Are you pro or anti fat acceptance? Give reasons

Are you pro or anti fat acceptance? Give reasons.

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Anti It kills people

fatties are degenerates with no self control

>Maybe if I'm rude to someone, they will stop doing thing.
>That's worked every single time it's ever been tried.

Anti. Obesity is objectively disgusting and unhealthy and people should not get the idea in their heads that it's okay.

Who the fuck is pro fat?
Name one goddamn good thing about being a fat sack of shit


She is overweight, but not permanently fucked by Hashimotos disease. Making her jog a few miles a day will fix that.

A true Diamond in the rough

They have low self-esteem.

Anti. I hate fatties.

Every time I see a fatfuck I instantly know they are either stupid, lazy, or apathetic. These are the only ways you get fat. They wear that shame like a fucking sign around their neck, everyone can see what failures they are.

I could almost forgive apathy, but why should I respect someone that has no self-respect... someone that vandalizes their own body and costs everyone else time and money with their egotistical mentality?

I'm anti-fat people. Fuck this acceptance shit. You sit down for an interview with me as a fatfuck you don't get hired. I already know you are a garbage excuse for a human. I'd say KYS, but you already are.

> Tfw you have this fetish
they're never fat enough Sup Forums

You sound like a self loathing fat fuck.

I'll never understand this but even fatties need loving.

1. let people be as fat as they want
2. remove government sponsored healthcare and watch the problem solve itself
3. purge the jews

Anti. I fucking want to punch every lazy fat Fuck I see. Im hungry. Fucking hungry a student. I go to food banks. Can't do much more than maintain my weight and these slobs just keep eating and then THEN have the utter GALL to say THEY are hungry. Fuck them.

I don't have a problem with insulting people because of their weight, being obese isn't something that is healthy or remotely positive for anyone at all. Unless they have a mental condition, I don't have an issue with insulting fat people, it's their own fault.


fpbp as usual

I don't think anyone's actually pro, though I secretly cheer for it on account of my fetish.

a fat girl without cow tits is like beer without alcohol

you sound like a retard

First explain what 'fat acceptance' entitles.

Anti, fat people are smelly, get rid of them

At this point we have bigger battles to fight. No pun intended

it's 2018. fat people are people too

I'm with this fucking guy. I've had years on end working out, and years where I didn't step in a gym (car accident recovery). The only difference was how defined I was. But this rolls of fat, knee pain all day stuff is beyond the pale. There is no acceptable reason to be such a lard ass that you can't, at minimum, see your abs while flexing.

>oh I work 60 hours a week
So do I, corporate office and I do burpies on my conference calls. Get off your fucking feet, desk jockey

>I have a slow metabolism
You're probably lying through your snack filled mouth. Throw the fucking cookies out of your pantry and put some celery and peanut butter in that gullet. (For those who know nutrition, I know, high fat, but higher protein than those sugar bombs)

>I get self conscious at the gym
If you walk in there, everyone outside of those walls is beneath you right then. Working out is the closest thing to growing a garden. It takes time to cultivate something to be proud of. Everyone there had their first day, just don't be a dick and abide by gym rules. Fuck, ask the most jacked guy if he'd take 5 minutes to walk you around the place. BOOM new friend/coach.

If you're a fat fuck and don't want to change it, then you're trash and accept that you're trash. Join us at /fit/ and read the fucking sticky, faggots. Also, no /monsterposting/

pro, because I have a major BBW fetish. the body type in OP's pic gives me a raging boner.

anti, lost 90lbs as it is. another 90 and I can use my asvab score to be a crew chief in the airforce

Ayy das it mane

nice one leaf


You are NOT healthy at any weight. There is a very specific range. Outside of that there can be serious health implications. Also fat people look fucking repulsive.

Against, unless fat people want to limit their dating experiences to black people and have to pretend they somehow like it.

To the fat attraction anons ITT, be aware that it's tied to high stress.
>This study found that the experience of stress was associated with a preference among men for heavier female body sizes. These results indicate that human attractiveness judgements are sensitive to variations in local ecologies and reflect adaptive strategies for dealing with changing environmental conditions.

It's essentially HAES (health at every size), and "everyone is beautiful" (except guys, fuck you). The first is the dumbass idea that the medical profession is "fat phobic" and doesn't treat fat people fairly, and thus discriminates against them in vague ways. The latter is people wanting to be fucked but aren't found attractive, so rather than improve themselves, attempt to change the standard by eliminating standards all together. Pretty much get rid of any competition that they're losing. The typical leftists mindset, now just applied to self image.

sticking your cock in a cute fat girl's hairy pussy is the greatest feeling on earth.

None of my business. I don't believe that anyone who is morbidly obese, truly is ok with it deep down. I'm not going out of my way to be mean to someone under the guise of "helping" them.

I think I hear a sheep eating your baby.

Except for the fact that obesity relate illnesses are the number one cost of medical care in North America. Preventable illness through self care. Your allocated cost for medical care would be cut by 25% if obesity rates were cut in half.

Their habits = money out of YOUR pocket

I have a thing for BBWs too but I try to suppress it because I know it's degenerate, you should try the same.

>Health at every size
Which implies the belief that one can be healthy at any size. But objectively this is false, medical data indicates otherwise.
>Everyone is beautiful
Except existing data also indicates universal objective standards of beauty.
>Acknowledging reality is fat-phobic
It bothers me that people continually mis-use the term phobia to mean
>I don't like what you're saying
This entire movement is just the latest egalitarian retardation

Thanks for the clarification by the way user

This. As long as other people are directly (or indirectly) affected by someones actions. It is our business what they do

"Fat acceptance" in many cases is just "mediocrity acceptance" which isn't healthy for the individual in any way. The fact that "morbid obesity" is even a concept we have to grapple with should tell you everything.

I'm fat and hate fat people. It's just like a disease or a disability. I'm working towards losing weight now.

Agree with everything you got m8. It's constant denial of self control, and pretty much trashes objective reality, and fits really well into a failure to climb MaslowMs hierarchy of needs. That whole "self actualization," specifically the failure to meet it, is the quintessential leftist/fat acceptance behavior.

That's kind of the shit that goes for helmet laws and seatbelt laws and laws against riding in the back of trucks. No fun allowed
Everyone thinks they have a say in how everyone else behaves because indirectly somehow the costs are borne by society.


This. People with no self control will take from society without giving back. Its a downward spiral. Also, its fuckng gross

Good for you, user. I'm not hating on you, just glad that you want to take control of your body.

I don't want to pay for someone's vegetative corpse either, when they could have worn a helmet. I ride and wear a helmet regardless of the law, but that's for the sake of my family.

>Somehow the costs are borne by society
You disagree? A society is composed of the families within it. Which are themselves composed of the individuals within it. The health of a society is taken by measuring the health of the individuals within it. Our actions affect one another even if it's not immediately clear how/why

it's a control thing mostly.

Indeed, many on the left often pride themselves on being more 'logical' and 'factual' but here we are with movements. Which go against just that, to be fair though it seems to be mostly a woman thing. In which case it's just whining and laziness

Anti. It's not how the body was meant to be, and there's a difference between being civil/polite to overweight people, and trying to pretend there's nothing wrong with them.

what kind of stress causes me to of had relations with a 600 lb blob?


>Making her jog a few miles a day will fix that.
or she could just fucking stop eating too much

Yeah. Shaming works. Why do you think we have so many problems with this shit now compared to 20 years ago.

A lot of stress, but I think high stress lives is the standard for many anons here

Definitely woman centric, which I think mainly deals with the fact so much value is placed on women's looks (no problem with that). For men, I think tailors more towards the financial viability, and that's where you see all the wealth redistribution advocacy proffered by low earning men. Basic income, like body acceptance, wouldn't really be a problem if it weren't solely for the betterment of the absolute failures of these respective strifes and the fact they exist in the first place.

Anti and I'm fat. It's ridiculous to accept it as healthy or acceptable. It's flat out unhealthy and can be easily prevented in the vast majority of people that are fat. There should be social pressure for people to maintain a healthy weight.

I don't disagree, I just don't like it.
It's an argument that is irrefutable and can be used indefinitely to regulate any behaviour.
It'll probably be the same argument used to mandate automobile tracking and eventually mandate driverless cars a few decades from now.
Or it'll be used to make sport bikes require special additional licensing.
Or it'll be used to make the guns that you currently own illegal with the stroke of a pen.

The question should be: "Are you pro health or pro death?"

>high stress lives is the standard for many anons
awww i know. you little pissbabies have such hard lives as suburban teenaged edgelords.

I can see why you all lash out so much! :o(

Well women get raped and murdered on a daily basis in India, so we know the answer in your case.

1kg = 160kcal for that plant

this seriously

I'm on the side of man the harpoons.

In the future AI will judge everyone as beautiful but some are more beautiful than others.

And that's why our (US) founding fathers created the bill of rights as a limit to such regulation of individuals. I wish I could say the same for you, but that's essentially the premise of our respective constitution.

I was meaning more in the scope of peanut butter itself. I think you'd die before getting fat from celery alone.

I've tried curbing my interests in them but everytime I try it gets harder to resist and I end up plowing morbidly obese women on Craigslist.

>Women's whining about the standards they're held to
>For men who're failures, it's about finances
Yup pretty much, to piggyback on that, they advocate for wealth distribution because they fail as a provider - a male role. I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually mostly weak men who where on the 'toxic masculinity' movement too - to make up for being a failure as a protector.

Living the dream.

>BBC incominnnnnnnnnnng

I hate fat people. I hate them because my life is a constant struggle against obesity. My mom is short and stout, my dad is tall and lanky.

I cook all the food at home. Me and my two brothers eat the same meals, but one of them will constantly make himself PB&J sandwiches and the other chugs energy drinks like there's no tomorrow. Yet both of them are rail thin. Neither of them works out at all. They don't have desk jobs, but their jobs aren't that physically demanding either.

Meanwhile I swim intensively for an hour three times a week, run 5K twice and 10K once, in summer I bike 50K+ a week on top of that, I don't drink or smoke, I don't snack, and I'm still fatter than either of them have ever been. I'm not fat, but compared to my brothers I am.

Genetics aren't fair, but being actually obese is nothing but disgusting lazyness, and fat fucks tell me I don't know how hard it is to lose weight or keep it off, it takes all I have not to blow up in their faces.

Bonus rounds: All the kids I see at the pool now are tubby pieces of shit, with a body shape very similar to their fat fuck parents. The future is bleak.

nice pic. I love the rolls on her.

Depends on who is dying.

>tfw still live at home
>tfw parents stock the house with endless piles of junkfood
>tfw perfectly capable of not buying junkfood when i'm actually out and about
>tfw perfectly capable of not eating junkfood for a few months at a time and losing a few kilograms
>always end up eating junkfood again
>can't afford to move out yet
I'm not blob obese but I am fat.

Ah well.

All things in time.

If you can't lose weight while eating right and doing cardio then you may have a thyroid problem.

We can go further.

Babyfat women with huge milkers is ok

Obese amerifat is disgusting

Pro. I love fatties and I want there to be more fat women.

Of course it is. Any time I've gone out to a bar, I have never had a problem with taking "toxic masculinity" as a how-to manual. And I've seen that same exact success from every guy I've seen bring girls around. It's almost entirely limited to the internet (toxic masc. that is). Not saying that overt aggression is in that, but regular flirting is demonized within that, and it's still the standard go to. I have to slap myself in the face to get out of the internet "women hate that shit" mindset because it's dead fucking wrong.

Break the conditioning. You can never outrun a diet. If it takes actual medical care to diagnose something (which is rare as shit, but happens), then do this for yourself and get yourself checked out.

>Anti It kills people
fat fucks aren't people

>I don't disagree, I just don't like it
Fair enough
>It can be used to regulate any behavior
Hmm I suppose so, different societal guiding ideologies have different standards. It's true every action we do affects others in some way, but regulating it is only selectively done to reinforce what the ideology considers good vs bad. In which case the problem isn't so much the regulation or the interconnected truth, but which ideology is at the core of the society. If it's based on objective truth, then it shouldn't be bad
>Automobile tracking
>Driverless cars
Yeah I can see that, tracking based on 'national defense' interests and driver less cars on 'public safety'. Both ignore actual causes of these things - the quality of the individuals already in the society though.
National security isn't being used to hunt down the gangs, illegal aliens, the various mobs. Yet somehow it will be for automobile tracking like it was invasive searches by TSA. Our governments seems to be run by idiots often time
>Additional licensing
>Ban firearms
This too seems more tied to an incompetent government. Firearms are good source of self defense, LEO's often don't get there in time. Harsher punishments for problems while driving would be better then additional licensing.


Fuck that's hot. my favorite model is sweet adeline.

this is the right amount

Fatties hijacked the Body Acceptance Movement and ruined THICC. They deserve no pity

I've actually managed to lose 5lbs in a year of running. At the start of last year I hadn't run ever, now I run 20km a week. I lose 5lbs. But my weight doesn't mean anything. I seem to have a 1:1 weight transfer of fat to muscle any time I do any sort of physical activity. I weighted 185lbs when I was 16, I weight the same now that I'm 34.

I don't think I have something. It's just unfair that my brothers get to eat like shit and stay thin, while I have to endless effort to avoid turning into a tub of lard. Tough on the other hand, neither of them can put on weight when they try to lift while I put on muscle mass with no effort.

I think there was a case where an AI used a judging algorithm based upon what subjects answered as being attractive; leading to Negros being judged as less attractive. Got some press, let me find a link
>The first international beauty contest judged by “machines” was supposed to use objective factors such as facial symmetry and wrinkles to identify the most attractive contestants. After Beauty.AI launched this year, roughly 6,000 people from more than 100 countries submitted photos in the hopes that artificial intelligence, supported by complex algorithms, would determine that their faces most closely resembled “human beauty”.

But when the results came in, the creators were dismayed to see that there was a glaring factor linking the winners: the robots did not like people with dark skin.


>I tried obtaining from severely obese women
>But I just end up fucking strangers from Craigslist
Needing to sort yourself out sounds like it will involve more then less stress

ehh but I like it now. I've accepted that I like severely obese women

If it helps, cardio itself is typically the toughest way to lose weight. The energy required to rebuild muscle (especially at a cardio deficit) is a much higher requirement. Genuine question, have you done much research (not from pop science mags) or spoke with a qualified trainer about weight loss? I spent years in weight loss limbo before getting better acquainted with other strategies.


>Cardio deficit
Meant calorie deficit

Pro-fat acceptance here. More obese males means less sexual competition for me, and having a girlfriend get chubby means she won't have as many opportunities to cheat on me because she'll be out of shape.

Anti. Fatties are disgusting slobs and bad for health