The alt right has no hard ideas

Spencer just proved tonight that the alt right has NO POLICIES, he just danced around this retarded idea of "white ideals" which in fact were only christian ideals which came from the middle east.

Other urls found in this thread:

who cares about spencer?

just himself


>cultural movement has no policies

Well said. No ethno state here, it is a ridiculous idea for me.

did anyone else realize about halfway through that he just sounds like a whiny SJW?

Yeah Spencer and TRS etc al their accomplishment is to develop a rhetoric and analysis against the current system. But they don't have a plan for the future.

the alt right will literally never come back from this, Sargon of Akkad has literally obliterated their silly movement in 3 hours of verbal shitposting


Spencer is a lil bitch. We need chads that are capitalists. Join the Capitalist Right for a Capitalist Reich

a narcissistic sjw

>Alt-right has no hard ideas.
I throught it had to exist for this sort of thing.

Anybody that plays identity politics is obsessed with getting power for shit other members of your chosen group developed. This is true at the far left and right side of the spectrum, and makes you look like a tard.

>implying alt righters will never change their mind

go back to whatever flyover state you come from, ricky

Greek philosophy, you pleb.
The debate is eternally Plato vs. Aristotle.

Fuck that gay shit. He was way too soft, might makes right, Blood and iron, all that shit

Daily reminder that Sup Forums is not alt right.

Are you retarted. He clearly stated the policy that TRAPS ARE GAY!

did u give that reminder yesterday?

Would an sjw shill for Trump?

>what if this hypothetical? huh?
>then it means alt-right would want genocide and slavery
alt-right btfo

Sargoy Fanboys trying to defend their Atheist Messiah. The "Alt-Right" doesn't exist.

Daily reminder that you're a faggot

Wtf is the alt right?

Sup Forums isn't "Alt-right" because the "Alt-Right" Doesn't exist.

how can u define what exists?

A collective of faggots who want don't want niggers in their bath house.

Thank god this board isn't, even for all its silliness. I've lost all respect for them after this shitshow

A word created by Leftists to attack Right-Wingers.

Pic related: If you look like this guy then you’re definitely a raging cum swallowing fudge packee (not packer) homosexual and possible Kike.

A failed ideal funded by Alexander Dugin

>the alt right has no hard ideas
what part of "gas the kikes, race war now" don't you understand?

You shills are out early. Richard Spencer dominated every person in this chat. It literally turned me from a civic nationalist to a supporter of a hypothetical future ethnostate. Get a fucking life, Jew.

Because we all know it doesn't exist. It's just People who are Right-Winged.

Fucked up haircut and man boobs...I'm whie Sup Forums hero for sure

No it's not it's chaotic neutral.

not even an atheist, but Sargon is much more coherent and solid with his ideas.

Yes hes not trying to run for office with concrete policies hes simply trying to awaken white consciousness and get white people to start taking their own side in things.

Fucking idiot said that being a free speech absolutist means you're fine with child porn being uploaded.

pol isn't alt right, you goof

Bruh, Spencer is a fuckin manlet. He can't fight for shit

Faggot. The only way to cure his faggotry is to listen to "The Music Of Totalitarianism" from beginning to end.

Here. Unfuck yourself.

Sargon did so awful in this debate. Pretty disappointing. shit brains keep splintering into smaller and smaller groups with smaller and smaller brains. Thanks in advance. “Reich!!!!!” What a dumbfuck bunny.

Yeah, his ethnostate fell apart when it came to religion too.

a lot better than Dick spencer did

i'd suck spencers puffy pink titties all night.

Brock to whoever asked the ever important traps question for $200

Fascinating. Why does the left defend Muslim ideals FROM THE MIDDLE EAST and not Christian ideals FROM THE MIDDLE EAST… oh well )))))

I know a guy that has regular gay sex on the down low with Spencer. They meet in dark adult theaters he said.

the skeptic damage control in this thread... aahh delicious

richard spencer looks like a dyke he should kill himself and purify the white gene pool

He’ll let you is the dirty word on the street. The freak uses nipple clamps or some such faggotry shit my source says.

checkem. alt right is fake news.

imagine being this much of a brainlet that you believe the Christian ideals of the individual come from the supposed superiority of the white race

Especially since Jesus never existed in reality.

Would I get in trouble for posting a pic of Spencer getting corn-holed in an adult gay theater?

do it, no balls

So what brand of religion would we follow in the ethnostate? Would it matter? Are agnostics allowed?

Like everyone is saying, the alt right is not a thing. Being racially conscious is just that, no need for a edgy name. Spencer is just retarded and doesn't know basic economics.
A regulated market and (((corporations))) are not Capitalism.

This Leaf is still Defending Sargoy.

Spencer is controlled opposition

Of course and here is why stupid:

literally everything and anything according to spencer, with the exception of the two major sects of Islam. He's really wishy washy in his ideas desu

I’ll get one from my source.

this is my thread, alt cuck

Sargon and the other skeptics got fucking obliterated.

> calls me a cuck
> Guy's nation is the literal definition of Cuck.

Woes rocked the boat but Kevin and Vee sunk it, so maybe you're mistaking that for 'obliteration', but there's no way Spencer looks good after this even if you think Sargon did badly.

You Nazi wannabes are boring as fuck...I’m going to a new thread. You fags are a bunch of cum swallowers.

The Gay Lovers are still trying to defend Sargoy.

oh I know that, we're not talking about flags here, your side still lost bigly tonight

The alt right is so loosely defined that it's not surprising it has no ideas you can point to.
It's just I don't like him, he is alt right

He was destroyed on every argument and got increasingly mad throughout the debate, to the point where he devolved to pure fallacy. Spencer answered all questions honestly and competently. That can't remotely be said about the skeptics. Especially with the fallacy dogpiling.

Good thing we're not ((((alt-right))))) eh?

He's the perfect example of a man who went 14, but not 88. Forever torn between his sense of duty to the race and libertarian sensibilities.

Spencer came out of that looking great. I say this as a casual/non-affiliated observer.


He just danced around the 'how' question all night.

No one is going to peacefully go back to countries they never been to or care for. Plenty of whites will defend these minorities right to stay with violence if necessary.

Spencer won't admit that in order to get people to opt for self-deportation you must exacerbate racial tension and racial tribalism to the point where staying is unbearable.

Sargon is retarded and can't verbalize this simple but very important contention.

And Andy is utterly retarded, he thinks he's hosting a debate when he's just stacking an ethnonationalist line up against Sargon and some pussies who haven't had an ounce of preparation.

The policies of a hypothetical future white ethno state need to stay hypothetical. Best case scenario a white ethnostate is achieved not until decades in the future.

Spencer is right not to get bogged down in details so they can be picked apart.

cut it with the shill threads

that dumass just needs to go to iceland if he wants his ethno state so bad (which isn't going to happen)

I agree with the dogpiling at the end, I would have preferred it be just Sargon and Spencer + JF. I also didn't say anything about who was 'right', I said Spencer doesn't look good after this to anybody who wasn't already on his side.

Spencer may have been answering the questions Sargon was giving as he understood them, but they looked like dodges. Sargon getting dodged and frustrated because of it is a much easier read of this situation than Spencer obliterating him.

Lol, left-wing shills at it again. As for this debate, bias aside, the skeptics have again exposed themselves as shrill, strawmanning, autists.

I have no clue what Sargon was talking about like 90% of the time?

Did you even watch the podcast retard?

Not to mention nauseating status-signallers


One idea should be to stop migration from all countries to white countries for the next 5 years. At least in Australia. Migration is the big one. I mean you can't protect white ideals like helping one another or being nice when your allowing people into your country who are more selfish then yourself and actual hate you (I grew up in a muslim community in the northern suburbs of Melbourne; they hated me because I was a white Aussie). For instance, today I went to pick up a table I bought from this white guy and I realised I couldn't fit it in my car, the white guy helped me take it apart so it would fit in. I don't think the idea of helping someone can be characterized as a retarded ideal. If I needed help from a turk or lebo who was selling the same table I wouldn't get it; thats my past experience - they would get pissed off and tell me that I'm wasting their time, whatever. Anyway, I don't know who the fuck Spencer is so I'm saging this thread.


> Side still lost
> Everyone is saying Sargon got Destroyed
Are you this delusional?

I REALLY want to smash that cunt's face in with a tire iron... Pure fucking stupid.


But every piece of property is owned by someone. There is no unclaimed land. In order to make an ethnostate, you would have to remove someone from their land. You remove enough people and you now have a genocide on your hands.

Promoting white identity seems to be their policy, in case you missed it.

>you would have to remove someone from their land
Why couldn't they remove themselves?

This. Some people on this board are too stupid for their own good.

I laughed when he said "white culture" is characterized by an emphasis on "family and community". Western white people are literally the least family and/or community oriented people on the planet. Richard Spencer knows nothing about white people, least of which that white people despise people like him.

What if they don't want to move?