Libshits kicked out O'Reily and created the highest rated 3 hour block on tv

Well done retards lmaooooooo

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Big improvement over O'Reilly.

Yes it is Liam. What is that saying about unintended consequences? Also Lou Dobbs is pretty based too.

who is the milf roastie?
is she based?
has she been pilled?
need a qrd

I used to think Fox News was the worst form of shill central for an eternity. then they got rid of Megan Kelly, o'reilly and bumped hannity up and now it's pretty much like the best primetime lineup ever. I fucking sit and watch that shit for 3 god damn hours straight sometimes, and in the past I have been not a very large consumer of television. top kek libfaggots. tucker is hands down the best of all of them BTW, then ingraham, then hannity. not even a dig on hannity cuz all three of them fucking rock.

Thank goodness O'Reilly is gone. He was a miserable, butthurt, whining, sexually abusive piece of shit.
Fox news is all bullshit Murdoch propaganda anyway.

Laura Ingraham.
She's pretty based, she heiled Trump at the convention.

That is not the highest rated 3 hour block

Martha has higher ratings than Laura. Martha-Tucker-Hannity is highest rated 3 hour block.

I mean for a women shes pretty right wing, but she still is sortof bluepilled. I still like her, sometimes, her morning radio show can be a little obnoxious.

Even I watch Tucker every day from Australia. The cunt is based, a pity he gotta stick with civicuck themes though.