Have you guys noticed any other times Oda has left us hints of Sanji's past? I am just rewatching the Alabasta arc and completely forgot he says this.
Have you guys noticed any other times Oda has left us hints of Sanji's past...
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here's some real foreshadowing
do you mind telling me what chapter this is from?
don't recall, from google images. it's during marineford when oars jr is lunging towards the gallows where ace is located youtube.com
Do think Ace is retroactively going to be referenced in Wano.
Luffy will meet Ace's son in Wano
Thank you very much for that. A lot of One Piece I have only watched once. I am now reading the manga instead, but I really need to rewatch/read the entire series again.
This is now just a One Piece foreshadowing thread
Why would you succumb yourself to the anime with that artstyle? Even the DCC has better shading.
Even a giant could see just how much of an improvement the DCC is over the anime. I read on my phone so I just got it from Google
eat shit mangafag youtube.com
Are you watching One Piece on youtube?
what's it to you?
Well as I stated earlier, the art-style is absolutely terrible. Your post quality is below average on Sup Forums so you're bringing down the board. And on top of that you watch anime on Youtube and are rude to people doing their best to get people to consume the proper alternative. Look at the shading and tell me why I'm wrong.
When Sanji fought Pearl and is like "lol I'm a chef I'm immune to fire"
Calling it now, Searing/Scorching Yellow Sanji
hold on, I can cherry-pick too
youtube permits 60fps video now. encodes of tv broadcasts aren't much better if a further encode is done well
I'm not cherry picking. I literally picked the first image I found that isn't a color spread. Now can you actually compare it to the anime, like my initial point was?
But who am I kidding. I'm talking to someone that can't even be arsed to use proper grammar. Here you go have another cherry-picked image.
stills from the anime aren't as good as cover pages or close ups of single characters. that was never the point. nor are they on average. there's more to anime than the detail of individual frames
Again you're posting a colorspread (which isn't what I'm talking about AT ALL), and are still posting in broken English so I'm beginning to think you're actually underage. Can you confirm this? I don't want to be mean to children but I think you should at least be 13 if you browse Sup Forums due to the content of the site. So be honest with me, how old are you?
nice non argument if I didn't know any better I'd think you were a woman
My argument is still in this thread, my points still stands. And now I know you're sexist on top of being rude.
Listen up FAGatron, you brought the level of shading (which is not consistent). I never claimed the anime was better shaded.
Sir, you are also incredibly rude. And no, this is not the guy you've been arguing with. I think you're both acting like children. Just shut your whiney cunt mouth and let people enjoy what they enjoy. God damn.
Again the broken English and over-all rudeness while misrepresenting my side of the argument as if you didn't get it at all.
How am I rude?
>tumblr gif
Its called google, genius.
Yes, I know you're a troll. Which makes you even more of a pathetic faggot. Nothing better to do than to troll one piece threads all day in your moms basement haha
I wasn't talking to you. You're the broken English guy. Also, doesn't seem like I'm the rude one in this conversation. How am I rude again?
lol you're so good at trolling :) keep it up
How am I rude?
Trying to insult others by their age is rude. There you go :) Faggot
How did I insult anyone by their age? I don't need examples on how to be rude. I need to know what it was I did that was rude.
You know what you said. You aren't getting more of my time. I seriously only wanted to let you know you're a piece of shit. Have a nice day
>and are still posting in broken English so I'm beginning to think you're actually underage. Can you confirm this? I don't want to be mean to children but I think you should at least be 13 if you browse Sup Forums due to the content of the site. So be honest with me, how old are you?
So you got nothing?
>posts nothing after shown proof of being a hypocrite
So you've got nothing?
So you've got nothing.
>hurr I eat shit, but I enjoy it so what's your problem
Back to trolling like a faggot lol
Momonosuke already claimed to have met Roger. He probably met Ace and confused the two.
This is probably the right thread to ask, whatever happened to the Digital Colored Comics? Did they stop making them?
>there's more to anime than the detail of individual frames
Yeah, normally that would be the animation but Toei is fucking awful at that too
But that .webm isn't in 60fps unlike my youtube videos!
In all seriousness, I genuinely think the artstyle (and pacing) are the worst offender in this adaptation. Especially when the DCC exists.
Right but sound is a true patricians venture. One Piece OST is one of the best out there.
I 100% AGREE!
1P's soundtrack compared to Naruto and Bleach is a fucking joke. There's like two memorable songs.
You never know with this "voice of all things". It's possible that Oden just had some memento of his captain, and Momo felt/heard Roger through it.
What I'm wondering though is whether Ace was in Wano already as a member of WB Pirates or before this (this would be pretty important should he have some relationship with Oden).