Why are Americans so evil?
American atrocities
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thinking the bastard could steal rice like that, ts ts ts....
"Just amefrican things"
the weak should fear the strong
wtf this drawing sure convinced me to hate western civilisation
You ever seen what little value human life has in China? They literally ignore dying people in the street. They run over children with cars and the child is still moving before another, and another, and another car casually drives over the child. They torture pets and call it food. Any observer can see that the Chinese have no empathy or value human life. So if they don't care, why should I? Maybe go post your libcuck propoganda on the normies of FB and reddit?
> i've been influenced by Sup Forums propaganda
You are a niggercattle.
What propaganda. Everything he said about the Chinese is true you limp wrist, frog eating faggot.
Are you that oblivious to what this site does to people?
Check his answer again.
He saw webms and now pretty much regurgitates them word for image and makes gross exaggerations and bigoted generalisations.
This is an image about what you'd call a jungle chink, the Vietnamese. But his videos involved the Chinese.
Burgers really are brain damaged.
Now that I pay attention at the characters it looks actualy Korean, my mistake. NorKo most likely.
Americans did this.
We feel like having the most powerful military gives us permission to do whatever we want and are told all our wars are just
It appears to me that they are performing emergency dental surgery while preparing this starving peasant woman a warm meal. What's the problem exactly?
asians caring about life
Americans exempt themsleves their myth of American Exceptionalism.
There are 1.4 BILLION Chinese.
You judge them all based on memes and Sup Forums clips.
If you can't see what the problem is, it's because you're stupid.
They aren’t white so it doesn’t matter. Call me when we start bombing actual people.
Why was Japan so evil?
You’re a fag, and a shill. Show your flag.
Vea victus
You fool! That’s the daycare in the Norkorean camps today. Only the strongest babies survive!
>and now pretty much regurgitates them word for image and makes gross exaggerations and bigoted generalisations
Sounds like a lefty to me. Also, every nation on earth has committed atrocities during war. Sometimes it was on the soldiers themselves. Sometimes on the politicians that sent them. As a Baguette and the inheritor of a long martial history, you have no room to talk. So kindly shut the fuck up.
You can tell it’s commie propaganda because the art is lazy as shit
>Hurr Durr this site has changed you
>The site is a reflection of your own ideas
Not everyone is storming the internet looking to change people into what they find acceptable. Some people actually go to sites because they agree with or enjoy the content.
Americans do this
And maybe we should keep doing it so we can laugh at your bitchy threads, faggot.
You know for a fact that every country has had individuals that have committed atrocities.
War is hell, and if you do not like it then emigrate to Sealand.
Wake the fuck up
The US has the nicest and most generous fighting force in the history of the world.
>you will never rip the head of a baby nork in front of his grieving mother before shooting her in the skull
Why even live?
That's some NK shit. That you behind that meme flag, Kimmy? Kimmy? Kimmy wanna' donut?
Why would someone shoot a baby before throwing it into a well?
Origin of this artwork?
>That's some NK shit. That you behind that meme flag, Kimmy? Kimmy? Kimmy wanna' donut?
Nope! The DNC.
Yes, we committed war crimes against the North Koreans. But the North Koreans themselves committed war crimes against the South Koreans. And the South Koreans were themselves involved in war crimes in Vietnam. And the Vietnamese...etc.
You see where this is going. Literally EVERYONE commits war crimes, singling out Americans for this is absurd.
lol based
Ohhhh, these are totally fake, lmao. OP is a baiting faggot.
>yfw kim doesn't even approach the same weight category as the presidonk of the jewnited states
bullshit, no Nork has got teeth that straight. They are more fucked up than the bongs in the dental health department.
>viet cong dindu nuffin
i cri evrytiem
Oh so just because hes 4 ft tall and weighs less he is less fat?
You got it all wrong. The concerned American soldiers are fixing her overbite resulting from living in a backwards 4th world country.
No...we do this
You are right, to some measure. Liberals/Communists do think babies are just clumps of cells and feel compelled to want to destroy them, and have the taxpayer fund it. Nork user, do you need some more good comrades over there? We can start rounding them up now!
Massacres and the slaughter of innocents is wrong, yes, but reds and muzzies aren't innocent. They are guilty of being reds and muzzies.
we did nothing wrong
Isn't there a version where they're putting a hotdog in her mouth?
why Trump is wearing womans watch
such a faggot watch
>French people start a war
>ask daddy America for help
>decades later some faggot on the internet criticizes America for getting involved in a war his country started
>Canadian defending china
What a fucking shock. Your time is coming, chink.
Fake News
Here is the real one
And America knows who's in charge!
>are told all our wars are just
lol fuck off with that shit conspiracy tard
those nazis fucks deserved to die
also we didn't nuke the japs enough, should've genocided that whole race of yellow monkeys
Awesome, we should do you next pussball