The first episode of Lucky Star aired 10 years ago today.
The first episode of Lucky Star aired 10 years ago today
Fuck me.
And so moeshit was born.
Only if you pretend to be Konata for me.
Why did you personally enjoy Lucky Star? Especially since you didn't understand most of the references there shouldn't have been any reason for you to like it.
Cute girls, kinda funny.
It has nice characters and enjoyable banter + what this user said
Based kyoani fought GAINAX and saved anime in the process 10 years ago. Today should be a holiday.
Agree with first part, disagree with the second. It was really boring. They talked way too much about mundane everyday shit, and it didn't have anything to give it some variety like nichijou would end up doing.
I watched the OVA first and expected the show to be the same.
Mostly the part about when Kagami's woke up from her dream.
It had its moments and was structured as a SoL, not as a constant gag-after-gag fest that Nichijou was.
People should watch things in airing order.
The last episode of E7 aired a little over 11 years ago.
Who cares about moeshit?
I watched the 1st cours, it was boring as shit. I got the references, it didn't make it any better.
Also the art style sucks.
Sadly the last manga volumes will never be translated and the series never finished.
>the art style sucks.
Objectively wrong
The death of anime.
Things were simpler back then.
>haruhi aired 23 years ago
But E7 was just Gundam with cute girls who don't die.
Yamakan a shit.
How could you waste trips on this quality content
My copy of Nyantype came today, and there's a short interview with Kagami Yoshimizu on the last page. Anyone want me to post pictures of it?
It was literally not, but yes it was structured around Gundam. It was done extraordinarily well.
Might as well.
The downfall of anime.
Do it faggot.
Reminder that Lucky Star will always be Mexico's number 1 anime
Is he still writing Lucky Shit? People still read that shit?
He dropped it as far a is know.
>anime has now been good for a whole decade
Wonderful occasion.
No, anime has been shit for a whole decade + 1
It makes me wish I were into anime back then. Also it's CGDCT done right.
your mom has been gay for a whole decade
unless I am misremembering don't remember Sup Forums talking about it often aside from posts like & "it gets better, running in the 90s, bakunetsu fingah, timotei~"
How the fuck
When I originally watched this show, I was younger than the characters.
Did a quick translation, and it's nothing too interesting.
As an aside, I have no idea what Yoshimizu is up to these days, and my impression from Japanese Twitter is that they're baffled too. The manga appears to have stopped running a while ago, and he doesn't seem to be doing anything other than producing official Lucky Star art every few months for events around Washinomiya.
If he retired to live off of his fortune and draw new OC twice a year, I can't blame him.
>yfw tsukasa explains how she eats a choco cornet
>then konata explains how she eats one
>then miyuki explains how she eats one
>then kagami explains how she eats one
I might have the order wrong but I can still see it clearly with little dots of filler in between
Huh. I was literally an adult when I watched my first subbed show (which was Evangelion on VHS in 1998) and in my 20s when downloading fansubs off the internet became a thing. Also, I'm still here.
Most of the anime I watch are out of season so I managed to pick up on the references when I first watched it last year.
Yeah it was fairly enjoyable, and still hasn't faded into obscurity
Mi Casca Es Tsukasa
There are 100 ways to start a Lucky Star thread, but only one way to finish it. I'm counting on someone else to post that comic.
Happy Anime. Happy Manga. Almost impossible to find stuff nowadays. Went to a convention today, and nobody had any volumes of it. Luckily I'll be getting a miyuki figure.
Were any of you faggots here?
I was.
I didn't show up until Toradora.
posting best boy's best song
Columbian cuck. Go get shot in the streets of Brazil, you cucking spic.
got you covered fampai
I just realized the teacher is eating alone too.
I never watched a single episode of Lucky Star.
Ask me anything.
The funny part is that there are people on this board right now who unironically believe this.
No. Go to the back of the line.
that took way too fucking long but I refuse to give hiroshima money
How many times have you seen pics of these characters online since they control the entire internet?
Post the rest. I already know what it looks like but do it.
It's not over until you post the happy ending.
I don't have it
N-nani?! There's m-more?!
This had to happen eventually I guess
You post it you fat fuck. Jewnigger artist purged it from pretty much everywhere.
Unable to find the TLs. This isn't healing me properly.
I got you user.