Why would a mother do this?
Why would a mother do this?
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I want off this wild ride
The cake penis isn't brown, what did they mean by this?
She's deprived of sex because she's fat and unattractive so she has to turn her sexuality into something silly and food related because an actual cock is out of the question and she's American.
Because it's funny
She looks europoor to me.
Everyday we stray further from God.
Only white people do this.
puritan americans are so sensitive about sex.
This is what girls do when there are no men around. If they exhaust all other options or if even one of them is a little horny they all just zero in on it.
this is how white people bond
Jews, and blonde hair.
ummm.... where is this from?
Because its funny.
You people are so obsessed with producing offspring yet you are the most undesirable people to be around. It's like you're trying to compensate your complete lack of personality with "hurrr i am a stoic man who doesn't partake in degeneracy, unless i am on Sup Forums (heehehehe)"
White people also have no culture, evidently.
You guys never hung out with that girl whose mom smoked weed with all the kids?
This is her, 2018, with cameras everywhere.
No, this is that mom who drinks wine occasionally and tries to bond hedonistically with her daughters.
She can just fuck off.
in front of the kids too. nice.
spot on
This kind of shit has been common in European history for thousands of years. You're honestly a complete uneducated idiot if you think otherwise.
It's a mom having a laugh with her kids, and getting offended by it makes you weak, and hypersensitive.
Pic related. Artifacts from pompeii.
It was a different time...
I'm not offended just think she should be exterminated to reduce degeneracy.
Well, those obviously aren't Americans.
Sounds like you are butthurt, and you hate "degeneracy" because you are socially retarded and don't know how to partake in any sort of fun with other people.
She can do what she wants with the hens on a Mexico trip, but that child is like 8 years old. Fucking awful!
Visit from Child Protective Services in 3..2..
OK. If USA extremely embarrassing .
What state op ??
>This kind of shit has been common in European history for thousands of years
...and look where this behavior got Europe today. Funny how you think you can call others weak while you hide your flag coward.
>apex of cultural degeneracy that paved the way for the collapse of a civilization
>it's totally normal you bigot!
Nah. Child Protective Services will give her a medal for corrupting the youth. It's all part of the plan.
for fun
sorry if that isn't allowed on your planet
yes i think is one of ours
you can tell because she doesn't have that healthy fat forehead that american women do
Go back to Pakistan.
> u mad white boi
> (OP)
>Everyday we stray further from God.
Yes, disgusting.
I bet these people go to some big megachurch too.
I can remember back to 1957/58 quite clearly.
If you showed this kind of stuff to adults back then and told them this was going to be normal in the future, 99% would think you were insane and the other 1% would be too drunk to answer.
Daily reminder that all ancaps deserve the death penalty.
You have to have an IQ of like 15 to think this is funny. I bet you guys laugh and clap your hands at Jeff Dunham too, right?
Those artifacts were excavated from the ruins of pompeii you dumbass. That means they are from several hundred years before the collapse.
Also if you think dick statues led to the collapse of rome, you're retarded.
Yes, I am sure if they all acted like pre-renaissance puritans we would be exploring other galaxies by now, because little old user wouldn't have to sit at home worrying about other people getting laid, and not him.
I lived with a faggot like you guys when I was in college. So fucking easy to see through. The more you bitch about degeneracy, the more likely you are an extreme socially anxious beta.
Note the daughter behind her in the corner appears to be mentally retarded. The very genetic material people are made from seems to have become corrupted. The hausfrau probably was an E gobbling dance freak idiot 25-30 years ago and permanently damaged the genetic material in the egg cells in her ovaries.
lmao if only that dick was black, hilarious tho.
Imagine being born in the 1950s and growing up to be an angry old man posting on Sup Forums.
Yeah it should be a pepe cake that says gas the kikes race war now, now that is EPIC humor.
I have fun responsibly. Try to live a life where calling the police is the best thing to do sometimes instead of being Chinese nigger.
Sharing a cumming dick with 11 teen year old is child abuse.
And your a clueless fucking idiot.
That probably thinks that's just cool. People should be careful with children around you.
That's PEDO tier shit and psychologicaly damaging to kids.
>Implying I also think that's funny
>cramped kitched
>ugly female bong face
American, sureeeeee
I don't think there was Puritanism before the Renaissance. Puritanism is definitely post Renaissance.
Your an attention seeking Pedo pushing asshole.
PC of shit.
>Balls besides the penis
Why do women do this? I've noticed that when asked to draw a penis, women will always draw the balls besides it like that. It's fucking weird. They also seem to often draw it from the perspective of being under it. Which I guess makes some sense.
It's really not. Its a bit tongue in cheek, but I along with most other kids I grew up with knew what all that shit was when we were 11.
You're seriously out of touch, lol. Also very emotional.
That would be awesome. Maybe having some Imperial Japanese soldiers come in there and toss the retard kids in the air and catch them on their bayonets too. ahahah.
This is you
You're possessed by the dick devil.
Just more boomer degeneracy
I mean, how can you people even be shocked anymore?
Fucking liberals
Yes, jizzing cock cakes, totally normal
don't step on my jizzing cock cake
Wow ... a fucking cartoon representation of a dick. How traumatizing. Sex is a dangerous thing which shouldn't be talked about with a kid until they 18 years old. Dicks and vaginas and knowing what sex is is inherently traumatizing.
Is this very much different from the penis festivals in rural Japan that are also attended by children?
I was more using it as slang, But for the sake of being factual, we are both wrong. Puritanism happened during the Renaissance, and most of Europe thoroughly rejected it, which led to the laughable early days of american colonization.
Weimar Republic only during the Weimar Republic the amount of harmful chemicals in the food was much less so people weren't so malformed or given to being spergs and visible retards.
cooked broccoli IS fucking disgusting though.
and less healthier than raw broccoli, just is way better tasting
Too bad nobody in that pic looks like the type of kid who everyone thinks is gonna bring a gun to school and nobody talks to.
Libtard shill just like you
By the time Puritanism appeared Europe was already past the Renaissance and into the Maniera, an entirely different intellectual approach to the world both in the arts and the sciences.
what Euro country is this? my guess : Germany
dick would have been black
>ancient romans and greeks were morally outstanding
I'm going with the Netherlands with this one.
Interesting, never heard of the Maniera. Have any literature on it?
For comedy. The only thing wrong with this is that there's a child present.
Guys, she's clearly an American from the Midwest. Probably Oklahoma.
found the one who doesnt eat his veggies.
>Cock blowing icing jizz
Couldn't quite believe that.
that gets me pretty hot. moar?
That's not a mother. That's a Liberal. And her daughter will be pregnant in under a year.... probably with Alonzo's baby.
That was a brussel sprout you fat moron.
Hahahahaa.. you fat stupid bitch.
>cooked broccoli IS fucking disgusting though.
Not with salt/pepper and a bit of butter.
>inb4 muh butter is fattening
work out fag
God damn you people are stuck up & puritanical as hell.
I'd never want to attend a party with any of you present.
Would be funny if it was just adults in the room, but with the little girl sitting there watching? It's a little much.
>God damn you people are stuck up & puritanical as hell.
I said this to myself earlier today. Very true
I knew i got boners when i saw naked girls and liked boobs but i hadnt the slightest clue about the details of a vagina.
Im sure girls that age dont know what busting a nut is unless they have terribly irresponsible parents who let them online.
The little girl is probably laughing cause its something squirting her moms face.
Hopefully she doesnt get the implications otherwise that will be a traumatic event for her
Wiki sees it solely as an art style but in fact it manifests a complete 180 degree switch in fundamental philosophy from the Renaissance.
The Renaissance felt that the world was clear, obvious and rational, above all, Euclidian. We see this in the works and writings of Alberti, the mathematician and architect and artist.
The maniera by constrast is occult; it's works of art aren't under the clear light of a blue sky. They're dark, mysterious, at times tormented.
This affects science too, with scientists like Kepler advocating non Euclidian geometry, ellipses, unseen forces that cannot be clearly understood, forces like gravity. And to this day we still don't really understand the mechanism behind gravity.
Ha ha yeah go back to fucking Sup Forums.
Those angry old KEKS born in the 50's are the boomer shit that destroyed the world and caused our current situation retard, they wont come here they are too afraid of being "insensitive" even if nobody will know
I'm not a pathetic MGTOW, that's just silly.
But I've notice how many people actually don't know the true nature of women. And by that I mean the core of them, without morals or strong bonds.
Women love to accuse men of what they actually are, the girls are the real moralists/puritanism lovers. They absolutely hate competence and therefore the primitive hate from many to beauty contests and to let young females show off their goods in public.
Not to mention that if they feel like getting male attention, they'll never stop to silly things like morality to get it. A 45 year old acting and dressing like a teenager is the most common sight now, do you think it's evil men who "force them" to do it? No dude! It is their normal behavior.
People used to live until 40-45 years of age. Now even here in the 3rd world we get easily to the 70s, women used to be grand mas at 40. This way for 90% of our existence. The brain does not change so fast.
Men are not made to compromise to one female for life, it is totally crazy and fucks up many good dudes.
We "destroyed the world"?
You millenials are getting more and more absurd in your Elliot Rogers tantrums.
Boomers gave you the internet and personal computers you mong.
>if you compare this to the practices of perversion central, then its not so unordinary
Got nothing to do with weed. Shut the fuck up.
They're the type of people that watch the big bang theory
americans are the only ones who make degenerate baked goods
Because she thinks she's still 17. She never matured past that age.
>The city that was reportedly a pit of degeneracy and went out of their way to insult their Gods
I'm not surprised that you're this retarded, it's common these days. Bet you don't know the difference between Neolithic Euros and Aryans.
Is this why whites should be perserved?
I'm seeing a lot of E. Indian broads around here doing the same shit in their hen party photos.
Every country has a "Naughty" food section but this is just disgusting. I would've the girl out the room if it was my child.
Taken out the room sorry.
Thanks, sounds interesting, I'll give it a read.