syntax tactical was where i really got my start. was on TOTSE around then, active since 97 give or take.
I launched the very first DDoS ever on the internet.
Nono.. around mid 90s.
I may have a saved banned screenshot.
Gotta look.
Back in the 90s a lot of kids were into backyard wrestling and most had their own AOL or Geocities homepages with message boards. After our wrestling events we'd post sick asian porn to the rival backyard feds message boards which allowed any which manner of HTML embedded in them.
This is all I got and was probably around 97-98
I used to frequent ircbar. Ah the good ol days.
Same here. Still have my WildCat! 5.1 box
Oh boy you haven't been on the internet long have you? This is how it's always been. Fag nigger etc.. go look up goatse, tubgirl, 2 kids in a sandbox. If you think pol is bad you haven't seen bad. This place is pretty tame
AOL chat rooms pretending to be a lesbian
I was shitposting on the ISCA bbs in '92.
No, we're both wrong. It opened in March of 2002.
>The IGN Boards have been open since 2000. One day, they started a subscription service for users known as IGN Insider, and later locked the boards only for pay users. After much outrage, they decided to create a trial board for free users.
>The free board was created by Peer-IGN on March 8, 2002 and originally named The Atrium. After some discussions on what to call it, they settled on "The Vestibule". As a vestibule refers to the entry hall of a large building, so too was it meant to be an entry point into IGN's main board system. As many of its users did not wish to pay for access to the other boards, it quickly gained a culture of its own.
Could be!
when i was 12 i took a dump in my neighbors mailbox
checkmate, moosemess
I used to post as "OccidentalTourist" on the ESPN boards back in the 90's. I stayed on the Seahawks sub for the most part.
>actually being shocked upon seeing goatse and thinking it was the worst thing
A simpler time.
I was shit posting in chat rooms before there were websites on a Tandy. I had to swap floppies just to keep ram from filling up with ascii bit rot.
>dick measuring contest
fuck too many oldfags itt
Then where were we posting together?
I was working at lucent tech and that was in 97 98.
Passed time.
Is that true?
That's just because you were never friends with the cool kid on the block who could hook you up with a 10th-generation VHS copy of Faces of Death.
Rip early 00's
Ok winner
That tandy is ancient
I was shitposting about Quake on BBSes in 1995.
Right in the feels.
It was great then, you could say what you wanted.
that depends, are you old man Wilson or one of his sons?
I was on yahoo answers in 2006 -- fecal japan
circa 1997 or 98
And end up landing on a site with a ton of damned animated gifs that would take forever to load.
More like fishing for memories user. I sure accomplished what i set out to do. I am happy
I remember when Stile Project was the butthole of the internet. My things have changed.
Was in FidoNet in 90s