Hey potheads, we all know that public opinion is overwhelmingly supportive of legal weed and any attempt by the feds to shut it down will be a PR nightmare for the administration. So what if Sessions' little move today is actually a way to force rescheduling into congressional debate? Sessions is "law and order", he has said before, federal law says its illegal, if we want to do this change the law. 365D Chess you touchy potheads, DAMN, roll one up and chill. I'm in CO and love pot as well.

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that's not what it is. all stoners should be shot but sessions is just a fucking idiot and wants to waste his time chasing potheads instead of going after real criminal kikes.

The asshole said that marijuana was only slightly less bad than heroin. If he wants to play bizarro world politics that's on him, but he should still be criticized for being a retarded indoctrinated faggot with next to no chill.

This is more about selective prosecution to pick the winners and losers in an emerging multi-billion dollar business. Basically everything the GOP says they are against.


He's power hungry and his interests lay with people who's careers depend on enforcing drug prohibition. He might even believe it on some level, but the real crime is that these types of authority over reach are destroying America far worse than fags or ISIS or bad movies.

I smoked pot for 12 years. Quit earlier this year.

Weed is for losers.

You're holding yourself back.

>inb4 rogan quotes

Just bought this today in cali

>we all know

Failed argument.

>I know
>You know
>We all know

Guaranteed to be full of opinions and half-truths.

>Just bought this today in cali
I have gotten better looking grass from street dealers in prohibited states for way less then you pay for that crap.