How to improve my country, Portugal

Serious conversation time.

I'm a Portuguese currently studying graduate level Mathematics in Germany. I got impressed by the quantity of people attending classes and actually working hard, genuinely passionate about what they are studying. Comparing the my bachelor experience in Portugal, besides me, maybe only other 5 people were like that (so, about 10% of the attendance of the lectures).

This made me sad, for the following reason: in Portugal, as of now, almost all employment is related to tourism or some other field not demanding higher qualifications. So what happens is that qualified people emigrate. A lot. There's a ominous brain drain crushing my country. Continuing like this, Portugal will never be able to develop further as a nation, economically speaking.

I want to ask you what would you do to get more people interested in Mathematics (and Sciences, or any other valuable field of knowledge) in a country like Portugal, and how to convince people to stay there for their graduate studies, and future life (and, if possible, how to convince others to come back).

Help me make my country better, so that we don't have to emigrate anymore.

Other urls found in this thread:ção_dos_Açores

You mistake was going for mathematics.
What the fuck.

If you're a STEM bro, I'm surprised you didn't notice or even know that Portugal likes the T and the E.

>almost all employment is related to tourism or some other field not demanding higher qualifications
Plain wrong.
Clearly you' never looked for a job yourself in Portugal.

Just delete this fucking thread, it's a mess.

Okay, maybe you are right about engineering. But I mean pure sciences. Any developed country worthy of that designation should have a place for scientists, good research centers.
Look at Denmark: despite having only half of our population, they actually play an active role in pure mathematics, whereas, when I look at PhD programs in Maths in Portugal, I just try not to be embarrassed.

Mathematics alone are useless.

We got a lot of you Moortuguese here in Massachusetts. You are all useless drunks and fishermen.

That it is true. But that doesn't mean it is not important. It's part of the culture of a country. Being proficient in several fields of knowledge is what made (most of) Europe the greatest civilization.

This is exactly what I mean. Even the mutt knows it. How to make my people more cultured? What exactly happens in countries comparable to mine in terms of population, like Belgium, that makes them far ahead in Science?

Pure sciences don't make the €.

If you cared about the economy, you wouldn't have emigrated or studied maths. What the fuck. You're like the feminists going into genders studies to complain there aren't enough women in STEM.

At least they're not cucks like you. Go back to your college to your jewish teacher, amerifat.

First of all, I didn't emigrate, I'm just studying abroad. I plan to come back to Portugal, even if I am not able to work in the area I graduated in.

Secondly, pure sciences do contribute to the economy. They increase prestige and attract investment. That a short-sighted way of seeing things and precisely what's lacking in the Portuguese mentality.

Look at Oxford, Cambridge or American universities. They are world famous mainly because of their achievements in pure sciences. One cannot possibly expect to be a reference in science if one does not have good pure science research centers.

So, my point is: how can I, as an individual, do something to change that in my country? All the youth is only interested in football, rapping and all that crappy degenerate culture.

Thats rich coming from you grease monkey. If you can't turn a wrench or run numbers, you greaseballs have no other options here. Your icons here are a couple of plumbers who kick turtle shells.

OP, are you ?

Unfortunately for you, you'll need more engineers, and people in blue collar jobs to make ground for the pure sciences.

Dunno mate, get good with photoshop or something and start creating propaganda and distribute it wherever you please, try to get into the ministry of education or something to promote STEM. Talk to your colleagues, friends, from uni about it.

Sounds like you could do with a Natsoc dictatorship

IST has a course - applied mathematics and computation. Banks hire those guys and earn a lot of money.

at least we are not raping your women

Nah, that's brazilian Portuguese.

Thanks for that advise Argentinian bro. It just seems so hard to change the mindset of so many people my age and younger in Portugal. It's like interest for culture and sciences is painfully dying.

I wish. I'm starting to think that's the only way I'd be able to promote values in the Portuguese people. Unfortunately, I don't reckon that system goes with creativity or entrepeneurship.

>at least we are not raping your women

I see someone hasn't watched "The Accused"

We all could...

Yeah, I'm sure you're going to produce the money doing your pure mathematical science...
I'm sure Switzerland became rich after the hadron collider was set up there, and not the other fucking way around.
What's lacking in Portugal is Engineering and Technology, not some middle school fairy tail of Nikola Tesla having died rich. I can get "prestige and investement" and money straight up with those T and E.

>look at these countries that have more than 10 times Portugal's population and huge amount of investment for science and brain drain.

>So, my point is: how can I, as an individual, do something to change that in my country?
Stop M, go to T or E, make something that is actually straight up productive, better the economy and watch your son being able to do the M.

>All the youth is only interested in football, rapping and all that crappy degenerate culture.
Fuck you too.

Honestly, you're pathetic.
You're complaining people don't need the shit you're selling, and this makes them inferor to Legoland.
You're an embarassment.

>I want to ask you what would you do to get more people interested in Mathematics (and Sciences, or any other valuable field of knowledge) in a country like Portugal, and how to convince people to stay there for their graduate studies, and future life (and, if possible, how to convince others to come back).

Honestly, what you're asking for is the same thing we're asking for. No more immigration (for us) means no more emigration (for you).
You can't have brain drain if there's no where for the brains to go.

Tem calma colega.
I'm just trying to understand the differences between Northern Europe and us.

> I'm sure Switzerland became rich after the hadron collider was set up there, and not the other fucking way around.

That's precisely what I am trying to understand. Let's be clear. Switzerland (which has a comparable population to us, btw) has always been a center for science. Way before being a rich country, or a tax haven, or whatever. In fact, all that area of Europe was a center of scientifical culture. Surprise: they are also the most developed parts of Europe. So, maybe science and economy go hand in hand with each other, maybe not directly, ofc.

> Stop M, go to T or E, make something that is actually straight up productive

But maybe you're right. Times have changed, and maybe Portugal need to skip that middle step of pure sciences and try straight ahead to be form engineers (even though examples such as Singapore make think otherwise).

Look at this This makes me afraid. I'm concerned our country will never be able to modernize itself

> You're an embarassment.

Não precisas de insultar, sou teu compatriota e quero o melhor para o meu país. Se achas que estou errado, faz-me simplesmente ver a razão.

Actually, Portugal was at risk of being excluded from your visa exemption program. I wish it went forward.

> I wish it went forward.
Me too.
> they are also the most developed parts of Europe.
It's called productivity, high-end technology, less fiscal overload, less corruption and industry and political iliteracy of population, enterpreunership plus geographic location and DEMOGRAPHICs in their side.

O que tu soas é a típica gaja que estudou arte ou o caralho que está triste que ninguém lhe quer dar trabalho.
Ela diz tudo o que tu estás a dizer.
Só que pior, tu estás com a atitude emigra associada a isso.
Agora pensa se este thread é bom.
Eu vou dormir.

high-end technology,

But also investment in industry machinery to increase productivity

>Judging a country on a rape that happened in the 80´s while their country gets raped daily by shitskins and jews.

I want a Portuguese wife.
Jesus, Azoreans are inbred subhumans.

Now tell me: what are can we do to change Portugal? I don't think just spreading the message "educate yourself" is enough. There has got to be a more radical and effective attitude to take.

É assim, eu só não acho que comparar artes e ciência pura seja apropriado, mas eu vou reflectir sobre o que disseste. Obrigado pelas tuas respostas. Boa noite.

americans are so dumb lol

You are either high as a kite or drunk as a donkey.

Deixa estar. Eu estou a tirar Relações Internacionais. A horta e a sachola me esperam no meio do monte.

My grandparents are from the Azores you cunt

Portugal needs to fix its political problems first off, a leftist shithole where the two main parties will always disagree with each other and divide the country let alone the fact that people don't care enough to even vote since we had 40%+ abstention. The portuguese people need someone to lead them properly like we had with Salazar, otherwise we don't have a direction; it is easier to find one proper leader to rule than multiple people that agree unanimously.

Also having a communist party that actually exists and is not just a meme is a pretty big deal as well

Anyways, the best you could do for your country is get knowhow from countries that are leaders in your field and bring it back home, do the legwork, set a proper network of colleagues and eventually things will happen.

I'd like to do the same.

> Comparing the my bachelor experience in Portugal, besides me, maybe only other 5 people were like that (so, about 10% of the attendance of the lectures).

Bitch, classes in Portuguese colleges are absolute fucking shit. Teachers are shit, all they do is repeat the same rote trash every single year, like they're truck drivers whose only job is delivering the same shitty cargo every fucking year in the exact same fucking manner. They don't care if the cargo is rotting, if it's useless, if it is even being received at the destination. All they care about is their delivery schedules.

And since you didn't make it masters classes, you didn't get to enjoy the absolute shitshow that is having those retards try to give lectures in English. Vomit inducing is the least I can say about those, absolutely unbearable.

You can try embassies. Don't be pessimistic, that fucking vibe makes Portuguese convinced, from an young age, that they need to emigrate. We need to be resourceful, entrepeneurial, fight for our country.

Nunca na vida vou emigrar. Só que já sei o que vai ser. Talvez a cena do Portugal 2020 me dê um tachinho.

Prezado sejas. Sabedoria exposta da melhor forma. Amén!

You have to build universities. I was researching Portugal and Spain recently. Despite the fact that your countries were very active in the sciences early on, they have been largely irrelevant in the modern era of most science and medicine.

One reason for this is between Portugal and Spain, the best University you have is ranked something like #190 in the world. I live in North Carolina in the USA, and I am within a 5 hour drive to probably 8 Universities that would be in the top 100. There is no way to compete on the world stage, when you are not manufacturing thinking people.

I feel that at some level, you are lacking a sort of national intellectual pride, the people of your countries do not care to be seen as smart. This issue must be attack ideologically at the local level when children are small. They must be inspired. For this, Portugal and Spain must start producing astronauts, big name entreprenuers, etc. There must be someone to look up to.

Did you go to a pleb tier university? All foreign students I know (and they are mostly German) are exactly like what you say the Portuguese are, and the Portuguese are actually much more engaged in their studies.

Carnations are gay.

I would rather be castrated and forced to eat my torn testicles than to attend an american college.

Individually (contributing to increase fertility rate, finance churches, politically - not voting PCP and BE) and collectively - social and politically.
I'm too tired to start a big text. Join the Portuguese discord.
>t. inbred subhuman detected

That is exactly my plan for now. I hope that helps, but I think it is also necessary to motivate the future generations, starting now (and now is already to late).
Best of luck to you and your country Argentinian bro.

That's also true. Our politics are fucked up. But the mindset of our population also contributes to that, and needs to be changed. Then, politics will naturally get better, I believe.

Actually, my professors were the best part of my Bachelor experience. I felt bad for them, for having such shitty students. But that's for Maths.


Lol, you have absolutely no idea what an American college is like, you have this bizarre fictionalized view built from this place...has nothing to do with what the actual experience of college is like

I went 4 years on campus just a few years ago, and I encountered 0 "sjw" type people or situations the entire 4 years. Zero.

This place isn't reality little kid. Didn't you read where it says all posts are works of fiction?

Little kid? I have seen better bait from dumericans.

wtf is the portuguese discord?

Agreed. 100%.

Trust me, real American degrees are the best out there. Mathematical research done in the US is world class.

I attended Universidade do Porto. I don't think it is a pleb tier university, do you? I mean, for maths it definitely was, for the rest I don't know.

You are a fucking little kid because you believe in distorted, narrow myopic perceptions of the world based on shit shoveled into your mouth by retards on Sup Forums

little retard child moron from an irrelevant vermont-sized country that hasn't produced a scientific advance in 50 years

Is this for real? OMG

Don't mind him, typical Sup Forums bickering. I appreciated your input.

We should make some kind of federation and let's gain some power on this fucking Union, we will need all the Iberians in a short period of time.

>I attended Universidade do Porto.
FLUP is shit, but FEUP is quite good.


wtf is this ffs

I'm taking a STEM degree in engineering and I can say that half of what you said is true.
People who take STEM here don't do it because they like it, but because of the employment. That gets you the 10% attendance in lectures (in my college it's more like 5% at the end of the semester). And you end up with shitty professionals who can't do their job or teach the future generation.

The reason why people aren't passionate in what they do here is because of the culture and the economic system they live in. I'm taking a degree in engineering (5 years) and I will probably only end up earning more 200-300€/month then people who barely got out of the 12th grade, while probably having to work a lot more hours/week then them. Engineers here are produced in mass, have to work like slaves and get payed shit. The same goes for other STEMs.

Ok I took 5 years of my life to get a degree and try to use my skills to help my country improve. Will I get help if I want to start a business? No. Because we live in a socialist country. People who start small companies here have to work a lot to keep them alive. I know a guy who owns one and has to pay peanuts to his engineers. His wife divorced him because he spends all his time with his company. If you start a business here, you are a slave to taxes and you will need to use all your time and energy to keep it alive. You can't start a family or have kids because you're always focused about the other things in your life.

Then you have the cultural aspect. People who only did middle school and talk shit about you. "See? It was worthless to get that degree! Look, thanks to this new socialist program I got my high-school diploma in 1 year and I'm earning more then the guys with a degree at work!!!" I see doctors getting disrespected all the time in public. Some people still have the communist mentality, that people who are engineers, doctors or that started a business are evil and privileged and exploit the poor people.

Quedate dormido.

>You're like the feminists going into genders studies to complain there aren't enough women in STEM.
What the hell? Its not like he's studying Gender Studies and complaining that there aren't enough men in STEM. Math is STEM, retard

Portugal is a niggers country, underdeveloped, lazy as fuck peoples, like Spaniards. You live mostly from tourism, that developed lazy peoples only. You will never be on par with Germany development where peoples do actually work. Is a combination from niggers/laws/expectations/work/etc. Your whole equation is broken from niggers.


Maybe not a federation, but definitely more bilateral colaboration. Like, in my field of expertise, we could definitely do joint research projects and exchange programs, way more than what we do now (which is close to 0).

I attended FCUP, for Maths. But I can imagine FLUP is shit, from the people I observed going to that place in the bus.

We could be stronger together...

>Herp-derp there is no SJW plague in Murrica, 'specially not at my community college.

What hole have you been living in the past few years?

Soy gallego. No me gustan ni un poco los castellanos. Quedate ahí que yo me quedo aqui.

The problem aren't the people not wanting to go to STEM. Entering grades are higher then ever. In some degrees 90% of the final high school grade is not enough. The problem is the political system that needs to change. The educational system too, that focus on exploiting people who go to STEM. People end up realizing they are being exploited when they get a good degree and leave the country.

Yes, its incredible, but I have the same sense that Spain and Portugal are two brothers who turn their backs on each other.

You see what you choose to see, this board is like shrieking women or christian fundamentalists of the 90s, crying over every tiny thing that offends you

Yeah those people are out there, and you know what, you try so fucking hard to pay attention to them, meanwhile I go on living my life...


You’ll give the people of Portugal an ideal to strive towards.
They will race behind you.
They will stumble, they will fall.
But in time, they will join you in STEM.
In time you will help them accomplish wonders.

Yo también soy Gallego, y por ello tengo aún más razones para querer ser más cercanos a nuestros hermanos Portugueses. La Raya es una ínea quebrada , una frontera artificial e inexistente en la práctica

d*scord. g g/HXVqQd

Ah so if I was more like you and stuck my head in the sand every time I saw something troubling, I'd be happier. Sorry but living my life like a retarded ostrich doesn't appeal to me.


OMG its not a memeção_dos_Açores

portugal is one of the most pathetic country in existence, all of you should be gassed and glassed desu

Alternative route: import the white people/germanic descendants from Brasil.

Let's do it again ffs

Absolutely. No wonder people emigrate and that there is brain drain. I'm hopeful companies like startups will be treated better in the future, with all this WebSummit thing, but definitely we need people valuing education. Like I see here in Germany.

If I have the change, I will also try to change that. I think more colaboration between Portugal and Spain could be mutually beneficial.

Inspirational. Thanks bro.

This is fucking disgusting.

Why so?

No conoces a estos tios. Son una raza distinta de la nuestra.

Eh exterminate the shitskins this time around. Theres too many mestizo rapebabies as is.

Fuck off,weeaboo

just memeing tho.
I'm from bestguay and I'm getting my EE degree here, after I'm done here I'd like to go to yurop/asia for my Masters/PhD, do some years overseas and then come back to southamerica to help wherever is possible in both Paraway and Argieland.

It's going to be rough but worth it, I hope.

Descendemos de los mismos grupos étnicos, pocas razas nativas hay aquí aparte de los vascos

That's the spirit. So many based Argentinians in this thread.

Los vascos son atlantes.

dont cry because its over, smile because it happened

Tienes razón. Sin embargo, somos todos igualmente subhumanos.

That's the main difference between the anglo colonization and the iberian one, we fuck evereyone we see, except the british slags, those are just fucking disgusting kek.

But you're right. Maybe we should killed all of them.

Delet this

Y los argentos son hijos del diós de la plata.

Los vascos son cabezas cuadradas, y sus mujeres son feas de cojones

La verdad es dura, pero tenemos de la enfrentar.

Next time, we have to do it right


Pocas mujeres se casan con moros acá, personalmente no conozco ninguna pareja mestiza, pero hay demasiados moros

Não mates o mensageiro compadre.

Más o menos, aunque tampoco me podría reír mucho soy un paraguamutt que parece esas chicas de tumblr con 1/64 navajo.

Siempre leo esto, quizás alguna vez cuando visite Bilbao lo pueda confirmar irl.

Las únicas vascas hermosas que verás serán las hijas de inmigrantes de otras partes de España, muchas vienen a Galicia de veraneo porque sus padres son de aquí, créeme que los rumores son verdad, en el país vasco no se folla XD

Fuck ("foda-se") to your pic related.

Yo soy de Celanova en el Sur y quando voy hasta Vigo veo muchos pero tampoco me importa.