But why did big glasses become an artifact of the typical hipster, liberal-democratic person? There must be something about this that I can't quite describe, the essence of it. Why do those liberal-democrats pick those kind of glasses
I can't quite grasp it intellectually
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Big glasses are basically an pseudo-jawline creating structure that distracts the viewer of the face from the featureless blob beneath it. It's also why they grow beards. It's the beard of the eyes.
they cost more
I just got them because my optometrist told me they looked alright
suddenly it became a fashion statement for slack-jawed faggots
They want you to see the glasses. All of these men can afford contact lenses. I know several people like this, working in tech. They aren't particularly intelligent. Maybe IQ115. They sense they are inferior, but their entire identity is built on being intelligent. They wear the glasses because they feel more secure with them. Meanwhile, people in the 120-130 range don't wear glasses and often present themselves less effectively than the 115 bugman.
They ambitious little insects. They work hard. Stroke their egos, give them all the dumb work, and lay them off during the bad times
It might have something to do with the fact that they like them.
This doesn't convince me. Why would John Oliver and other celebrities, who aren't working in tech, want me to notice their glasses? Or journalists, etc.?
because they mimic kikes
likeminded people tend to mirror each other's actions whether they realize it or not
contact are inferior unless you want to put your eyes at risk of an infection
I have contacts and glasses. Contacts are nice for athletic activities and such, not so much for every day things.
Glasses I have are thin rims, I don't want them to stand out.
Chances are, if you follow the basic instructions you will be fine.
I think it started as hipster irony. Ugly glasses that people used to wear in the 50s and 60s. I never saw glasses like that in the 80s and 90s unless it was on TV to represent a nerd character.
>I think it started as hipster irony
so they want to tell something to the public through those glasses?
Shut up, bug
And here I was thinking glasses were utilitarian in nature.
Nobody gets eye infections here in the first world
It's group follow syndrome.
Say that to my face irl see what happens I'll knock you out biatch.
At first it was a hipster subculture thing, then it slowly became a mainstream thing to signal to other people that the wearers are intelligent and modern people. They get it.
Here is Poindexter from Revenge of the Nerds (1984). He was a joke character, but by today's standards, he is "funny and cool".
I have no idea. I wear black wayfarers because of Roy Orbison and Buddy Holly, they were a stable of rockabilly and cowpunk for years before this happened.
He asked about thick glasses, not all glasses. My eyes are retarded as well, but I am very consciously avoiding that style of frame.
Here is Lewis Skolnik. He represented a stereotypical nerd loser in 1984. By modern Buzzfeed standards, he is masculine and tough.
sorry, pic
>Why would John Oliver and other celebrities, who aren't working in tech, want me to notice their glasses?
You know just seeing glasses makes people assume you are smart, right? People are gullible and stupid. Black guys wearing glasses get away with a lot because of this. Pay attention to how you feel when you meet someone with glasses
I wear mine in public once or twice a year. Women treat me like I'm more trustworthy, but also less attractive as a mate. It's remarkable. Everyone assumes I am a friendly nerd when I wear glasses. I could see this being a benefit if I was ugly. That way, at least people wouldn't purposely avoid me. You are not some ugly guy, just a nerd in glasses. Even if you're secretly a midwit it's a better way to live
Did you miss the first sentence of buddy's post
The thick framed square glasses look is like a faux "intelligence" accessory. John Oliver is a shit-tier comedian trying to disguise himself as a wisecracking political genius.
They are kooky. If you can't be cocky you might as well be kooky
Classic Jewish romance. If you can't be the alpha male well maybe you can make her laugh and she'll go to bed with you
>That Iron Cross
Orbison knew what was going on, even if he lied and claimed it was a Maltese Cross (which it isn't).
I get the frames covered by insurance. Nearly everything on display had thick frames, ones that didn't have thick frames had thick arms (is that what you call the things that go over your ears?).
Thankfully they still make the same frames I have been getting for nearly a decade. Thin, light brown, they blend pretty well.
OK, but I'm interested in the origins of this
>They get it.
they get what?
It’s good camouflage to ghost with that’s for sure.
They get it. It being the ironic subculture. The wink and the nod. The "we're smart like nerds, but we're cooler than them" subtext of wearing the glasses.
It makes them look intellectual - and it's also ironic because big-rimmed glasses were a thing in the '50s, in the days of "patriarchy"
Another interesting question is why do none of the eyes of liberal hipsters not function properly?
Have heard that half of those glasses aren't even prescription and are nothing but an affectation. Is that true?
This doesn't answer me the question of what they get. They're ironic towards what? What do they tell other people?
Because I understand that they're trying to confuse people and break away from some kind of popular convention
there is always someone, and there is always risk involved. its mainly a problem if you doze off with them on
They start to speak the same too.
"Do you like my new glatheths"
Because they're geekcore and hipsteresque at the same time generating a false sense of higher IQ.
You would be surprised how many people have less than 20/20 vision and don't even know it. Can't tell you how many people I've told to try my glasses can see better with them on than off, at least on the right lens which corrects 20/40 vision in the right eye. Left eyes fucking sucks though and might make people see worse.
Glasses are a sign of physical weakness (no offense, I have poor eyesight myself), and leftists tend to aestheticize weakness. Instead of hiding your deficiencies or overcoming them, you draw attention to them in a way that makes them attractive/beautiful in a "quirky"way.
Other examples include men wearing skinny jeans that show they have no muscles.
It's an example of what Nietzsche called slave morality.
I'm wearing contacts I haven't removed in two weeks. I've done this for a decade. Don't believe the hype
Accuvue Oasys
>why would an actor want to look smart?
Cause they are mostly dumb as a box of rocks.
Yup. Works for me.
being kooky enough is alpha. i mean woody allen was a balding ugly guy and when push came to shove he fucked like a big ol' king.
Lol yeah right
If they weren't made for it, you're taking a risk. As long as you understand it is a risk, go for it. Just don't be too shocked if it goes wrong.
Personally, I can't stand how they feel after 12 hours and they have to come out.
Yes, it does. I just posted two pictures from the movie "The Revenge of the Nerds". It's a representation of nerdy intelligence. They are not ironic towards the intelligence, which they think they have, but they are ironic towards the nerd part.
Yup, this is it.
Everybody wears them. I'ts a trend. Just like yoga pants or acid wash jeans and very single trend before that. Jesus. Sre they supposed to wear pink sparkly ones to not be called a liberal? People need glasses to see.
When I was a kid they were what you wore if you were poor. or just wanted cheap glasses.
Like I had a pair of thick black horned rim glasses and I'd NEVER have worn them outside of the family woodshop, and I and others considered little round wire glasses to be stylish as far as wearing glasses could be stylish and that is what I wore when not working.
When you saw a person wearing the big thick ones it was somebody who didn't or couldn't care about their personal fashion at all.
People need jackets to keep out the cold but that doesn't mean trends in jacket fashion don't have symbolic meaning.
Clothing is both about utility and fashion /morality /virtue signaling. Glasses included.
>and leftists tend to aestheticize weakness
But this does serve as a kind of mockery. Because there's some popular convention for manliness and they mock it through aestheticizing weakness. What is this mockery for?
maybe if you're a fag
Look, here is a picture from 1965. This was the time when people wore these glasses without the ironic smugness. They wore them because they studied a lot and the frames were cheap and durable.
This 50s and 60s engineer stereotype gave rise to the depiction of "nerds" towards the end of the 70s, the 80s, and 90s.
The hipsters took this unfashionable look and turned it into a fashion just because it was unfashionable. Now it is fashionable and assholes wear them as part of this I'm smart like a rocket scientist, but I'm cool like a hipster bit of self congratulations.
Not if every store is carrying the same three jackets. Go into an eywear store, look at the choices. Thick rims are in style. You're seeing something that isn't there. Maybe you need a pair.
This is the truth.
Nothing really. It "was" a trend. The metal frame black type is more popular now. Ask if you don't believe me. I prefer the plastic frame but a bit narrower and lower profile. It is superior because it doesn't have the silicone pads with the metal that becomes corroded underneath. I look at my old pictures with metal glasses and the plastic ones are WAY more flattering. The plastic type is better, period. When was the last time the military issued metal frames?
I'm trying to grow a beard too so I might be a closet nu-male. But I hate Sup Forums anyway so I don't really care. I have a super young baby face at 23 so anything helps.
Sup Forums needs to stick to having shitty political opinions. Discussions about fashion, science, etc. here are downright pathetic.
For hipsters, maybe. Any place I looked has cheap plastic and metal frames for the same price. I bought my frames for 10 dollars online. Too bad the lenses are absurdly thick. I can't live without glasses because my -8.75 nearsightedness. It's not a fashion statement. If I could get rid of glasses tomorrow without expensive surgery, I would.
>The hipsters took this unfashionable look and turned it into a fashion just because it was unfashionable
But again, this serves to create an effect of confusion and mockery, right? And why are they doing it? What is their personal motivation? To show that they're smarter than others, because they laugh at them and see through them? Can't quite grasp it
Or perhaps he did the age old hollywood trick of having nepotism and power, then living out his fantasies on screen
Step 1: Be disgusting little creature with lots of powerful friends just like you
Step 2: Have disgusting creature friends write up stories about how you are very talented and funny, and positively review your work
Step 3: Make movies and cast gorgeous women inexplicably fall in love with you even though you look like you work at a bagel factory
Step 4: Molest your adopted daughter and get away with it
Accidentally responded to you in my original post.
>Other examples include men wearing skinny jeans that show they have no muscles.
I wear skinny jeans so you can see the outline of my thick juicy hog
>Sup Forums needs to stick to having shitty political opinions. Discussions about fashion, science, etc. here are downright pathetic.
only goes to show that you're a typical, liberal-democratic, goofy person incapable of seriousness, because this is what politics at core is about - important and serious issues
>>John Oliver is a shit-tier comedian trying to disguise himself as a wisecracking political genius.
>So [overtly politically left-leaning view of issue], right?
>Haha, only joking!
>But really.
That little worm needs to make like Piers Morgan and fuck off.
It might have confused people at first, but now it has become mainstream. It's more of just a signal to others. It's like a uniform that people on the same team wear. They're trying to say "I'm quirky, but I'm really smart and fashionable too." It's become so mainstream, though, even this is starting to get lost in the shuffle.
Because their eyesight is poor. All these men are wearing very different frames. It looks like you haven’t shopped for glasses.
Long and short, eye surgery is affordable, contact lenses are very cheap, the only people who wear frames are people who chose to wear frames. With the change, little subtle minimalistic wire frames are out of style for nearsightedness, and larger accessory frames became more popular.
The little shitty wire frames are still popular among boomers who are uncomfortable with their new need to wear eyeglasses, but if you are trying to minimize the glasses look, the majority of the population can just not wear glasses.
No. This is shitty. Just because you are trying to make a fashion trend a serious political matter and trying to see something that isn't there is nuts.
People need to see. They are in style. There is no deep political message or secret code to uncover. Get a hold of yourself.
This guy and the leaf above are too young to know where the glasses trend comes from. It's just always been there for them. Trends don't just come out of nowhere.
Because they're practical? Keep in mind that the bigger they are, the less they obstruct your field of view. Having small ones means your constantly see the top and bottom of your frame and it's shit. Overall, it's better to go with contacts. I
man I wish I had prescription safety glasses
There is a black guy with glasses at my work, and I overheard him talking about some special diet and not ruining it in a pretty effeminate voice. Black soyboy confirmed
his movies are pretty funny dawg
>Sup Forums needs to stick to having shitty political opinions. Discussions about fashion, science, etc. here are downright pathetic.
This isnt about fashion, it's about why stick armed geek faggots like you wear dork ass glasses. Maybe if you didnt jerk your micro penis to gay porn all day you wouldnt be half blind you dumb motherfucker.
I asked my optometrist father about these being so prevalent, and he said that those are what all the frames look like now, or most of them at least. Could there be a cabal of Jews at the top of the eyeglass frame industry trying to make everyone look like faggots?
>Or perhaps he did the age old hollywood trick of having nepotism and power, then living out his fantasies on screen
>Step 1: Be disgusting little creature with lots of powerful friends just like you
>Step 2: Have disgusting creature friends write up stories about how you are very talented and funny, and positively review your work
>Step 3: Make movies and cast gorgeous women inexplicably fall in love with you even though you look like you work at a bagel factory
>Step 4: Molest your adopted daughter and get away with it
WOW!!!!!!! When I was a kid I used to wonder how a gigantic pussy like Allen was considered funny. His comedy was a quarter click above slapstick. Also remember all the women in those movies being hipster women's lib types.
Fuck Woody Allen and all those involved in producing his shit films.
these fag glasses have been a hipster staple since the year 1999.
Stupid people wear 'nerd' glasses to try and seem more intellectual. True masterminds like myself prefer to hide our power level. I've learned that when people know you're smart they expect more out of you so I pretend to be a brainlet and get to slack off.
hipsters tendence makes them wear those glasses
not that the glasses made tham hipsters
Take crazy, add glasses, and you've got libtard.
Only soy boys have defective eyes.
Hadn't thought of that lol. They must be huge money for the frame companies. Ten cents worth of plastic for 600$.
Testicles in spectacles
Come and get it!
>leftists tend to aestheticize weakness
they also do this with their "art" they cant make a Mona Lisa so they make some minimalist 2 deep 4 u garbage
Fukken saved.
>But why did big glasses become an artifact of the typical hipster, liberal-democratic person?
they are trying to appear intelligent.
this is why my mang, Sup Forums pot, shot glasses-wearin' motherfuckers
>on sight
The guy on the right. How is he sitting?
Is his pants puffy?
Wasn't always that way
Lol I have glasses (the non nu male type) and it's solely because it's a billion times easier to deal with than fucking contact lenses.
Because jews are myopic and wear glasses from blowing out their eyes reading too much.
If you wear the intellectual glasses it gives the illusion that you too are well read. It's a signifier. it lets people know that you side with the intellectual and you are smart.
Its always offputting when you talk to somebody with little round jew glasses, or big architect jew glasses... and they turn out to be an unusually dumb goy. Its just wrong.