Literally people like (((Logan Paul))) are the reason why the world hates white people.
Logan Paul is the reason why everyone hates white people
Other urls found in this thread:
Inb4 "dindu nuffin"
>t. some basement dweller who's never been anywhere around death
White American people are like the Refugees of Japan.
E celeb threads aren't politics. Even if you add "something something, white ppl"
How would you feel if a Nigger or refugee laughed at your son's dead corpse. How would you feel?
Dude, faggots like that are 40% of the male Canadian population. The rest is 30% refugees, 20% benders, and born and bred men for the last 10%
The reason people hate white people is because they're mindless sheeple who are told to do so.
Bullshit. People hate White People because they hate what they can never have; a normal, nuclear family, a successful well paying job, disciplined children, a manicured yard with a $200k+ house and a car not bought from Craigslist, or a need to have a will and power of attorney to make sure the wealth white people have amassed is transferred to our offspring and not the niggers and do-nothing of the world.
Mr. Paul is fodder and a face to that end.
Who? You'll have to fill me in I'm not 15.
No the world doesn't hate white people you jewish nigger
logan paul is the embodiment of western normies
Nobody hates japs for killing countless whales , which I personally am fine with
my son would never kill himself because I would be a good father
>White People
>a normal, nuclear family,
Vloger for narcissistic frat brats
Eat zza and spaz for cash
Hes a jew posing as a white
Actually Jews did it
Anti whiteness will die. And it will die soon.
Like if you spraypainted a vulture white and called it an owl. No one who dies their hair blond is white.
You're probably not wrong
And you're a autist posing as a retard, but that's pretty normal for you, isn't it?
Jake and Logan Paul are the last stand of implicit white identity.
Fuck off you dirty kike. Nobody hates white people but you jews an niggers/sand niggers. Go back to your country and get glassed bitch.
Logan Paul literally dindu nuffin
It is better to be a heartless bastard than a soyboy cuck
Keep in mind I'm not Anti-White, I'm just pointing out the fucking flaws that a lot of White Americans have. You love to talk about how niggers are idiots but then get butthurt when I talk about niggerly whites
Honestly, who the fuck is this faggot and why should I care?
I've been refusing to click on an News articles because fuck the media.
>>White Family
>>Counters with a picture of a mixed mutt father (Looks like a cross between a Mexi and Nipp) and a Tranny.
He is a jew
fuckin white ppl n sheeit
>bet you i dont get banned
>a Tranny
oh the world loves white people?
It's just cringe drama shit, but it's fun to talk about to pass to time.
All i know is he is a Disney kid whose fans are in high-school, and made a name for himself making vines.
Who the fuck is this guy?
American Nignogs sculpted a race issue that wasn't even there. Japanese natives, save for the one Twitter account that keeps being shitposted here, either don't give a shit about or are completely fine with white people.
They need whites more than whites need them.
Exhibit A
Who else audibly kek'd when the police officer looked at him like he was a fucking nog?
Tokyo is the Japanese NYC. Go to Kyoto, Osaka, Nagano, or Aomori and that's where the hard xenophobes are.
logal paul isn't white.
he's jewish.
Is there proof of this or is Sup Forums just spouting their usual rhetoric again?
go to wikipedia nigger
Deal with it you insecure shitskin
Now go get your fucking shinebox
That hair makes me angry.
>giving a fuck if niggers like you
you have to go back
he's a jew
>muh feels
>we need more control of Youtube content to prevent such offensive content
This shit is so blatant.
I am so sick of hearing about this guy. Can we please stop talking about him? He contributes nothing, and his "scandal" wasn't that big of a deal.
what's funny is the system telling me to give a shit about society while faggots like this do nothing all day but act like cunts and get to be millionaires because of little kids and their brain dead parents. Youtube has no clue the damage they are doing to society. We're just now entering the phase where these internet babies are reaching adult hood and we'll be seeing even more sociopathy than ever before. Get ready.
>trusting wikipedia
Don't be dissing my aryan god Logan! He was just lying so (((They))) can't shut down his channel. He's actually 100% huwhite
>Why the world hates whites
Well yes thats likely the intent, I mean look at the companies that promote him and the narratives that they push.
except he (and his brother) are the result of youtube content control. Pewdiepie was hammered by the same people enabling Logan Paul now, for "offense" that was not even taken. Only difference is one promoted "our" view the other promotes (((theirs)))
Logan "slap a jap" Paul
Logan "dead bodies get me more hotties" Paul
Logan "nip the nips" Paul