Serious question regarding the white entho state

I just watched the Andy Warski livestream with Sargon n' pals and it really got me thinking. And as someone who comes from a opposing perspective concerning the white ethno state idea. I believe this was a good simple question that neither, Richard, JF or Woes could answer properly, but maybe you can Sup Forums:

Are white Muslims allowed in your white ethno state?

And of course if you say no, than you know what this entails. You're forcing a "white" ideal onto your own people, this causing the oppression of the people you claim to want to protect. Second, if you're plan is to force them out than you've technically already failed at maintaining your desired white ethno state.

Shameless self bump.

"oppression" means "prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority". if you're going to discriminate via race you may as well discriminate via religion, i dont see anything wrong with that at all. who said the white ethnostate fails if white muslim converts gtfo?

Sure it would be white ethno state with in itself. But ethno states are usually considered "homelands" for certain people. So forcing out white Muslims would go against the idea of the ethno state entirely because at that point it wouldn't be a home for whites regardless of the ideas they hold, they would have to be a certain kind of "white" just be accepted.

It's a white Western ethno-state. Islam is antithetical to Western thought (and scientific thought, for that matter) and thus has no place in such a state.

i think you and me both know that identitarians want not only a white ethnostate, but for it to be CHRISTIAN as well. its an attempt to reconstruct europe as it was before all the multiculti detritus started to flood our political discourse, and that definitely means making it christian. though now that you bring that up i do have concerns about religious countercultures that could possibly cause tension. lets see what the group consensus is when we reach that topic, its a lot of years in the making

why are whites balding chinlets?

Well that came sooner than expected. Thank you.

All I ask is that you'd be a bit more specific about what you're asking for.

Would gay whites be allowed?

Allowed to live? No.


It's a question sure but how many Muslims are white? And what would make them even want to go to a white ethno state

Neither are communists and those who believe raping a child is okay.

White ethno state implies Christian Western Europeans, the foundation of such thought in the first place.

But why not? Their white and western by every means. Unless you're willing to debate the notion of being gay isn't "western" some how. It isn't, it's more or less natural as far as I'm aware.

just because two defected male animals fuck eachother doesnt mean you should try to emulate that

absolutely no gays allowed.

Look at the history of Western Europe (and the world for that matter), faggotry has been looked down upon almost universally. There's a reason for that, it does nothing to improve the standing of society or the state. And don't cite Greece, even they looked down on getting dicked.

Personally I wouldn't be hanging fags from rooftops or making their behaviour illegal but that would change if they started trying to push for gay marriage, indoctrination of our children or anything else antithetical to a moral society.

The way I look at it they could be there but the country will be mostly right/libertarian leaning people in a state where discrimination is completely fine. So if say a white Muslim decided to live there where would they pray who would be friends with them would an employer cater to their religious needs would they even hire them what will happen when the restaurants aren't halal.
I mean a white Muslim could live there but they'd hate it and either leave or convert

I'd argue no. Gay's actually out preform their heterosexual counterparts on IQ tests.
Also, I'm not say it should be propt up. My only question is why aren't white, western gay individuals allowed in a white ethno state? It's not like gay white people don't exist.

Same reasons jews are parasites

Because of gibs and because islam is a conquering political religious system

World domination

The ethnostate wont be for all whites. Islam considers itself a universal religion and seeks to convert the globe. If you have chosen to be a Muslim you have chosen against concepts like the ethnostate.

Yes but heterosexual white men, are discriminated upon in favor of women and brown people

Also jews.

So its normal we are behind.

Fucking kikels

But their white and western as far as you and I know. I'm not implying that anything regarding legislation should be done, that's a different topic. It's just a simple yes or no question. Which quite should be very easy to answer of you want to maintain consistancy.


Muslims belong in the sand countries with the sand people, smelling the farts of the guy praying in front of you

there are no white muslims. you are born into it and anyone who claims to be a muslim and is white is lying, a convert (worse than muslims) or bending over backwards for a sweet brown fucking.

islam is an aggressive arab centric/supremacist religion. That is reason enough to prevent any muslim of any race into a western country let alone a white ethnostate.

Its time for jews to go to israel

Israel is kicking out immigrants

We need to do the same

Trumps administration is filled with jews btw

Explain that trump cucks

Jews, Gays, Hedonism... All of that shit is european in nature

Yes it is.

I'm not talking in the context of this society but for a Western, White entho state. No one said anything about niggers or wimminz.

I mean if the they gave up Islam, I don't see why not. There are a fuck ton of Persians and Pashtuns who are doll completely white (out of the 100,000,000 of them in Central Asia ~1-5 million are probably still totally aryan and not mongrelized). That's a lot of white people, and we need those numbers

Jews are not european
They are satanic just like sexual deviants

Fuckoff shill

You said they have higher iq

Well jewish nepotism gets them to ivy leave schools
They are over represented

Jews back each other
Its time we do the same and get rid of traitors and leeches

Time for jews to head out to israel

Yes, in small doses, since Islam is inherently Arab supremacist.

You cant give up islam

Its like getting poZed

We aren't talking about Jews, we're talking gays. But if I should answer, I don't really have an opinion on that, but I could care less. Plus I'm not exactly a Trump fan.

why would a moslem, white or black or whatever, want to live in a white ethnostate anyway? just fuckin leave.

Ethnostate=ethnically unified state. Ethnicity is more than race.

I think there is a limit to how much we should be discussing this

Mental gymnastics bs

The plan is simple
No jews
No nogs
No mooslims

I don't care.
Wtf are you on, faggot? Are you seriously this fucking stupid? Are you mentally incapable of visualizing something that has been done for millenia?
Go kill yourself, faggot. You are not an intellectual. You're too stupid to be so smug.

You definitely can give up Islam though. It's not like Judaism where it's ethnic/racial. Islam is a religion/ideology, it can be given up. Being a kike can't, it's genetic (in like 95%+ of Jews at least)

Well since, no one else is able to answer this question I guess I'll ask you:

Are white western gay individuals allowed in the white ethno state? Just tell me yes, to maintain consistency.

Just look up what Hitler did if you want to know what’s going to happen faggot.

Depends on the ethnic basis of the state. I'd argue based on western history, homosexuality has always been tolerated to some degree or another, so sure.

>Well since, no one else is able to answer this question

I answered it

It seems like you decided no one would before you asked it

For the second question- yea

No, I have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen. All I'm saying is that Sargon is right about the eventual culturally white purity test.

Thanks for the answers. Question #3:
What if a collective decides that white gay's should not be allowed in the ethno state? Would you protect those individuals? Or will you follow the majority?

This also
Only if they are useful and stay in the closet about their bullshit. Openly gay culture within a society leads to ruin. I don't agree with homosexual marriage either because it isn't "marriage". The term "civil union" is much more appropriate for a same sex couple. Marriage is and always will be a religiously founded institution and keeping traditions like that are the only way a white society will survive.

Who the fuck cares about Islam and fags? Fags are fine on the whole, and Islam is Semitic as fuck. Culture is downstream from race, so even if there were a few edgy white Muslims (as we have today), it would never catch on for real.

>a collective
be more specific
But, if it was put to a vote, what are you going to say about the result? Demand a recount? If the public don't want it, they don't want it.

Stop helping this asshole with his homework.

What is the collective, and why are you assuming there is one?

>I'd argue no. Gay's actually out preform their heterosexual counterparts on IQ tests.
Please fucking die and take that cherry picked bait with you

Threadly reminder, China is a fascist ethnostate, and it sucks.

>Are white Muslims allowed in your white ethno state?

Yes and no.

A white ethnostate implies ethnic and cultural homogeneity. Maybe the white muslims can have their own ethno-caliphate? But a secular, western, white society could not tolerate Muslims to any great degree if at all as it would disrupt that homogeneity.

Have you been there? It's not bad. The pollution is shit, but I doubt it will still be an issue in 15 years.

What are they fighting about? A chin?

I've been there. I did not want to stay.

I can understand your answer as a whole, but:
>Openly gay culture within a society leads to ruin.
Well there is no evidence of this of which I can see. Unless you prove otherwise. Also, wouldn't that be oppressive to the people who want to practice their lifestyle openly? Sure you may not agree with it, but shouldn't they be free as western white gay people to express themselves?

As collective, I mean a political group. What if a group of people with notable power suddenly decided that being gay and it's lifestyle, goes against being white?

Because I don't expect for every person in this western white ethno state to have the same opinion on everything.

White ethnostate = no jews, muslims, open homosexuality, women in leadership, or degenerate bullshit.

It is human nature that the vast majority of a populace will conform in thinking to that which the leading cultural, intellectual institutions espouse. Are self-destructive post-modern ideals "forced" on white people, or do they adopt them naturally as a result of Jewish institutional control? Does the distinction really matter, seeing that the result is the same? What it does show though, is the value in social planning. In Oswald Spengler's ideation of race, it is a consequence of both blood and soil. The soil part of the equation is how the macrocosmic environment effects and forms the human soul, which is expressed in culture. Race is an expression of both blood and soil: common inheritance and common experience. Culture, furthermore, is an expression of genetics: shaped by inheritable IQ, time-preference, hormonal differences, etc. BUT culture also influences how that blood continues to develop. In the Spenglerian sense, culture is a continual becoming, both the expression of and the continued expressor of race. Spencer was essentially articulating basic Spenglerian views of race. Both blood (genetics) and soil (environment) create race. In other words, culture is an expression of race, but also influences how race continues. This is because culture defines how we interact with that environment, and thus what factors are selected for evolutionarily. Race is what we inherited, culture defines what our progeny inherits racially, as race, like life, is a creative process

Gave me a giggle m8, good to see there are other /o/tists here