Baby Boomer Hate Thread

Let's hear it for the shittiest generation to walk the Earth.

>According to the study, 24% of Baby Boomers have no retirement savings – the lowest number since the study started in 2011. Only 55% of Baby Boomers have some retirement savings and, of those, 42% have less than $100,000. Thus, approximately half of retirees are, or will be, living off of their Social Security benefits

mandatory post

Lopk at those vampire teeth.


"Pull yourselves up by the bootstraps, sport! Why, I had a part-time job at the local restaurant as a bus boy AND went to college at the same time. Now look at me now! I bought a house at 25. Why can't you? You aren't working hard enough!"


Kewl. I'm in the top 24% for retirement accounts and I also have a pension.
Now see if I can keep it from the money grabbing millennial losers.

"You're such a lazy entitled brat. Hard work builds character! I found a job right after high school and owned my own home by the time I was 25."

Not true!
California State University System: NO Tuition, fees were $100, and it was $25/book.
But you made $1.10/hr minimum wage.

This actually happened to me though. Never went to college except for a few smesters, have a /mortgage/ at 24.

Try living in a city that has a higher cost of living. Unfortunately not all of us want to move to the middle of nowhere.

i'll burn this country down before i let you live the end of days in peace you filthy selfish boomer.

Fuck boomer filth

The greatest generation gave the baby boomers all the economic prosperity in the world and boomers managed to fuck it all the way because they became the generation of “ ME ME ME ME GO FUCK YOURSELF I GOT MINE” and gutted all the regulations that created the prosperous middle class and economy in the 50s to 70s

Millenials will be the next greatest generation to correct all the mistakes of the boomers and right wing extremist retards fucking the economy up

They went from cocaine to rogaine

>What is a private pension

>Only 55% of Baby Boomers have some retirement savings and, of those, 42% have less than $100,000. Thus, approximately half of retirees are, or will be, living off of their Social Security benefits
Why dont they retire somewhere abroad? I mean I plan to retire in mexico desu when i'm old it's cheap and i'll live in a gated community.

Someone's getting mad. How does it feel to be a parasitical generation?

I don’t live in the middle of nowhere, I’m in a semi major city and all that. Just find one with an economy that’s collapsed (but not Detroit) but is on the upswing.

Ooo first trips too

I was born in the late 80's bud. I'm part of an even worse generation then the boomers.