US Food redpill thread

Anyone seen the "What the health" netflix documentary?
what does Sup Forums think of the dairy, agriculture and farm industry?

Other urls found in this thread:

it is all controlled by the jews in order to make $$$ off of obese fucking low lives. Makes me sick any fucking white man that makes an excuse to consume these degenerate products. If you don't have 6 packs abs, then don't even open your stupid, fat fucking mouth.

ANyone who eats that shit will have a significantly shorter life.

All these obese retards think a vegan diet revolves around shitty soy and tofu, when in fact i have been vegan for 3 years and ripped as shit. Bang my gf 3x a week from over amounts of testosterone.

Greens, beans, jack fruit, cauliflower, beets a fuck ton of garlic


i want to fuck that pig

La Creaturas must feast!

>Wth shills got btfo on /fit/ and then come hear to peddle their disproven garbage. Mfw

Jeez louiz clam down

U seem like an ambitious fellow, why dont you go around giving live talks about this to people, or do a youtube channel - seem high energy

>no gmo beef bf to cuddle
Why live?

OP's photo is of a prize Belgian blue, a breed with a naturally occurring myostatin mutation, termed "double muscling."
>naturally occurring

This nigga slaps your girl's ass in the gym, what do you do?


>That cow
>American Food
That's a Belgian Blue and has nothing to do with the USA, next you'll yell at Finland for the Spanish Inquisition.

Damn Chloe Moretz looking like THAT?

They were trying to make a myostatin inhibitor for body builders.

OP never mentioned the USA

Thanks user, can't believe even our food isn't safe.

Nice shilling you faggot. Those are Belgisch Witblauw and they are crossbreeds. Delicious meat also.

That's a big bull.

Fucks up your joints and ligaments too much. Pretty much why blacks gain muscle easily but have shit soft tissue. Natural myostatin blockers.

>our parents are asleep user, want to watch a movie in my room?

Holy kek


US food redpill thread


What the health is full of pseudoscience bullshit

What the health is a bullshit documentary made by soy boy leftist hacks who want you to become vegan and lower your testosterone and fuck up your estrogen levels (if you’re female)



>even angles upon the skies kekked

Let him dream

What do you think this cows answer would be to the question of "what is best in life?"?

i dont eat meat

so you retards can eat this cancer beast all day long

no shortage of people

Amy Schumer's new beach body pictures are just gorgeous!

What the Health is a shit documentary, and cherry picks and misleads almost every argument it makes.

I say this as someone who despises factory farming practices, it doesn't change the fact that what the health is a blatantly misleading documentary filled with falsehoods.


Lol this breed of cow has been in existence since 1840, longer than all of your hippie bullshit. Choke on some grass you faggot.

oh shit nigger I could simply eat 11 pounds of beans a day to get my daily protein needs. 3/10 for response tho.

There is nothing wrong with factory farming. It's the same shit as regular farming but under a roof and with more machines instead of manual labor

That's a Belgian blue cow, they are the result of selective breeding of a line of cows that had a mutated gene that codes for muscle mass/growth. They taste mighty fine.

You're a cretin for saying its gmo.


Choose (((one)))

>eating american meat


Wouldn't these websites, companies claiming it's pseudoscience just shill against it?
What about the donations to AHA,American cancer society,diabetes society. You think that isn't suspicious?

Shit like this is just more consequences from the industrial revolution and population boom. Either millions of people starve, disease wipes out all the food, or you can enjoy meat and veggies that have been heavily sprayed with Raid so that it can be produced on an industrial scale year after year.

The cow in your picture is neither genetically modified or on steroids:

ok soyboy don't you your titties in a twist.

Still better than ebony

So if we can make super cows why aren't we making super soldiers?

Your larping is weak and your body weaker.

You can eat my American meat, cockboy

There's ethical issues with the way in which animals are treated in most of these environments, and the fact that it's not necessary for the survival of humanity as alternative options for food that don't cause such needless suffering and harm exist. Meat products should be a luxury, not a staple of diets.
If it could be done ethically in a way that absolutely minimizes the harm in animals, I would support it, but in it's current state it's impossible; pigs confined in cages where they cannot move an inch. Dairy cows forced to get pregnant over and over again, their calves taken and killed, treated harshly in the process. Hooked up to pumps for months on end.

The truth of the matter is while there are instances in which it's done humanely, the industry itself is corrupt and cruel, with animal abuse being routine and supported by lobbying of the industries themselves to prevent regulations that take care of animal welfare. An example of this is "cage free" chickens which aren't really cage free, as there are loopholes that allow the farms to simply have one small opening in a huge building for the chickens to go "outside."

Dem glutes

Nigga, I just watched that YouTube video too!!

This breed of cow stems from a naturally occuring genetic mutation in the myostatin gene.



Beat off in the corner while he fucks Sofie in the shower

Cool, it's even more amazing if it's a product of selective breeding. Imagine what we could achieve by selective breeding humans or at least enforcing eugenics.

Imagine fighting this bull.
Or wait, that's a fucking cow, imagine fighting this cow with your bare hands.

I think they make great food, altho I'd pay more for tortured animals.

>The condition promotes above-normal growth of the skeletal muscles; it doesn't affect the heart and has no known negative side effects, according to experts.
Fuck it, I'm buying a CRISPR kit.

I said better, not good
You're not bad, leaf

Quite simply it's fucked. Some plants have been modified to increase crop production, that's okay with me. Even selective breeding of livestock is fine with me to a degree. Breeding to the point of physical disability is not okay with me, however. I think we should be raising our own food.
Agriculture needs to change, what we have is nothing close to being sustainable. The methods are outdated and in a lot of cases barbaric and can be done better, the initial expense is the reason why it does not happen.

>3x a week
Wow, look at you. Your post is proof vegans are retards with low libido.


>you have been defeated

if you do that you are a Nazi. it's okay for the Chinese though. I think that's why they want all that baby formula for there little super solider babies

>what we have is nothing close to being sustainable

Wrong. GMO seed is precisely the reason why current levels are sustainable. Also fertilizer methods have been excellent (and improving) for the past 30 years.

>methods are outdated and in lots of cases barbaric and can be done better

The highest surplus of agricultural products in history, this is better

>the initial expense is the reason why it does not happen

No... its the opposite. check crop prices, theyre essentially the same they were 30+ years ago.

Didnt mean to call you out, but your post is retarded. People (who may be smart in other areas) pontificate about industries, which they neither know nor can be bothered to research. Instead you get back and forth posts that are regurgitations of what these "informed" people are spoon fed from retarded documentaries on netflix.

She's getting it somewhere else mate.

D-don't look at me like that, user...

was going to post this. belle brook farms ships the meat in the states. the shipping fees are as much as the meat though.


That is one adorable kitty




>Ripped Veagan

I'm sorry but people who are ripped consume animal products for essential fats, proper hormones, iron, and PROTEIN. All things which don't come from a plant based diet alone. Yes some of these foods may have TRACE AMOUNTS but I seriously thinking you're on here trolling.

It's a good thing I eat at Five Guys (never McDonalds or any other garbage restaurant), and nice steak houses. Nobody wants to eat a cow that oversized looking. First of all the meat would be tough as shit.

There are so many people on this website that come on here anymore and make up their own conspiracy theories that aren't even based on any evidence other then a photoshopped picture of a cow. How pathetic.

wherever there is beef I must worship

Heh, nothing personnel, kid

>netflix documentary
how about no

The cow is ripped, he's a vegan, BTFO !

I like when little girls have that look
Muscular like BULL


We do thangs BIG



Has anyone mentioned that this cow is a Belgian Blue?



Can't wait until we can do that to humans.

I'm banging her the rest of the days. How is your girlfriend and my kid?


who is the bigger genetic freak?

meat is delicious

the way we farm for our meat makes no sense considering how much food we waste in our country

The problem is real but the film is a fucking joke. I just couldn't take some of these spiritual, emotional and not-scientific statements seriously. Super cringe. Facts were in there, too, though.

Such a missed opportunity for a good, rational documentary.

King / Armor King main reporting in

Who /tekken/ here?

>playing as a nigger gimp
He's still cool though.

s w o l e

He has a better sidestep and a stone cold stunner. He's cooler in every way. Just sucks he's not in T7.