>be me >go anywhere to do anything where fellow normal middle class germans work >they always do subtle racist/anti rapefugee remarks in their speaking >ask them about it >they turn all red and get scared >say well yes fuck those people >suddenly they get all relieved and start spilling out their racism and inner nazi
Why do fellow germans do that? Are we that afraid to speak our mind? EVERYONE literally EVERY FUCKING ONE is thinking that way but is afraid to talk about it in publik, even in private.
My goal is to when they start mention a little bit of racism to encourage them to say more so they can think that they are not alone, because alone is how most of them think they are with their thoughts.
We need to start talking more openly about if fuck maas, fuck merkel, speak your goddamn mind already.
>song is titled my thoughts are free, old german song >blocked in germany
ive lost all hope
i want to die
Colton Richardson
Dude. Its turning around. Don't stop.
Dylan Collins
Then die for your country.
Go out fighting.
Leo Gray
We have all been spoon-fed shit about multiculturalism for the majority of our lives. It makes sense that we fear sharing our true opinions about it in public, but we find relief in venting to our like-minded peers. People have really been waking up here in the US, and also in the UK. From the news I've been reading lately, it seems like Germany and even fucking SWEDEN are starting to realize the damage that is being done by this globalist agenda. It's only a matter of time before the people are too outraged from tolerating this bullshit for too long to avoid speaking their minds.
Levi Hill
hey germacuck are you aware that every time you fags chimpout you lose millions of men and get your country destroyed? Go ahead, start another war what do you think who will fight? The brownies? No the whites and after all those whites are dead the brownies will remain.